Well, my hubby is off, he has landed in the beautiful wet Emerald Isle by now and should be in a pub somewhere having a Guinness and eating fish and chips. I am here, with the kids. Lovely crap isn't it. LOL This trip has been in the works for 2 years, since the last Ryder Cup, that's what they went for, the Ryder Cup. Four guys, their golf clubs and tickets to the Ryder Cup. Must be nice huh? I think a girlie weekend is in order here girls, what happened this was all planned out that we were gonna meet this week while he was away in New York City, I can still be there, anyone, anyone??? LOL I can't really complain, I've travelled several times since we had kids alone, although it was business for me, let's face it, it's was for my work, but the trips were fun, ok the Ireland ones were work, but a lot of fun too. Germany was really a gathering info trip and we were so spolied, wined and dined, it was nice. I was alone though, it would have been nice to travel with a co-worker when I went, I never did get to except my first business trip. But that was someone I had nothing in common with, who was older than me and we didn't not really get on to well. I mean she was ok, but ya know, we didn't talk much or do anything. It also friggin rained and was freezing the whole week we were there, got to love Ireland! I worked for an Irish company for 8 years so I went 5 times on business, but there were fun trips for the most part where I kinda was there to learn mostly and handle any problems, but there really weren't many. Anywho, I do miss that getting to travel part of having a real job. LOL
I hate the new set on the Today Show, sorry, it's horrible, that friggin blue sucks, especially when they do a close up of the guest. It's all modern and minimalist, which I do like in certain situation, I do, but this just doesn't look good I don't think. It's too minimalist and I guess the blue is supposed to make things pop in HD but I don't like it, therefore it must be changed. I've said my peace on that.
Rachael Ray's new show premiered yesterday, ok, I like her, I mean, she is way to perky and bubbly and all over the place most of the time, therefore I can't stand her, but at the same time, I like her. I think she is a cool person, she's from this area so I feel like I have to like her, hometown girl makes good. She seems real ya know. I keep going back and forth, can't stand her, like her, it's like car wreck, I can't help but want to watch her, but then again, sometimes I think, omg you are so embarrassing yourself, stop! LOL And I saw most of not all of Oprah yesterday, the season premier as well, that road trip her and Gayle went on looks hilarious, that would be so fun for the 6 of us to do although not sure we'd actually still be friends by the end of it. LMAO!
Oh ya, I am an aunt, my nephew Jake is one now, we had his birthday party here last week. This is my husband's sister's son. My brothers are still single in the city, I don't think either one of them will ever get married so I do believe Jake and the future possible baby brother or sister of Jake, if there is one, will be it. Sad, since hubby comes from a small family and I come from a big one and wanted my kids to have the big family thing, or at least medium family thing going on. Ya never know, one of my brothers may surprise us all with an illegitimate child someday. LOL
Ok, there is my ranting about everything on my mind this morning and nothing in particular...back to work girls, I am plowing away here so I won't be around on email much, trying to get my website re-designed and up to my new level of snuff I have set for myself.