
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Go Eric Go!

Way to go Eric, but poor momma!

Maybe by the time the kids are in college and we can FINALLY have our big meet up, he'll get used to the idea! ;)

My child has been THIS close to a ass whipping all evening. First it was the whining on the way home, then the fit while I was attempting to reattach the back of her earring, then it was the 5,000 questions while I was getting my yard sale stuff ready, and the 'helping' that isn't really helping. I've given myself a headache from gritting my teeth. LOL!

I need a Valium, a bottle of rum and a good night's sleep! :P Have a good night chickadees!

Lovely Crap!

Ok so that there, Lovely Crap, is the term I am known for. Lovely Crap, my baby just climbed up the stairs. The ENTIRE staircase. He's 9 months old (as of yesterday) and JUST started crawling a few weeks ago, from that ridiculous alligator creep thing he was doing. He goes from barely being mobile to climbing, unassisted here people, the entire staircase. He did it twice today. And now I have to start closing the gates again because he is obcessed with going there. The child is brave, he may even be a genius, time will tell. He didn't even see me standing behind him, he took off down the hall at a speed crawl and went right up the landing and up the stairs, never looking back till the last step where he looks back, sees me, smiles a huge grin and climbs the last step. Lovely crap.

Yes, Sara and I befriended Sarah in the baby board chat room (she was cool) one day and a few months later Sara met Jenna and then she and Kelly were added. And yes Jenna, I neglected to explain the internet psychos part of the name, hello, baby brain over here obviously, the most important part. He still calls you all internet psychos but I think he's less opposed to us meeting now that he's been hearing about you for over 2 years. LOL

My version of the story...

Back in the day, pre-kids, Kelly and I used to chat on our PCOS board and got pregnant and delivered our kiddos a week apart. I found the April board and started talking to some of the girls. When our kids were a year old, I met up with Sara when she came to town for a visit. She was emailing back & forth with Barb and Sarah already so I joined the list and added Kelly. Then we added Courtney after Sara met up with her last year. Funny how she just fit right in with us Psychos. ;)

As for the name of our group, that came about as a joke and just stuck. As Barb said she says lovely all the time and the internet psychos came up because her husband said he didn't want to meet up with her psycho internet buddies or something like that. So we came up with our group name and acronym of LIPS!

These girls are like the sisters I never had. I've never had friends in my life that I could trust and tell anything to as well as I can this bunch of nuts. :P

Hope the B-day treated you well Kel & you were able to get the Senior discount for your meal. LMAO!


I think you're right, Kelly...on how LIPS came to be. I'm going with it, anyway. I can't remember what I did this morning needless to say what the heck happened months and months ago!!!

Hope you have an awesome day, girl! Enjoy the heck out of your birthday and make Robert take you out to a nice dinner :)

My turn!

Kelly, 41 today, Robby the son, Robert the husband, stay at home with the boy. I think that about covers it. lol

Sara, I think it was you and Barb who invited Sarah before the rest of us. I remember that first day the 5 of us (pre-Courtney) started emailing and we had over 1500 emails in a day! That was a wild ride.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Do I get to give a long winded soliloquy on what it was like to live without running water or cable TV?

We are a diverse group of women that get along better than most siblings! Between the six of us there isn't anything we can't find, can't do or can't talk about. Don't know what I would do without you guys!

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Kelly!!! Hope you enjoy your day!

Perhaps you'd like to help us to understand what it's like to be the senior member of our society? We're all heading in that direction. LOL.

We love ya!

My Intro (Never know who will read!) :) LOL

What a great idea to do this girlies!!!

I'm Sara, married to Doug. I'm 27 and live in Southeast Missouri. We have two little boys, Hunter (my April '03) baby and Connor (Feb. '05). I work full time as the Administrative Assistant to our Chief of Police in the same department in which my husband is a police officer (SUCKS! I KNOW!!!)

I met this fine girls on the board....let's see if I can get this right...I believe Barb and I were e-mailing each other daily and Jenna and Kelly were e-mailing each other daily. After Doug and I went to Gatlinburg, TN for vacation and we met Jenna and her husband for dinner for the first time, she, Kelly, Barb and I combined our e-mails (I think I'm getting this right). Soon after, we added Sarah. She was the funniest person on the bulletin board (still is!). We loved her so she joined our "List" shortly after. Courtney was the 6th "member" added...that came after I met her and we went out for drink; had a blast and we all agreed to add her :) Fun times.

I can't wait to watch this blog grow! Just another chapter in our LIPS Society.

Toodles! (And just so ya'll know - the spell check on this thing isn't worth a crap).

Why are we psycho?

Ok, so we are not really psychos, although our husbands/significant others might disagree. We're just 6 really different women who somehow get along amazingly well and became friends because of one simple little connect, we all had a baby in April of 2003 and met on a baby bulletin board. The name came about because, well, I use the term lovely a lot and my friends noticed this. When the time came to name our little group lovely had to be in there. We're all a bit crazy, we met and connect via the internet, so L.I.P.S. (Lovely Internet Psychos Society was created.)

My story is I am now a stay-at-home-mom to two boys, a 3 year old and a 9 month old. I recently started my own home based business. My days consist of taking care of my boys, working on my business, chatting with my girlfriends, and you know, every now and again doing some house cleaning and all those annoying must do tasks.

This blog will just be us doing our normal babbling and ranting and raving about everything and nothing in particular.

Cherish Collages