
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mommy's Should Never Be Sick...

I have this horrible virus thingy. It started maybe like 4 days ago, but I have been ignoring it hoping it would go away. No such luck...

It all started with drainage, sore throat, aches, chills, fever and here we are same symptoms still 4 days later BLAHHHHHH

Jon is showing a whole new side lately and it is something I am not liking very much at all. Do I bail or just realize I am doomed to live the unhappy married life or will me loveable sweet guy come back...

For some reason he believes it is ok to spend hours upon hours on the computer, so he then sleeps in like a freakin 19 yr old college kid and has basically abandoned any family duties. Tonight he is trying to cuddle with Kay and she wants absolutely NOTHING to do with him. I just casually mention maybe it is because you do not spend much time with her anymore and his arsehole reply back was shut up (very adult if you ask me). I dunno it is hard with him on 2nds we lead two separate lives and I dunno why all of a sudden things are different he stays up later and is not interested in "family" time. I told him if you want to be a single bachelor just tell me I will have my crap packed up in no time and out the door. Hopefully just a faze b/c I truly do love him and he usually is a wonderful guy.

Sorry no advice I am very outgoing as is Kay. I have not figured out where her off button is LOL. The girl talks from the moment she gets up until she goes to bed and she has never shown a shy hair in her. H3ll to even get her to leave daycare is a challenge and she rushes right in there. We may bring this back up next year when she is in pre-k maybe then her shy side may show. Good luck Sara!!!

Another loner here too...

Kylie is the same way. She likes being around the other kids and watching but as far as playing, she's content with playing by herself. I was/am the same way and so is Todd. Being a loner myself, it doesn't bother me. I know you can be perfectly happy by yourself. It doesn't mean that your unhappy or not getting along with other people. I think there are some of us who just prefer being alone sometimes.
Now my mom on the other hand, likes to socialize so she'll see Kylie on the playground or in her class and it bothers her that she's not playing with the others. And she's say something like "awww, look she's over there playing by herself. Wonder why she won't play with the others?" and I tell her "Maybe she's like me and the other kids are getting on her damned nerves, running around screaming like banshees, taking her toys. So she gets her toys and finds a quiet place to ENJOY them without them being snatched away"
Of course the teachers just love her because of this reason. She get's awards all the time for being the teacher's helper. They love it because they know they don't have to have eyes in the back of their head with her & know she's not going to be standing on a table or jumping off the top of the slide. LOL!

Well here it's a beautiful weekend and I'm stuck inside nursing a head cold. Bleck. I told DH maybe I could stick an umbrella and curly straw in my bottle Nyquil and sip on it all day, pretending I'm in the tropics somewhere. LMAO!

I'm hoping next weekend or the next is nice & pretty. We're going to take Kylie to a corn maize and pumpkin patch. It's in a little community in North Knoxville. Looks pretty cool on their website.

Hope you chickadees have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Budding Genius Babies

My baby is 10 months old today. Time flies! I can't believe it. And you know what I cannot believe even more...he STILL does not sleep through the fricken night. Is it possible??? Ugh. Other than that and the whole getting up at 5am thing, he's a perfect little man. Today he actually played for an extended period of time with a toy, and he wasn't trying to suck the life out of it either. He had a car, a rather large car and went around the house in circles at least 4 times, from the kitchen around the dining room, living room, front hallway, back to kitchen. 4 rounds. Stopping to smile and laugh at me making dinner and Matthew watching The Lion King for the 12th time in the living room.

Sara, no worries honey, I'm sure it's a phase of sorts, or he's a bit on the quiet side, just his personality, that's fine, maybe he's a budding genius? It's most likely the stress of changing rooms and all that, it affects them so much more than we realize. I'll tell you, the past 2 times I've gone to get Matthew at pre-school, it's been nice out and so they are outside in the playground at pick-up time. Matthew is always by himself, playing with one of those bead thingys, ya know, move the beads and things around the wooden block type thing. The other kids are running around like maniacs or on the slide and swings. And he is sitting there alone. He told me he went on the slide, but who knows. He is still so shy with other kids and won't play with them. I'm hoping pre-school will help and he will eventually start playing with these kids, but I don't know. There were trucks there that he is obcessed with and he wasn't even playing with them, but this bead thing. WTF?

Well, it's bedtime, I've done as much work as I can do and cannot keep my eyes open anymore. And yes, Dorothy the fish is still alive in her new bowl. She freaks everytime we walk by though, not getting why she's doing that. Fricken Fish. But it's the only pet I can deal with.

Goodnight Moon

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fingers crossed for Kylie tonight! Welcome back to The Land of the Working Stiffs, Jenna. :)

Barb, holy tamoly! Apparently cats have 9 lives & fish have 2? Good to know!

Sara, hmmm...Could very well be just a phase, having to do more with moving rooms and new teachers than any serious social tendencies, kwim? And the fact that you're taking what his teacher said to heart shows that you're an AWESOME parent, & that you cared enough to make that phone call & want Hunter to be happy...Speaks volumes. If it continues to concern you, & the phase lasts very long, might be worth a mention to the pediatrician, but honestly I wouldn't worry too much...I'd rather have a quieter, more reserved book-reader any day of the week than one of those crazy wild boys I see running circles around Spence at daycare. Honestly. But where's Dr. Courtney with her $.02??

Little Boss is being very nice to me today...Makes me nervous. Wish me luck getting out of here alive...Crazy effers.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Not bad, for a first post-vacation day...

Maybe because big boss left early. hehe!

Well after two sets of wet sheets last night, I finally convinced Kylie to wear a pull up under her panties tonight. Don't know if it'll last all night but hopefully until she stops sleeping through wetting the bed, she'll wear them. Fingers crossed cause I don't know what else to do. I've tried everything.

LOL @ the fishy Barb. Glad it was a plastic tank and the beeb didn't get hurt.

Jenna, I hope you're having a very productive day for it being your first day back to work!

Barb, I can somehow totally relate to what you went through last night with Dorothy. And fish aren't "ick"...LOL -although this coming from someone who has flushed a live fish down the toilet just because I got tired of cleaning the fish tank. Damn thing wouldn't die.

I called Hunter's preschool teacher this morning. He has been giving me fits every morning I drop him off since they moved him to the front of the building. He never use to do that in the back. If Ms. Yvonne isn't up front when he first walks in, it's a horrible experience. He never had Ms. Yvonne as a teacher, but she has a class in the back of the building and I think he associates her with being back there. He never wants to go into the "Yellow" room where all the early drop-offs seem to congregate before their normal teachers come in and get them. Yesterday, Ms. Yvonne wasn't at the desk when I dropped him off and it was literally, taking him by his arms to get him to go into the room. It was HORRIBLE. My heart sunk and I just wanted to take him with me. It's so hard to walk out on them when they're like that. I took Connor to the back of the building to his classroom and when I walked back through the front, he was still screaming bloody murder. Ugh.

I got home last night and searched high and low for Ms. Amber's phone number (his regular teacher now). Couldn't find it so first thing this morning, I called her. She said that he's been doing really well in her classroom and seems to be adjusting pretty good. She said that she's noticed that he not really "withdrawn" but is perfectly content sitting on the floor, looking at a book. She wants him up and interacting more with other activities that they have going on in the room and she doesn't allow him sit with a book all day. They have quite a few kids in that class and she said occasionally, she has to raise her voice. She said that combination might make Hunter a little apprehensive and that may be the cause for his early morning tantrums.

Ever since I can remember, Hunter has always played on his own really well. He'd roll a little car back and forth on the couch or on the side of the bed (and still does this...I'm noticing Connor doing it more and more as well). Even know that Connor is here, he'd rather play off somewhere by himself than with Connor. I don't think this means he's socially withdrawn, does it? I don't know - somehow my conversation with her this morning kind of made me feel like a bad parent in a way. I'm sure that was me, taking things to heart and twisting them the wrong way. We don't really go out and socialize a whole lot outside of my family as far as child playdates, etc goes - granted, I have a HUGE family with lots of cousins and around the holidays, he's always interacted really well with that younger group.

I suppose this is just a rambling of sorts. I had to get it out there because his reaction these past couple weeks at drop-off has really taken me off guard and has bothered me. Who would've thought that these little guys (and gals) could pull at our heartstrings so much?!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

no eating here tonight, no eating here tonight, no eating here tonight, you're on a DIET!

Have I been watching Finding Nemo a little too much do you think? That is my favorite line.

We had our own little Nemo adventure today, or should I call it Dorothy adventure since the fish is named after Elmo's fish. As I sat here doing some website link updating, Eric was playing on the floor, exploring his world, as he likes to do. Matthew was at pre-school, daddy, who is back from his trip to Ireland and took the day off to recover, was out mowing the ever growing lawn. All of a sudden a giant crash jolts me to my feet and I see a fish on the kitchen floor, a broken aquarium and neon orange rocks all over the kitchen, sitting in a lot of water. Eric let's out a slight squeal, but is still standing holding the bakers rack where the aforementioned destroyed fish tank once called home. Then he drops to the ground and decides to go for a swim. He was fine, just a little scared for a second, then wanted to laugh and play in the water. Fish water, yuck! I put him in the pack n play and proceed to figure out exactly how to clean up this mess. Obviously the fish is dead so I will move on to other things, like the water seeping into the carpet. A minute or two passes, I grab some towels to stop the carpet saturation. Then what do I see, a goldfish flapping around the floor, he's ALIVE!!!!!!! He had not moved since the fall, I guess fish can pass out too. Maybe he was in a fish coma of sorts? Anywho, so now I think, maybe I should save him? Ok, but I don't want to touch him, ick. So I grab the little net, but that doesn't work, I grab the tuppeware lid sitting on the counter, thank goodness I had leftovers for lunch. I scoop him into a bucket and put water in it. He is still there till we can go tomorrow and get a bowl. He's just getting a bowl now. Not that the aquarium was much, it was a small plastic one, thank GOD since if it had been glass, crappola, I don't even want to think about it. All I know is I am so glad I cleaned the damn thing the other day or it would have been really disgusting.

Fishy Mama

Another vacation draws to a close...

Sniff, sniff! :(
I have had no less than 3 calls from work the past couple of days. News flash here people, I'm on vacation until 8am Wednesday! I know it's LB calling to gripe about Big Boss, and frankly my dahling, I don't give a damn!

It is so freaking beautiful outside! Sunny, 75 with a gorgeous blue sky, light breeze blowing. Ahhh, I love fall! I should've had my camera out today. I sat outside for 1/2 an hour brushing the cat and it was heaven. Except for all that extra fur! Where the hell does that stuff come from anyway? She has some knots in her coat from rolling in the mulch that I couldn't get out but I still had enough to knit an extra cat! Hello, this is our cat, Jypsy, and our spare cat, Fifi! LMAO!

How many days an hours now, Sarah? LOL!

Courtney, you tell Jon we are not man-haters, we are realists, so THERE.

Kelly, I am absolutely fascinated with your little cliffhanger there...When will you divulge your dramatic past to us? In chapters, perhaps, like Stephen King's failed Internet book?

Barb, how funny, I say 'too cool for school' all the time IRL. You're cracking me up lately, btw!

3-yr-olds, Oh my. Barb, that Rachael Ray story reminded me of a couple Thanksgivings ago when my youngest cousin was being potty-trained...He stood up at the dinner table, raised both arms like he was about to recite Shakespeare, and announced, drumroll please..."I have to poop!" Omg, the entire table about choked on their drumsticks laughing. Kids do indeed say the darndest things. And their sense of timing. Priceless.

Well, ladies, Operation Get The Hell Out Of Here was a smashing success, as I've related to you in emails, so I'll just give a rundown for our viewers at home: I handed in my 2-week notice at the current stagnant pond I'm in and will start Monday the 9th working for lawyers, whom at least I know are lying to me. Patent law, so if anyone out there thinks up any brilliant inventions in the near future, I'm your girl.

We are doing well, nothing else new to report except Julian fell this morning pulling himself up on a door jamb...So his left cheek looks like I busted him a good one and I'm sure daycare is on the phone with Children's Services right now. Lovely crap.

8 days, 4 hours, 20 minutes...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Thank God It's WTH It's Monday????

Ok Barb the doll I will have to check out although Kay says for every toy that comes on T.V. oh mommy you need to buy that for me. We have resorted to chores and allowance to buy every single toy on T.V. (except what Santa brings) LMAO Seriously somehow she has gotten to the age of just give them the debit card ummm yeah sorry my darling that debit card only goes so far. Remember when we were oh so young that it was oh mom just write a check I mean as long as you have checks you have $$$ right????

Ok the funniest thing happened tonight Jon threatened to e-mail you guys ROTFLMAO!!!!! I can not remember exactly what I was biyotching about and he said well I am just going to e-mail your man-hater club I laughed at him in the face and said if you think they will believe you over me then you are freakin nuts haha. He then became the little child not talking to me and such LMAO! We shall see what happens when we go to sleep and he expects so action ;-)

Kids say the darnest things...

Just saw the funniest thing on the Rachael Ray show, she cooked a dinner for a family and they are sitting at the table on her set eating and as she is talking the littlest girl, 3 years old probably, is saying, "mom, mom" and Rachael asks her if she wants more and she says "mom pee pee" LMAO! She had to go potty. The whole audience cracked up. Ahh can't even control the little brats on tv.

Oh and she showed some really cool doll, Drawing Doll, Jenna and Courtney you guys might be interested although they had a boy doll too, but boy mama's know how our hubby's would react to that! It's a white doll, all blank and you can color it, then throw it in the wash and it's blank again and they can start all over again. Neat idea. It's a lovely thing...


Repeat after me people...I'm on Vacation!!!

So that means if you're located in my department, LEAVE ME ALONE, GD-IT!!!!!!!!

I just got home from running errands and low & behold, my phone starts ringing! LB wondering when I'm coming back! I swear to God I almost said "I'm not!" just to hear the silence on the other end. She pretends like it's the coworker who's doing my work that is really asking and says "Shirley says your taking the Friday before Christmas and that whole week off, but I told her you don't have that much time left" and I said "Well you told her wrong because that's exactly when I'm taking off" Then we start talking about other things & 1/2 way through the conversation, she says "I have an extra day that I can't get in for everyone else being off" and I said "Who else is taking off? I'm the only one on vacation for a while & I'm only taking 3 days" and besides that she's a supervisor and I'm a lowly pee-on so why should our jobs conflict. I know it was just a catty comment but ya know, after hearing shit like that on a daily basis, you just want to go home for a few days and not hear that crap. Why did I answer the phone? Guess I brought it on myself didn't I?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

and now I lay me down to sleep...

I feel your pain Jenna, today has been a bit of a rough day here too. I think missing daddy is taking its toll now, he comes home tomorrow though, thank goodness for Matthew's sake, if he behaves he may even get to stay up a bit late and wait for him, we'll see.

I spent all day telling him to stop doing things, I mean please, he can remember to say "idiot" and "stupid" all the time, but after I tell him not to come in with the toys he was playing in the WET sandbox with, tracking sand everywhere, he does it two more times. How many times must I say, you only need a bit of toilet paper, since when do boys even use toilet paper??? He shoves half the roll down the toilet everytime he goes. Then if there is less than 1/2 an inch left on the roll it must be thrown in the trash can. UGH!!! When there is cake for dessert, he has no problem feeding himself, but when there isn't, suddenly it's "mom can you feed me, I can't do it" and proceeds to let pasta fall all over the table, chair, and floor, where Eric is more than ready to pick it up since he's sitting under the chair like a puppy dog waiting for scraps. RuffRuff.

They are in bed now, but not without a screaming session from the baby, which never happens, don't know what is up, but I loaded him up with infant everything and he finally stopped. Funny thing is, if I picked him up, he was fine, so there was nothing wrong with him. But gosh darned it, if he's teething or has gas, a cough, or any pain what-so-ever, he's covered now for the next 6 hours. I come down to find I cannot even sit on the couch, hence why I am here, because it is friggin covered in toys, because god forbid they are left within reach of the baby, even the baby's toys are up there where he cannot reach them because in the world according to Matthew, his little stuffed doggie Rosie does not want Eric to have any toys because he might eat them and make them all slobbery wet. Kinda like my clothes since Eric seems to take great pleasure in rubbing his face into me while secreting disgusting liquids from his nose.

I'm fine though now, it's quiet, for now...

Exactly 1 Hour To Go!!!!!

The time has come.

Now on Sundays I will be parked in front of the T.V. to watch Desperate Hosuewives. No more Sunday night dinners out we are home now girlfriends.

Ok, so I have this horrible secret haha. I purposely did all my laundry today and piled it on our bed folded of course. Jon said why is all the clean laundry on the bed. I said oh I am making my way back there to put it away. Think I have him fooled????

Wrong think again. He said I know what your plans for the evening are. You will go back there to put the laundry away at exactly 8 pm when your show is on glass of wine in hand. Damn him he knows me that well already LOL I did give Kay a bath though, so his only job for the evening is to keep her contained outside of our bedroom, so I can watch my show in peace. Think that will happen???

NOPE :-)

I will chat with you girls tomorrow. Good night and Cerra you better give us the details tomorrow I have been waiting all weekend to find out what the h3ll happened.

Ode to the Porcelain Gods

Skimming through one of those mega hardware store ads I came across a designer toilet. They actually named it “Memoirs”. Now, I’m not quite sure why they did this but it sure is funny! I picture in my mind an aging beauty with her delicate monogrammed note paper writing out her youthful escapades to the far east and the passionate love affair with the handsome leading man...all while taking an extended potty break. Each new chapter ends with a nice flush!

(By the way, the also had one called the “peacemaker”. This I can understand…heehee)

Speaking of toilets (and cleaning with spray and wash, lol) why is it toilets have so many darned nooks and crannies? It is one of the nastiest appliances in the house and the one with the most cubby holes and darned near impossible to keep clean. ARGH! They should make a toilet a solid piece of round porcelain with no more of those stupid curves meant to mimic pipes at the back of the bowl. How insane is that?!? Why add extra dust and pee catchers??? And those stupid knobs covering the bolts are useless. They always pop off and look gross!

Ok, off my soap box for now. lol

3.5 year olds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is wrong with them that makes them do the craziest things? I mean what sane, rational person would repeatedly touch things that someone over twice their size consistently tells them not to? Why do they touch, break, step on, step in, pee on, fall on, lose, leave laying in the floor throughout the house all the things we've told them over and over again not too? Are they deaf, brain-dead, or what?
And how is it they genuinely looked shocked when you yell at them for the 50th time for doing one of the above? I know their memory is better than that. They remember the bad word we said 3 weeks ago but can't remember that we told them 5 minutes ago not to stand on item A because they'll fall and hit their head, arm, leg, butt, etc on item B!!!! But yet they do it anyway then come screaming to us like the world is ending.
I now know why in Bill Cosby's stand up comedy documentary "Himself" why he said his children can't go to bed at night without having a good beating. Oh back then I thought it was funny but now, I know...

Too Cool for School!

The Lovely Boutique is now open! The boutique is stocked with an ever changing array of LIPS merchandise, just stuff we think and say a lot and find amusing. We will be continually adding merchandise to the Boutique because it's so fun to see it on there, if for no other reason.

A few notes on what you see in there...

Lovely Crap...well that would be mine, I say lovely all the time and I believe it was Sara who said crap all the time and therefore we coined that phrase and use it all the time.

LIPS - obviously stands for Lovely Internet Psychos Society which is what we are.

MIS - Men is Stupid, well that came about in a convuluted conversation about what the techie people (MIS I believe is a term they use for the Information systems people) at the places we work at must have been thinking about our 1000 emails per day and it got changed to a competition of sillyness between our husbands and significant others.

Princess Sassy - That would be Jenna's daughter Kylie, the only girl of the group until Courtney joined us and she has quite the sass in her that child.

Metal P Magnet Hands - (I cannot write out the word, or there will be some ads on the site that, well, not exactly what we want on here, ok, not that we are prudes but still)

Well our dearest, funniest, quick wittiest Cera is responsible for that one, it came about when her little angel Spence had some, shall we call them, issues. Cera had started a thread on the baby board we all met on and the title of it was, My P is Made of Metal and my Hands have Magnets in them. I could not contain myself, I burst into psychotic giggles at my desk, I was working in an office at the time. I never forgot that. Thank you Cera. My little man is now having those issues. But I digress.

Note to self, get a list of Jenna's cleaning supplies. She knows her stuff.

I'd like to share my tip for the day, ok we don't have a tip for the day, but I have a tip anyways. I found a cool thing this week and have been loving it! It's a free download tool that saves all your logins to various sites, then when you go to the website, SHABAM, it magically appears in the little toolbar thingy up there and you just click it and it fills it in and logs you in. No more trying to remember passwords and usernames and all that jazz. Friggin cool if you ask me. I have a lot, what with several blogs, all the website stuff, and now the boutique because you know, I needed more work. LOL Check out Roboform. It's too cool for school!

That's me for Sunday, Desperate Housewives starts tonight!

Public Service Announcement

This PSA is coming straight to you from LIPS. Just a quick tip for you hard working, busy moms!

Just because they are in similar green spray bottles, does NOT mean Spray 'N Wash will clean your shower & shower doors as well as Scrubbing Bubbles! Don't be fooled! You may want to spray your shower down with it & it may even foam up like Scrubbing Bubbles but please think twice about it. It just takes longer to clean the shower when you have to clean the gloopy, sticky mess off the shower doors!

Keep this tip in mind the next time you're cleaning your bathroom & save yourself some time!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Oh Cera! Come out where ever you are!

W e are chomping at the bit for details girlie! So when you get a chance tell us about turning in the 2WN, details about the new job, we want it all! ;)

You bitch about it now Courtney but I bet you and the kitty become friends. Happens to Todd everytime! lol

Yummy, I could go for some cake myself Barb! Have a piece for me will ya?

It's hot, muggy & stormy here today. There's a batch of storms heading this way with hail & lighting. And brainiac is out mowing the yard. LOL! Whooops, scratch that, just started pouring rain. Crap, guess that means I'll be cooped up in the house with both of them this weekend! :( I need to clean up the pantry, people, get out of my hair. haha, yeah right.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Happy Friday Night Girlies!!

Well here I sit glass of wine in hand watching the late news. LMAO am I old now or what? Honestly I am waiting on Jon to get his butt home from work ;-) Damn that 2nd shift.

Ok well we may adopt a 2nd child in the next couple of weeks. I had you for a moment right? Here is the senerio:

I pull in the driveway after getting off work/picking up Kennedy from the sitters. Stop at the mailbox to get the mail as the garage door opens. The lovely lady two doors down comes running in a mad dash to my car yelling excuse me excuse me excuse me (oops I have honestly been meaning to introduce myself to her all the freakin time), so I feel this should be the instant I say hi my name is Courtney and shake her hand she is like hi my name is Kim. She said I know you daughter loves petting our cat yeah she lives on our front porch and I did not have the heart to tell her b/c Jon felt sorry for it b/c it was so skinny, so he fed it herbed chicken one day. She said well our cat had kittens WTF I had no idea it was preggo. Ok I can see where this is going...Oh really I say yeah she says and you guys are welcome anytime to come see them they are in a box on my front porch...

I come inside and call Jon and he says I take it we will be getting a kitten then and I said I dunno, but I am taking Kay over to see them. Her cat named Kitty is spayed, so it was not her cat who had the kittens it was a cat who adopted them when they moved in. Really they are adorable kittens there are 2 grey ones and one white one. Kay has fallen for the white one, but kept picking up each of them. The mommy cat was so nice and even let Kay pet them while she was feeding them (wow the questions I got about that haha) One hour and lots of talking later we return home me telling Kay you can talk to daddy and if he says it is ok you can have a kitten LMAO I am placing this responsibility on none other than Jon!!! I asked her what she wanted to name a kitty if daddy said yes she could have one and she said Ella LMAO!

Kim is very nice and I can see her and I becoming friends IRL we chatted like long lost friends. It sure is nice to have someone more my age on our street.

Girl's Night In

I hope you are home reveling in joy Cera, having a few drinkies! {{{HUGS}}} darling.

Grey's Anatomy, the best friggin show on tv! Well, in my opinion anyways. I liked last night, I would not say it was the best episode ever, far from it. But I think the tide is turning and that's good. Meredith is going to drag out this choice for awhile I'm sure, should be interesting. I adore Chris O'Donnell, but I do love Mer & Der together and as much of a jerk as he became last season, I think they shed light on that a bit last night and brought him back from the edge by having him admit he loved her like that. He admitted he made the wrong choice and is trying to correct it. We shall see. Either way, hello, she is one lucky gal right, stuck between a hunk and a hottie. Pluhease! I think dark and damaged Meredith is gone and that spirit has now moved on the Izzy. She'll be a wreck the whole season. Callie freaks me out, something about her is not right.

Well, I do believe that cake I made for the occasion last night is calling me again and a drink for Cera and a pay per view girlie flick since hubby is off golfing on the Emerald Isle.


Damn TV Network People!!!

Why, oh why do they build us up like that only to disappoint? I was on pins & needles when Grey's Anatomy started last night but 1/2 way through the show I realized they'd done it to us again. Get us all hyped up, raring to go for the new season, new day & new time then all we get is a blah show! As Kelly said, it was nothing like I'd expected. I mean least season was full of drama and excitement in every show (the kind where you blink & you miss something) and they couldn't even start the season off with a bang this time. I mean hell was it too much to ask for Meredith to go running to one of the guys? Or Burke telling that bitch Christina to get out of his room & his life?
I think the highlight of the show was The Chief's wife telling him she was leaving him after all these years! Go girl you deserve it! I didn't like Dr Bailey or Addison being such cry babies! WTF? I like them being strong, independent women. That's their 'thing' that makes you like them!
Ok, I'll stop ranting. It was good, but they definitely could've done better! I was just a teensy bit dissappointed. ;)

I'm with you Kelly, I could go for some passion & excitement in my life too! It's been along time since either of those have made an appearance! LOL!

Cera, how's the job/resignation thing going? Can't wait to hear all the details! I have some running around to do today but I'll be back this afternoon and check in with you guys!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Very Much Drunk

Watched Grey’s and loved it! Although it wasn’t what I expected it was still pretty good. I personally like drama shows. I was addicted to St Elsewhere when it was on and a few other medical drama shows. Grey’s I like because of the human side too. I liked that they showed Izzy mourning. I liked how George’s new flame bonded ever so slightly with the regulars. I loved Bailey caring enough to stop Denny’s body and say she was sorry.

I am caught between wanting this much drama in my life and living the comfortable life I lead. I enjoy that my world is so predictable. I know when and how everything will happen even down to idiot husband yelling at the boy for ridiculous things. But I would love the passion. Wanting something so bad you are willing to give it up. Wanting to have something that heals or breaks your heart. That raises your blood pressure and your desire. I have lived the drama and sometimes miss it. Someday maybe I will tell you all how I used to be but for now be satisfied that the elder of the group lived a much more elaborate life than she has led to believe.

The Home Fires

Cera, I’m dying over here about the fire ants! So you found out at an early age your mom was insane, eh? Lol

Barb, OMG! Steroids? LMAO! Personally I prefer my grass to grow slowly so I don’t have to mow 400 times a week like my obsessed neighbors!

Cera’s post reminded me of our own little insane adventure. I must have been in Junior High for this one. My mother and the neighbor had gone off for their nightly walk. My brother decided he was going to cook a hamburger all by himself. Instead of turning the burner off he turned it on full blast. Hamburger grease and excessive heat from a gas stove don’t mix. My sister and I walked in the front door from playing, saw that the kitchen was FILLED with thick black smoke and ran next door yelling all the way.

Side note to explain my neighbors. Very nice people with kids our age. The wife (who was walking with Mom) was slightly plump, red headed and full of freckles. (Think Mrs. Claus, the early years) The husband was/is/forever shall be the thin man. He couldn’t weigh 80 pounds soaking wet! He had basically no hair from birth and chain smoked. But he was always smiling. Never really spoke but would wave his skinny little arms off. They honestly made a cute though odd couple.

Back to the story. We ran to the neighbor’s house screaming the house was on fire. Chuck BURST through his screen door, arms flailing, carrying a spare pair of jeans he’s grabbed on the way out. I didn’t know he could move so fast! He gets through the kitchen, grabs the skillet (with the jeans) and throws it out the back door. Thankfully the grease hadn’t caught fire yet and was only seriously smoking.

My brother somehow had been sitting at the kitchen table oblivious to all the smoke reading who knows what. When the neighbor came flying through the kitchen frantically waving the pants in the air my poor brother though he was being attacked by a mad man. lol

A few minutes later my Mom and neighbor wife came home. We tried explaining what happened but they were stuck on the visual image of Neighbor Guy running through the yard with no pants on! Definitely a sight I will never forget. Lol

(Apologies that I can’t seem to write anything that isn’t half a novel)

Grass Seed on Steroids?

I had to share this, been meaning to for weeks now and keep forgetting. I am not shitting you guys, I heard a commercial one night a few weeks ago and that was the catch phrase, seriously. It was some kind of miracle, seems everything is late at night, grass stuff, put it down, water it and grass grows. They actual said, it's so incredible it's like grass seed on steroids. OMG. I laughed so hard I woke up my hubby who was passed out on me at the time and did not find it quite so amsuing, not enough to merit being awoken abruptly anyways.

On a more serious note, Grey's Anatomy starts tonight. Cannot wait. Best show on tv. Enough said.

Lol at 'Deep Thoughts!' I may be a young'un, but I know my SNL. Did I ever tell you guys I was in love with Chris Farley? Cried my eyes out when a friend told me he had died. I was going to be Mrs. Farley, sigh sigh sigh.

Hmmm, good question, Kelly. Deep thoughts indeed. Due to having younger siblings still at home, I still see my parents as parental units above all else. But I was thinking this over last night at home, my mother in particular, and I have this memory I want to share. I have no idea how old I was, but I was small enough to fit into one of those back-of-the-bicycle kiddie carriers, kwim? And we were living in Washington, state that is...And my mother was walking the bike...It was just the two of us, out for a nature ride of some sort. Next thing I know, she is SCREAMING and JUMPING AROUND and eventually RUNNING the bike down the trail...Apparently she had happened across an ant hill (Oh, reminds me, I would be an "ant" too, by the by) and they were biting her legs...Now I was obviously very, very young, but in whatever form my child's mind put it together, I clearly remember thinking, This b!tch is crazy. Just wanted to share that little tidbit.

Now that my brothers and sister are practically grown, my parents are definitely getting back to some semblence of normalcy...They've actually attended concerts recently and word on the street is they danced. I'm shocked. answer your question, Kelly, I think that my parents are still in the process of realizing the people they used to be. And I'm actually looking forward to doing that myself someday. Did you guys know Nathaniel and I took a tango lesson or two? Some bright shining day, we shall tango again.

I left home and they got a life... What's up with that?

Ouch Kelly and wow, some serious thinking there. I never really thought about that, but you are right, we don't really realize our parents are people too until we are older, usually when something happens. I'm thinking back, I think I realized it in high school sometime, my dad was working away from home and was only home on the weekends. There were 3 of us and my brothers had hockey and sports stuff all the time, I had stuff going on, my mom worked, mostly from home, but outside the home a few days a week. I just remember that time, over a year, being really depressing. She seemed mad all the time, I know she was stressed out, overwhelmed with working, the house and 3 teenagers while hubby/daddy was far away all week. I remember realizing after awhile that this "mood" she was in was because of all this, but there was nothing I could do really. Now that I have 2 kids and see that being "on-duty" never ends, I can totally understand that "mood."

Moreso though, after I got married my parents "got a life." Seriously, when I lived at home, they never went out, maybe a restaurant for dinner once every few years. My dad watched tv in the family room. My mom went to bed at 8pm and watched tv in there, I usually watched with her if there was something to watch. Once we kids started moving out, they got a life. They went out all the time, my mom even became the president of an Italian club in the city, she still is the President and loving it. So she has meetings all the time and events every other weekend. The woman who used to be in bed at 8pm watching Friends and Seinfeld. Now they are never home and think nothing of dropping $200 for a meal at a nice restaurant, ok they think twice, but they still do it a few times a year. LOL

I guess the stress of being responsible for 3 kids was gone and they got back to being themselves, I guess life is basically on hold for 20 or so years when you have kids. You do everything for them, live your life around their schedule and needs. Then they leave and suddenly you have your own life back and it's all about what you want again.

Deep thoughts...(by Jack Handy)...LMAO ( that's an old SNL skit for the young uns reading)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Parents and Grandparents

I’m in a bit of flux right now I think. All this talk about home towns and family got me thinking.

Growing up my parents were not people. They were only there because I was there. They couldn’t possibly have a life outside of the kids and heaven forbid they have thoughts or feelings! My Dad was there to discipline and my Mother was there to keep the peace. Mom answered questions and Dad gave commands. Dad drove where we needed to go and Mom handed out the snacks. Moms are universally good at snack time!

Grandparents were people who gave you the little goodies that your folks wouldn’t allow. My Dad’s folks always pushed food on us and always had a candy dish full of that hard tack candy and butterscotch discs ready and waiting. They also had a little basket with toys for us to play. My Mom’s Mother was the ideal Grandmother. She owned a CANDY STORE! Yes, when my parents needed a break we would get dropped off at the candy store…heehee. Talk about a kid’s wet dream!

Anyway, I never realized that the elders in my life were people. That we might actually have been intrusions in their lives. That they may have given something up to raise us. And heaven forbid they truly understood anything we were going through!

This leads me to our own kids. They are not going to think of us as people for a long, long time. We are only going to be caregivers and snack givers and comforters of boo-boos. We are the ones who will always be there but won’t have a clue. Until that one fateful day when our worlds collide and they suddenly realize that we once had lives apart from them and that we have feelings. And it will probably come as a revelation.

So what was your day? Do you remember? I do. I was a junior in high school. I walked home from school just as any other day. Something seemed not quite right when I came in the door. It took no time to realize that my Mom had been crying and that our dog was not there. The conversation to follow is one I will never forget.

“What’s wrong?”
“Where is Peaches?”
“…she’s gone.”
“I had to put her down.”

The day I found out my Mother was more than just mine. The sorrow in her eyes haunts me even now. I sent a dagger into her already broken heart. I will regret those three little words until the day I die.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Aunt here, too!

Kelly, I say Aunt as "ant" too...

I am an Aunt ~ my sister has a little girl, Caitlin, who will be 11 in November. I remember seeing Tonia (my sister) changing her diaper at the hospital, too, Kelly and thinking "no way, no how." Now I have two of my own little aliens :)

Doug's sister also has two girls, Katelyn and Samantha. They live about an hour south of us and they just aren't as close as what my side of the family is. We see them 2-3 times a year maybe. Sad, really. They stay busy. Katelyn is going to MIZZOU and Samantha is in high school. Lynn is an RN, although she stays at home right now and she's married to a doctor.

Barb, I'm glad hubby is finally off on his trip. We talked about meeting up, what? Two years in advance and it just didn't happen. I still hold out hope that one of these days, we WILL plan a girls weekend together. I can't wait!!!

Courtney, I hope Jon gets to feeling better soon (for your sake!) Why is it that the world stops when they are sick, but heaven forbid, we stop and sit down while we're sick. Blah.

Cera, girl - I'm so happy for you!! WOOT WOOT on all the endless possibilities. Definitely keep us posted and be PICKY AS HELL. We know they all want take your time and make a good, safe and secure decision on something that you know you'll LOVE.

Jenna, I totally agree with Cera that if you're not happy, get outta town girlie. I know, that's a lot easier said than done. Hang in there. We're here for ya!

Was the question of the week about anti-depressants or whether we're aunts? I already answered the aunt question and I'll answer the anti-depressant one. Ya'll know after I found out about what Doug was doing, I hit rock bottom. I went, talked to my family doc and he put me on a couple different things. Horrible side effects of those so I went back and he put me on Cymbalta. I was on that for a good while and I could tell it was making a huge difference, in my general attitude toward him which was important to remain civil with the man. Since having my IUD, I admit, I haven't been taking them for some reason (not sure why). I've always been horrible at taking any type of medicine. I need to get my butt back on them though. So, basically, I think they are a good thing. Eventually, I'll be weaned from them when I feel I'm ready which being off of them for a while, I know it's not time. Like Jenna said, though, some people use them as a crutch to avoid confronting their problems head-on. Not here. Ya'll know I like confrontation WAY too much! heehee.

Okay, off to find something to do. OH! We have our volleyball game tonight. Please pray for no broken bones or sprained ankles on my end, k??? Thanks!

Love you girls!

Aunt Kelly here!

Yes, I have been an aunt for a long time. My brother has 2 boys and a girl who are all teens. The oldest (Johnny) is off to college next year even. Ack! I remember visiting the hospital the day he was born watching his mom change one of those green tar poop diapers all kids have for their first couple of bowel movements. I knew right then I was NOT going to have any of these aliens for myself. I sure am glad I was wrong.

My sister won’t be having any kids. She has not been in a serious relationship for a long time. Pretty much since her divorce many moons ago. When I mysteriously got pregnant at 37 she got kind of excited thinking maybe she wasn’t too old to settle down and have her own. But the fates haven’t brought her a decent guy so she has given up on the idea.

Robert is an only child so no nieces or nephews from that side. Robby will not have any kids near his age in the family. My siblings and I grew up the same way though so I’m not too worried about it. My cousins were all about 10 years older than us. It’s all sort of off kilter.

Hmmm…I guess we have a fairly unusual family. Only one of my five cousins had kids of her own. We all thought that my brother would be the only one to have kids in our family. We really don’t have a large close family and I am good with that. I can’t imagine having to buy even more Christmas presents! Lol

Soooo….how do you pronounce “aunt”? I’m an “ant” kind of girl myself. Maybe that’s a northern thing?


Well, my hubby is off, he has landed in the beautiful wet Emerald Isle by now and should be in a pub somewhere having a Guinness and eating fish and chips. I am here, with the kids. Lovely crap isn't it. LOL This trip has been in the works for 2 years, since the last Ryder Cup, that's what they went for, the Ryder Cup. Four guys, their golf clubs and tickets to the Ryder Cup. Must be nice huh? I think a girlie weekend is in order here girls, what happened this was all planned out that we were gonna meet this week while he was away in New York City, I can still be there, anyone, anyone??? LOL I can't really complain, I've travelled several times since we had kids alone, although it was business for me, let's face it, it's was for my work, but the trips were fun, ok the Ireland ones were work, but a lot of fun too. Germany was really a gathering info trip and we were so spolied, wined and dined, it was nice. I was alone though, it would have been nice to travel with a co-worker when I went, I never did get to except my first business trip. But that was someone I had nothing in common with, who was older than me and we didn't not really get on to well. I mean she was ok, but ya know, we didn't talk much or do anything. It also friggin rained and was freezing the whole week we were there, got to love Ireland! I worked for an Irish company for 8 years so I went 5 times on business, but there were fun trips for the most part where I kinda was there to learn mostly and handle any problems, but there really weren't many. Anywho, I do miss that getting to travel part of having a real job. LOL

I hate the new set on the Today Show, sorry, it's horrible, that friggin blue sucks, especially when they do a close up of the guest. It's all modern and minimalist, which I do like in certain situation, I do, but this just doesn't look good I don't think. It's too minimalist and I guess the blue is supposed to make things pop in HD but I don't like it, therefore it must be changed. I've said my peace on that.

Rachael Ray's new show premiered yesterday, ok, I like her, I mean, she is way to perky and bubbly and all over the place most of the time, therefore I can't stand her, but at the same time, I like her. I think she is a cool person, she's from this area so I feel like I have to like her, hometown girl makes good. She seems real ya know. I keep going back and forth, can't stand her, like her, it's like car wreck, I can't help but want to watch her, but then again, sometimes I think, omg you are so embarrassing yourself, stop! LOL And I saw most of not all of Oprah yesterday, the season premier as well, that road trip her and Gayle went on looks hilarious, that would be so fun for the 6 of us to do although not sure we'd actually still be friends by the end of it. LMAO!

Oh ya, I am an aunt, my nephew Jake is one now, we had his birthday party here last week. This is my husband's sister's son. My brothers are still single in the city, I don't think either one of them will ever get married so I do believe Jake and the future possible baby brother or sister of Jake, if there is one, will be it. Sad, since hubby comes from a small family and I come from a big one and wanted my kids to have the big family thing, or at least medium family thing going on. Ya never know, one of my brothers may surprise us all with an illegitimate child someday. LOL

Ok, there is my ranting about everything on my mind this morning and nothing in particular...back to work girls, I am plowing away here so I won't be around on email much, trying to get my website re-designed and up to my new level of snuff I have set for myself.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Mondays Can Kiss My Ass!!

Actually today was better than most other days the past couple months. I said good-bye to Mikey my headache on Friday. I am sooo glad to be done with her already.

Sara you brave woman LOL

Cera I hope you are cooking up something good (with internet or email hopefully ;-) )

Jon is sicker than a dog and I have been hearing about it all night. Worse than a sick child I tell you. I have been following Kennedy around all night with the anti-bacterial gel and whenever she touches Jon she gets a squirt. I would love a day off work, but not with a sick child LOL

Well girls one day down only what 4 more to go Damn it lets get this week over with already :-)

Another Monday down...

You are cooking up those 'recipes' like crazy Cera! You're going to have a new bakery in no time! ;)

Well since I'm an only child I'm not an aunt technically, just by marriage. DH's 1/2 brother has 3 girls so I guess that makes me aunt. lol!

Well I talked to Steph today about the Internet Banking job and she said she'd love for me to apply but she also thinks the same thing I do. If they agreed to let me switch, we think BB would just combine the departments so I wouldn't really get to 'move' and would be stuck in the same dept doing both jobs. We both agree that if I want to get out of my dept, I'm going to have to leave the Operations area completely so I wouldn't be under BB at all. Remember when I said I know what it feels like to be an animal trapped and gnawing your own leg off to escape. LMAO! So I guess unless something great pops up in the paper or within the bank, I'm going to hang tight and ride out the next couple of years until I can afford to take a pay cut. That's my problem right now. Everything in the local paper would require me to take a pay cut and I just can't do it right now.

As far as antidepressants, I'm all for them to help you get through rough times, been thinking I might need some lately until I get my hormones straightened back out. I just feel like some people let them become a crutch and not really deal with their problems. Your problems aren't going to go away just because you pop a pill, I wish it was that easy. You have to use the pills as another tool to help you through hard times. kwim?

So are we going to do a question of the week? Are we going to count that as our question of the week? ;)

Wow Sara, you go girl! I avoid confrontation like the plague so I probably would have just came on here and b!tched about it to you guys, Lol. It must help to have a copper for a husband!

Jenna, you know where my vote is on the Internet banking transfer. My new motto is, If you're not happy where you're at, up & leave!

You're absolutely right, what a wonderful life your grandma must have had to be surrounded by so much caring family.

Speaking of family, are any of you aunts? Do you foresee big extended family gatherings at the holidays? I can't wait til my brothers & sister grow the hell up and get started.

A new week, a new round of you-know-what searching. I think being here has been a bigger part of my problem than I realized, kwim? I'm feeling so pumped these days. & I even forgot to take my happy pill yesterday. What's up with that? Maybe I don't need them anymore?? Where do you guys stand on antidepressants?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday, Sunday...

Gosh Sara, I would be pissed off too to have the neighbors wake ya up in the middle of the night. Nothing much going on around here today. I'm PMSing and have a headache so we've just hung around the house. Kylie has been tap dancing all over my last nerve all day. LOL!

Yesterday went well. Nice, quiet, fast burial service. Went back to g-ma & aunt's house to eat. Haven't seen my uncle or cousins in ages. My fave cousin who is like a sister to me lives 4 hours away in NC now & I haven't seen her since Christmas. So while the kids were playing, we relaxed, caught up with each other and ate pies, cakes, and goodies that friends and family had brought by until we made ourselves miserable. LOL! I think the hardest part of the whole ordeal was waiting on the hearse to bring my granny 'home'. Our family cemetary is on my g-pa & g-ma's 25 acre property at the end of a little gravel road back in the country. We all decided to get to the house early and all go together. Car after car came up the road and the uncles all got tired of looking out the windows to see who it was. I was standing in the bedroom that adjoins the living room and saw the funeral home's van, followed by the hearse. I said "hey guys, she's home" and we all stood & watched them pass by the house. Me & my aunt were standing with arms around each other & I just started bawling. It passed so slowly, I could hear in the back of my mind music playing and it just seemed so poetic. I honestly don't know how to describe it. Almost bittersweet, ya know? But now that its over, we're all dealing & doing well. We laugh & cry at memories but we know she's where she wanted to be.

On another note, I think I'm going to let HR know that I want to be considered for the job with Stephanie in the Internet Banking/ATM department. It is just her and whoever they decide on in the dept. She reports to BB too so I wouldn't be completely away from her but I think a change of scenery is in order. I'm getting burnout in our dept.

Guess I'll call it a night & prepare for the Monday blues tomorrow! ;)

It's Sunday!

Barb, I'm thinking I would feel a bit out of place, too! I think we all realize that none of us are that way...I couldn't imagine.

Jenna, (((HUGS))) girl. I've been thinking about you lots this weekend!

Not much new to report here. It's been a pretty peaceful weekend. Doug is working 12 hour days at the PD. Yesterday, mom took Hunter back home with her and he spent the night out there. Connor and I went and bought some mums for the front of the house and did a little bit of shopping. Let's just say that Connor isn't a shopper. I did manage to find a couple pieces that I bought (for myself!!) But otherwise, he pretty much called the shots. Threw his lovely 19-month old, high-pitched screaming trantrum (being 19 months old must be a bitch...and then with the red hair, to top it off ya know...) So we headed back home. He wasn't sure how to act last night without his older brother around to hit him and abuse him.

Oh, something interesting did happen last night, or this morning actually around 3:00 a.m. My neighbors across the street woke me up...the windows were open in the house because it was a cool night. Around 3:00 a.m., I could hear them outside, carrying on and I could also hear Connor in his room becoming more and more restless. They were NOT going to wake him up damit. I laid there and listened to this nonesense for about 30 minutes before I got up off the couch and went outside. There were two cars parked in the STREET and then two cars in the driveway. I told them that if they did not quiet down, I would call the police and I would sign a complaint so that they ALL would be issued citations for peace disturbance, and if they REALLY wanted to see me get pissed, if they were to wake up my 19 month old...there would be hell to pay. Needless to say, the cars left and it was once again a peaceful night. My other neighbors across the street, next door to these people talked to me about it this morning. They must have been awaken by it, too.

The boys are here watching Bob the Builder. I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but we (the City) has a team in the "Corporate Games" that are going to be held the next 2 weeks. I'm on the volleyball team, which plays Tuesday evening and somehow, managed to be Captain of that. Lovely. So I had to go to the opening ceremony this afternoon. Blah.

Well, girls, I hope you all had a restful and uneventful weekend. Talk to you all tomorrow!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Hello Chickadees!

Woot woot for the interviews Cera. Hope something turns up for you soon. Ya know, it's not even that I hate my job. It's more the 'atmosphere' that I despise. I know you have office politics everywhere so that you kind of deal with & go on with your day. I think most of the problem in our department is from our Big Boss (EVP of Operations). If she would let my supervisor (Dept Mgr) run the dept the way she sees fit, we wouldn't have 1/2 the problems we do. BB sets the mood for the day. I don't understand why she shits on the people she can depend on & lets the half ass slackers get by with murder. Me, LB, and Steph have been there for 13+ years so may she knows were kind of stuck there so no matter what we do it isn't good enough for her.
Unfortunately the only thing around here is hotel, restaraunt, and retail because this is such a big touristy town. I'm of course always on the lookout in the Sunday classifieds but hopefully I can stick it out a couple more years until Kylie starts school & I'm not paying daycare & D-head's truck is paid for.

Hope you girlies have a good weekend!

Well now's the time, Barb! Get yourself an SUV the size of Moby Dick, some bling bling, get your hair did & fugghedaboudit, you're IN. Lol. Glad to hear Matthew's liking preschool already!

Jenna, you know we're all thinking of you & wishing your family strength in coping with the loss.

Well I didn't realize my pregnancy question would be a litigious one, Lol! Didn't mean to scare you, Sara...Our odds are slim to none. And even then, you're right, an early miscarriage is practically guaranteed. But there is a girl on my Feb '06 birth club whose beautiful, full-term beeb was conceived, cooked, and delivered, all with the IUD in place. Crazy. Just curious what we would do, if that popped up. Sounds like 'the runs' all around, Lol.

Yup, plugging away at this job search and making progress! An interview today, & 1 on Monday that I'm REALLY excited about. Monday's is a patent law office downtown, the chick who called me back & I were already laughing on the phone and shit...Sounds really promising. They'll match my salary, & that's just to start, so...Jenna, if you really hate where you're at, can't hurt for you to look, girl. This is the happiest I've been in a long time. Change of scenery is good for the soul. And it always feels good to stick it to The Man, CAN I GET A WOOT WOOT?

Peace out.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Meet the Soprano's...

{{{HUGS}}} Jenna.

Ahh well, day two of pre-school was not quite as successful as the first. Matthew cried and did not want me to leave, he was fine till we got into the room. It was raining so drop-off was inside which makes it more difficult. Another child was crying and it was kinda chaotic and so...finally the teacher took him and I left. Tragic.

It never bothered me leaving him crying at daycare because I knew he would stop right away, before I even got to the car usually. But it was different, he knew all of them well, had been there since he was a baby with the same kids and teachers. Here he was with virtual strangers in a place he doesn't really know yet. When I went to get him he had this pathetic look on his face, I was thinking, OMG he cried the whole time. But the teacher said he stopped a few minutes after I left and was fine. I think he had that look because some parents were early and he was looking out the door for me and didn't see me right away. A little worried I wasn't coming maybe? When we pulled into the driveway at home, he said, "I dont want to go home, I want to stay at school." Hum...interesting, you were pretty worried I wasn't gonna show up and now you want to stay there huh?

We didn't get a good batch. Pre-school parents I mean. You know, you always wonder, are there potential playdate and possible couple friendships to be made. We don't know a lot of people with kids in our age group that live around here. After spending 15 minutes on the first day in the playground with the other parents, that situation is not going to change anytime soon. It was like walking into an episode of the Soprano's. Half of them were related somehow and looked like Carmela Soprano on her way to the gym or something. The giant vehicles, the clothes, the jewelry, the voices. OMG. No offence to Italians because hello, I am so Italian. Really Italian, but you'd never know it. Everyone is surprised when I tell them I am first generation, they don't believe me usually. My parents actually were born and raised in Italy and came to North America as young adults. I speak Italian, I've been to Italy many times. We are nothing like the stereotypical image of Italian you see here and I guess I just don't like that image so when I see it, it's like well no wonder that's the stereotype. This group of parents, they were the epitomy of the sterotype. Almost like a cartoon, it was unreal.


I promise I'm still around...

Even though I haven't posted on here in nearly a week I guess. I haven't been online at home this week & the m'er f-ing Net Nazis at work can stick their net blocking software up their asses.
So I'm sad to say that it has taken a death in the family for me to go home & have a spare minute to get online. I'd LOL but then again its not ha-ha funny.

What would I do if I found out I was pregnant? As Sara said "Shit down both legs" LMAO! After I picked myself up off the floor, wiped my legs, and beat the shit out my DH, I'd ask for a refund from the urologist who did DH's Snippety Doo Daa 3 years ago. Not that I wouldn't mind having another baby but the hell I have to go through to get one isn't worth it. Besides, they don't stay babies for very long anyway. They soon turn in to tempermental 2 yr olds then backtalking, smart-mouthed 3 yr old, and so on & so on...

I'd love to do a weekend picture project. You know me & my camera aren't usually very far apart. But I can assure you, you don't want to see the inside of my fridge!!! LOL!

Good luck with that job search Cera. I'd love to find a new one myself but financially I'm trapped. You know how you hear about animals caught in traps chewing their legs off to escape? Well, I think I could relate to that! :P

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ahh, Thanks Barb!

Thank you, Barb, for that lovely reminder of me being a fertile one...we all know conceiving has never been an issue for me. Holy friggin cow. First time out of the shoot for both boys. You're right. It's either that or luck but one thing is for DAMN sure and that is that we better be pretty dang positive we want another baby before we even have sex without any protection. Of course, ya'll know that's not even a remote possibility considering how unstable our marriage is right now and if it DID happen, I could only hope that one of you would shoot me and put me out (Barb??? PLEASE????? Since you're the one talking about guns?????????) JUST KIDDING, of course (Just in case there is anyone out there reading this besides us 6 - doubtful but you never know!)

Kelly, I totally know where you're coming from about having all kinds of events. I'm starting to feel that this month here in town. Fair Week is here this week and then next week, the Missouri Police K-9 Association is having their annual conference in our lovely City. I think Thursday evening they are having a K-9 demonstration, free to the public, so I might take at least one of the boys (Hunter, since I know he'd get more out of it) out there to watch that. Oh, but, wait...that's the start of the season for Grey's Anatomy. I'm thinking the K-9 demonstration might not happen!!!

I'm wrapping some things up here at work (still). It seems like I have a billion little projects going on all at the same time, and I end up working a little on each one every day and at the end of the day, I feel like I haven't accomplished a damn thing. I feel like I've been kept a lot busier with this Chief than the can that be though??? He still types his own stuff??? I dunno.

Have a good night, girls!

The baby will not nap and I am going to SHOOT somebody!

Ok, well, I don't have a gun and wouldn't really do that, OBVIOUSLY. But still. OMG he's driving me insane today, refuses to sleep. So, that being said, if I got pregnant tomorrow, well, I'd shoot someone. Sue the Pill manufacturer, shoot my husband for being so horny, you know, go insane. I'd be really really really pi$$ed. I have one that won't sleep still, I am so done. We need to get working on that big V for hubby dearest sooner rather than later. I want triple back up even though I am not very fertile. Sara, seriously, you need to watch out, you are a fertile little one, even not having sex might not be enough to keep you from getting pregnant. LOL

Speaking of shooting, wow, just watching the new about the shooting at Dawson College in Montreal. That's home for me and my brother went to school there. I walked by there all the time and have been in there lots of time. Crazy, it always hits a little closer to home when you recognize places, I'm glued to the tv.

Photo of the week, I'm in, you know what a picture freak I am.

Holy cow, Cera...

I want details on these horror stories re: the IUD's. You know, I haven't had mine for but a couple months - don't freak me out like this.......

With that being said, if I found out I was pregnant tomorrow, I'd shit down both legs. heehee. Seriously, I don't know what I'd do. I heard that if you do become pregnant with the IUD, it will not be a successful pregnancy. I can't remember the exact details on what I read, but there would be some major complications. Not that I have that to worry about under our roof is pretty much non-existant these days.

I'm in, BTW, with photo of the week. Ya'll know how much I suck at keeping you guys posted with pictures of the boys, so there's hard telling if I'd actually participate in something like that, but it sounds good to me :)

Cera, I agree. If Ozzy came here we’d be one seriously cool town! I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon though…

If I found out I was pregnant tomorrow? I’d be suing my doctor! Robert had a vasectomy 3 years ago and I had a hysterectomy this past March. So pregnancy for me at this stage would have to be an act of God. This means I would have to completely reassess my thoughts on religion. Lol

We all have digital cameras too, right? Maybe we can have a weekend picture assignment? Something along the lines of “take a picture of the inside of your refrigerator”. What do you think?

I bet these guys are already sorry I finally found this blog, Lol! I adore writing. I find it so therapeutic. And I seem to really, really need therapy these days. Life's a b!tch.

Kelly, when you said "Oz Fest," for about 2 seconds I thought you meant, ya know, Ozzy Frigging Ozbourne was in town. Which would make your town pretty cool! Munchkins, too, I suppose, Lol. Good luck with that.

Barb, you know we are SO proud of our little Matthew, going to school like a Big Boy and behaving himself all day long to boot! We need bumper stickers.

Well...What shall hereinafter be referred to as The Great You-Know-What Search Of 2006 is going splendidly, my dear friends. :)

BREAKING NEWS...Julian is crawling! We are so excited and proud. It's jerky, like he's got the world's tiniest case of palsy, but forward motion nonetheless. Ironically parallel to my job search, Lol. Onward and upward.

Are we doing a question of the week or something like that? I was just thinking...I have the IUD in, which is like 99.9% effective, but I've heard horror stories...What would you do if you found out you were pregnant TOMORROW?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

First Day of School

My first baby had his first day of school today! Ok, it's not really school I suppose, it's nursery school, he's 3 years old, but still, big step for the big boy. There he is standing outside his school., he's such a cutie pie! I was so nervous for him, thinking he would be afraid and cry when we left. He's been out of daycare for 9 months now since the baby was born and tends to be shy and scared around other kids now that he's not around them a lot anymore. He did great though, the teacher said he was well behaved and listened and played well. Wow, better than he does for me, the child never listens to a word I say. He didn't even want to come home when we got there to pick him up. I suppose it's good he was having a good time and said he wants to go back. It won't last forever I'm sure.

Voodoo Witch Doctors those pre-school teachers and daycare workers are seriously, I wish I knew their secrets, but apparently they are not sharing the wealth of knowledge with the mere moms. Matthew was always an angel in daycare and a monster when he got home, I don't know what they put in that play doh over there but I want the recipe.

Mom of a pre-schooler...

The Place I Live

First, sorry I haven’t had an entry in a while. I will make up for it soon and you will all be sorry! Muh-haaa-haaa

All this talk about the towns we grew up in had me thinking. The town I now live in is what Robby will call home. I am not sure I like that. This town has some odd quirks. But that is another entry for another time. Lol

This entry is about all the frigging festivals this place has. I have never seen so many darned fairs, festivals, expos…you name it! The county fair was last month. Two weeks ago was the Greek Fest. Last weekend was the Popcorn Festival. This coming weekend? The Oz Fest! Yes, Munchkins will be invading our little corner of the world. Apparently we have some of the original munchkin families living in the area and we are celebrating the 25th year of this festival. There will be costume contests and a parade. You can even have lunch with Oz characters! I believe I will pass on this one. Lol

So come Monday if you hear me repeating over and over “lions and tigers and bears, oh my”, just smack me a few times.

Oh my dearest Barbie doll, I wish you sleep and sleep and glorious wonderful SLEEP tonight. Hang in there!

Courtney, glad to see you back among the working stiffs today.

Well tomorrow's the day, ladies, and I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. What if I called off sick? I may actually be puking by tomorrow morning. How am I going to get through a day sitting next to the woman who stole my you-know-what?? And I'll have to be all nice and sweet and professional to her...Gag. Puke. Shoot me.

When touching up my, um, recipe, I realized my 'objective' clearly states I'm seeking opportunity for advancement. You know, the recipe they hired me with?? B*st*rds.

I'm sorry...Shutting up now...I can't wait til this you-know-what search is over and I can freaking focus on something else. We now return you to your regularly scheduled life.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Happy Monday!

I can say oh what a happy Monday because I was off work today!! I actually thought today I could be a stay at home mom and then the evening hit and I had second thoughts no way in hell could I ever be a "good" mommy 24/7. I love my little girl to death, but we both need our time away also.

Barb I was feeling your pain yesterday. I actually thought am I crazy to even consider TTC #2? I need a min of 8 hrs sleep a night and really need 9 hrs. I babysat my niece and oh boy forgot what those middle of the night feedings were all about. She was such a doll other wise.

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to work I go tomorrow. Oh well hopefully it will go quick since I only have 4 more days left...

Why oh Why?

Why oh Why must you tease me so Sandman? It's simply cruel. Bastard.

Monday, Monday...Can't Trust That Day...

Poor Sara! What a mess! Glad things worked out when they did for ya...At least Doug was being helpful with the boys and no one threw a COMPLETE fit...I suppose it could have been worse. It can always be worse, that's my mantra.

We had a decent weekend, nothing crazy...Oh, Spence was in a photo shoot for some bulletin boards for my girlfriend's child advocacy group...I just think it'll be hilarious when we see his soulful eyes, ten feet tall, with the words "Daddy don't hurt me anymore" in the background, LMAO!

Happy Monday, you lovely LIPS.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Well, we're back.

What a rough 24 hours.

We got on the road 9:30 a.m. and got to the little town of Anna, Illinois, which is about 45 minutes from Cape. We stopped at Wal-Mart and got snacks, juice for the kids...getting ready for the 4 hour drive that we had ahead of us with two toddlers. We get almost to the Interstate ramp and Doug says, "You know what we forgot?" I say, "No. What?" He says, "The tickets." I say, "I know you're kidding me. You are kidding, right?" "Nope," he says. We turn around and head back home to get the tickets. Okay, done. We're on our way again.

We get into Nashville around 5:30'ish last night and check into the hotel. We take our luggage and cooler up to the room and decided to find The Grand Ole Opry, so we did just that. We went into the Bass Pro Shop at Opry Mills Mall (HUGE mall...) and Hunter got a HUGE stuffed sword fish. He wasn't turning go of it, so whatever.

Back at the hotel, I give the kids a bath and we get ready to go to bed. Now, our room has a King size bed and a sofa that folds out - perfect for the kids. Doug goes down to the front desk to ask for a sheet and extra blanket for the kids and was informed that we're against fire code regulations having two kids in a King-size bed room and to get an extra blanket, it'd cost us $$. Doug was PISSED. We ended up putting our comforter on the fold out couch, so not a big deal - it was just the thought of it. We were suppose to stay there Sat. evening, too, but that didn't happen since they pissed Doug off.

Okay, so fast forward to Saturday morning. We eat at Cracker Barrell for breakfast. Kids did great, until we were walking out. They have the gift shop area in the front of the store, and well...I kept saying, "Doug, we need to get the kids out of here now..." Didn't happen so what happens, you ask? Connor knocks off a glass pumpkin, putting it in a hundred little pieces on the floor. GRRRRRRR...."Kids, in the car...NOW!!!!"

The railway museum was suppose to be 10 minutes from the hotel. Hit the Interstate and bam, you're there. Well, with our luck, that didn't happen. We go maybe 5 miles and get into some "sit-still" traffic. Horrible accident on the Interstate involving 3-4 cars plus a semi - a fatal accident. They recommend you get there an hour before depature, it was about 8 a.m. We sat there until 9:45 before traffic moves. We get in the parking lot right at 10:00 a.m. (our train depature time is at 10:00 a.m.) and they were closing the gate, wouldn't let us on - the train was already 4 minutes late, yada yada yada. We managed to get on the 11:00 depature, so all was well. It was the lower 90's and the kids were not cooperating very well (one going one way, the other going the opposite way). We walked around for a bit, went to the gift shop and after that, we (Doug & I) were ready. We ended up going back to the mall and walking around for a bit, ate a late lunch and decided to head back home.

The kids are sitting here...being great. Playing really well together. I think they're happy to be home. We're not going to be doing that again any time soon. They were really good on the ride up and back, and even sitting still in traffic - THANK GOD for the invention of vehicle DVD players.

Sorry this is a bit wasn't a good weekend at all. I do have some pictures (not many!) that I'll share with you guys on Monday. Have a great rest of the weekend girlies!!!

Truely, Madly, Deeply!

Sandman came, he came and brought me a dream, it was the sweetest that I'd ever seen! 5 hours straight! Midnight to 5am!!!! I cannot ask for anything more now can I. I love you Sandman, truely, madly, deeply.
See you tonight darling Sandman...I'll be waiting for you.

Wow Sara! Way to start the weekend with a bang!

Bad pun there, I know but couldn't resist. Glad you & the boys are ok. If you're not sick now, I'd say the gas fumes were the culprit to your nausea.

Sending lots of sleepy time vibes your way Barb. That would suck. Kylie was a good sleeper, a good baby in general so I guess it's a good thing we stopped at one. heehee!

Hey Courtney, Walmart has Dora costumes, fyi. They were like $14 or something. I saw them and thought about getting Kylie one for this year. I hadn't given it any thought until I saw that one.

I have a photoshoot this morning. The mom wanted to do a 'farm' type scene with the overalls, straw hat, etc. And MIS boy forgot to bring the hay bales for my fall decorations and he's now 2 hours away so I don't have a clue what I'll do. The grass is too wet and he just mowed last night so don't know that we'll be going out in the yard or not.
I am kind of pleased with myself though. I was having some focus issues recently and I changed a setting on my camera last night and made my mom let me take test shots of her eyes so I could see how sharp they were. Presto change-o, the pix were sharp enough for me to count her eyelashes. woohoo! That's one less worry I have today. I keep wondering how long it will be before I get confident enough in myself during a shoot so I don't feel like a bumbling idiot. LOL! I mean hell, I know what to do and I've learned my camera functions in & out but just putting it all together in the heat of the moment & while trying to frame a shot of a moving toddler is a challenge to say the least.

Hope you guys have a good weekend! Wish we could've met you over in Nashville Sara!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Halloween Costume...

Well I started thinking about halloween costumes like 1 month ago. I asked Kennedy, since I figure she is old enough to make a decision, what she wants to be. I must mention half the time I can not make a decision, so why would I expect my 3 year old too???

So her first costume idea is Dora alright I think I can do that. I hop on e-bay and search the Dora cotumes. I have bookmarked 3, so I can double check with my mind changer if that is really what she wants. No she says I want to be a dinousaur...A what????!!!?!?!?!? I just let that idea slide by my sweet little girl as a freaking dinosaur NOT! I ask her again the next week and she says a Care Bear nice idea on her part, but geez that is what she was last year. I want a new costume this year.

Here we are with what like 5 weeks to go and we still have no decisions on a halloween costume. So are we the only ones still undecisive on a halloween costume. I mean no one is as oraganized as our dear Sarah right????

Sara, glad to hear you're Ok! That could have been much worse, although I'm sure puking isn't your idea of a good time. Just glad to hear everyone is healthy and happy...Even if it meant parading your business out into the street! Gotta love small towns.

Barb, dear, I wish you many many teeth, all at once, to get this ordeal over with! Poor both of you! I JUST read where a sleep-deprived panda in China dropped her newborn, rolled over on it & killed it, so...Get some sleep! Can't Micahel take a shift? Ok, Ok, when you pick yourself up off the ground from laughing, get back to me.

I would have to agree on your in-utero theory, although holy hell, how do you remember what exactly your 1st pregnancy was like? I barely remember 2 weeks ago. I have been very, very lucky with my boys' sleeping habits, although Spence has started crawling into bed with me after his middle 'o' the night potty break...I almost screamed out loud the 1st time I groggily opened my eyes & he was RIGHT THERE. Jesus. He must be looking to collect on my life insurance.

Halloween's right around the corner, ladies, what will our little terrors be? Spence has ever-so-politely requested a lion costume *ROOOAR!!* so I cruised Ebay & got a gorgeous 1 for 12 freaking dollars. SaWEET. & Of course Julian will be the jack 'o' lantern Spence was at that age. We are all about hand-me-downs. Funny side note...Spence thinks jack 'o' lanterns are called "punkin pies"...So he digs out my jack 'o' lantern candle & says, "JuJuBee wiw be a punkin pie for HalloWEEN...A-yund...He wiw wear DIS!" Wouldn't you give your left arm for 1/2 their imagination?? Seriously, this candle is about 2 inches tall. Jesus.

Anyone ever thrown a Halloween party, by the by? I think maybe next year I'd like to try. Might be fun, stranger things have happened.

Mr. Sandman...bring me a dream

or I'd settle for a 3 hour block of friggin un-interrupted sleep. I am not asking for 6 hours, no just a measly little 3 hours straight, is that too much to ask for??? My baby is 9 months old, I should think 3 hours is NOT too much to ask for!!! I cannot take this anymore, it's 2 nights now that that child wakes up at 4:30am and is done with sleep. Now this is after waking up several times during the night. Yesterday he barely slept all day, never more than a 30 minute interval. UGH!!!!!!! Ok, I do believe he is teething and this is the cause, yet again, and Motrin helps, when I gave it to him at 4:30 he did fall asleep after about 30 minutes of babbling loudly keeping me up and basically ruining any chances of falling back asleep. I'm tired ok. Seriously tired.

Why does it hurt? Teething? I don't remember it hurting, the second set, when I was a child, I remember losing teeth, the tooth fairy coming, and then getting the new permanent tooth, I don't recall it hurting, so why or why must it hurt so much the first time around??? My first never really had major teething issues, he got teeth later maybe that's why he wasn't in so much pain? Is that possible. He was 10 months before he got his first and 13 months before the second. He never fussed much, this is all new to me. OK so I guess I know why it hurts, it's cutting through the gum, the second set does not have to cut through, it's already cut, ok fine, but still, does it have to be this painful to keep me, I mean my baby up all night??? Seriously? Lovely crap.

I knew I was in for trouble this time around from the first day I felt the baby moving in my belly, those first twinges, the excitment of realizing there really is a baby growing in there, soon, within a week or so, I realized, omg, this child never stops, it does not sleep it seems, it's in perpetual motion. This went on until the baby was yanked out of my belly. I dare say he did not ever stop moving for more than 20 minutes at a time. They had trouble at my ultrasounds because the baby wouldn't stop moving. I knew it. He didn't sleep then and he continued to not sleep after birth and still, 9 months later...I firmly believe these babies set a pattern in-utero and stick with it. My first, he had a very set pattern even before he was born, 3 hours awake, 3 hours asleep. He was born, and immediately was sleeping 3 hours, awake 3 hours, eating every 3 hours (hey Kel, more 3's for you, HA!) and was sleeping 6 hours straight from about 4 months. And I thought that was hard. I had no idea he was a good sleeper at the time.

So Mr. Sandman...anything would be nice, 2 hours even, I'll take whatever I can get. Please tell me he'll be sleeping through the night before he starts college.

sleep deprived mommy

Thursday, September 07, 2006

OMG - Worst Mother of the Year Award goes to SARA!

Ya'll know that we're leaving for Nashville, TN tomorrow to see Thomas the Tank Engine on Saturday. Well, I thought I would be a step ahead of the game plan and swing by the car wash and bank after I picked up the boys from daycare. Everything was going just as I hoped until I got home.

Now, usually when I pick up the boys and get home, I get them both out of the car at the same time - Hunter usually walking and I carry Connor into the house. Today, I thought I would make an extra trip in first before I got them unbuckled to carry in mail, papers, shit that has been laying in my car for know, Mommy's Car Syndrome - My car is definitely one of the worst. As soon as I walked in the door, the smell of gas hit me smack in the face. Grabbed the phone and called Doug, who was working today at the PD. I told him I smelled gas. He said to get out of the house and call the Fire Department. Uhm, HELLO?! You're in your friggin cop car - get on the radio and call it in to dispatch. You certainly know the f'ing address. So he does that. He gets here before the trucks do. The whole time, the boys were still buckled into their car seats and watching Thomas on the car DVD player.

A couple minutes after he gets here, I hear sirens coming from blocks away. WTF? SURELY they are not running lights and sirens. Uh, yeah, they are. Who would've guessed that smelling gas odor is considered a box alarm and brings out every friggin fire truck that the City owns. Now, I'm not one to draw attention to myself, but this is one hell of a way to do just that. The Mayor of our street was even right up here in the driveway, seeing what was going on (granted, she's not really the mayor but she thinks she owns this street and everyone that lives on it). The trucks kept coming and coming...of course, the boys loved it. Oye.

They checked the entire house and couldn't find anything. I remembered last night, while I was cleaning up the kitchen that Connor had defeated the child safety knobs that we have on our stove. I told Captain Brientenstein that he probably needed to check the knobs on the stove because Connor was in that area last night, I just didn't think to check the stove when we left the kitchen. He came back outside 10 minutes later and said that's what it was. It was on about the 10 o'clock position and he couldn't hear it being on, but as soon as he turned it over, it was already on so that was it. It's been on since last night - you know, that MIGHT have been what made me sick last night? I just thought of that - I don't know if that can cause nausea/vomiting or not, but if so, I betcha that's what it was.

So that was our bit of excitement this evening, although I really could have gone without it. How friggin embarassing is that?! Ahhhhhh...

Friends, past & present...

Lets see, Helen and I have been friends since about 1st or 2nd grade. She married her high school sweetheart as well. We still get together & talk and our kids play together. Then we added Tracy & Lisa to our group. Tracy and I talk every couple of days. We went through preg'cy together. Her little boy is 4 mos older than Kylie. Lisa lives a few minutes north of Memphis now with her hubby and 2 girls. We talk a couple of times a year when she comes home to visit her mom. Funny thing is we all grew up in a farming community but Lisa and I used to dream about getting the hell outta this town and going somewhere like LA or NYC. But like Barb said, men & relationships complicate your future plans. So here we are living in our hometown, married to our high school sweethearts. Isn't that shit the stuff American dreams are made of? lol!
I started working at my company when I was 19 and well almost 14 years later, friends come & go at work. My supervisor and I have been friends for over 12 years and while we still get together and talk it's just not the same since she's my supervisor now. Somehow business always gets in the way of friendships. Can't completely trust friends who are coworkers too. kwim?
And that brings us to my fellow LIPS members. As I said before you guys are like the sisters I never had. We may not agree with each other 100% but we love each other unconditionally. I have blood related family members that I don't feel that way about. In fact you guys are closer to me and know more about the REAL me than my IRL friends & family. And you still love me anyway. LMAO!

I don't know what I'd do without you guys either & hope I never have to find out! :)

my girlfriends...

First, Cera, I'm soooo happy you finally got your little butt over here!!! Our circle is finally compete.

Okay, on to the topic of girlfriends. Coming from a small hometown, our graduating class was really small. We had 10 girls and we were all very very close. Four of us were best friends toward our Jr. & Sr. years. Lisa, Amy, Cindy and I. Sometime during our Sr. year, we lost our friendship with Lisa but Amy, Cindy and I are still really close and I consider them my best IRL friends (and AMEN!, I think our A/C just kicked on at work!!!)

I know Lisa is married (none of us classmates were invited to the wedding) and I believe she had a baby last October. No one has heard anything from her. Who knows.

Cindy lives about 30 minutes from me. She's married and we talk at least 3-4 times a week on the phone. Her hubby doesn't trust her much with me anymore. Long story that maybe I'll get into some other day.

Amy lives here in town with me and has a little boy the same age as Hunter. Her and her hubby are currently going through a divorce...crazy.

That is really the only two close friends I have that know a great deal about me and my situations. Of course, I have the girls here at work and whatnot, but Cindy & Amy are the ones that have been with me through a lot of shit these past few years. However, the 5 of you are really starting to close in on that.

Don't know what I'd do without you girls!!!

Ahhhh My Friends...

Lets see I have had many good friends, but where to start?? Kari was my best friend in Junior High. There were more in the "group", but you know how you pick out that one close friend just a female thing I think. Anyways we spent the night at each others house almost every weekend. Her neighborhood was better than mine more kids our age to hang out with and cuter boys. When it got dark we would go outside and play flashlight tag with all the neighborhood kids. We would stay up late talking, laughing and eating junk food ahhhh the good days of stuffing your face late at night without worry about adding those extra lbs to your waistline...

High school brought on a separate crowd. I am not sure how I really met these girls must have been at a party or maybe it was my striking personality LOL. Monica was and still is one of my best friends. She was the one I got into trouble with. We still reminence on things we did somehow we remember different incidences.

College brought on yet another new set of friends and so one. I really miss some of the girls I used to hang out with and have just lost touch as time has gone on. Someday I hope to cross paths again. I do have to say the most interesting friends I have met yet must be these girls. There is never a dull moment in my day that is for sure. I love my psycho internet friends.. :-)