
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...

Ok, so not to really get my hopes up, but they are talking about a severe winter storm here :-). By Friday they are saying we should have 6-12" of snow. Woot Woot. Now keep in mind the past 3 years they have predicted snow we have got maybe a dusting, so this is exciting. What better timing? Snow the next 2 days then in 4 days we leave for the beach. I had to check out the weather there and it is mid-80s and sunny.

Other than weather 3 1/2 is a VERY hard age. I love my daughter, but it is very tough right now. I just wish she would listen to me and do what I ask of her. I had to laugh I was giving her a talk about listening to mommy and doing what I say and she looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and said "I am sorry mommy I won't let you down" my eyes welled up what a doll baby she can be sometimes LOL...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Lights Everywhere!

Jenna, we had perfect weather for hanging lights today. Cloudy and around 50 degrees. Enough for a light jacket and a hat. Hats are a must have up here near the windy city. I swear a calm day is wind at about 20 mph. lol

Robert hung most of the lights outside but we still have the porch railings to go. Robby had to get this bell light thing and it looks pretty neat. Remind me again never to send Robert shopping by himself, ok? I trimmed down one of the front bushes and Robert pulled another one. It was a busy day!

Courtney, I am so glad you are feeling a bit better. Hopefully you will be completely over it before vacation. Now if we can stop Jon from getting it next. I was laughing so hard over your mom's comment about babysitting. My mom is just the opposite. She says this is her favorite age. She doesn't like them after about 4 1/2 to 5. One day we are going to be the grandparents and we'll get to turn down babysitting jobs!

Well girls, off to start another week. Man this year has flown by. I still can't believe we have known each other for so long. Our kids have grown up together over the internet! Isnt' that a strange thought?

Jenna I hear you about not right. It has been in the upper 60's all weekend!! It is hard to get into the holiday spirit without the fireplace on LOL I have not even thought about getting my decorations out yet hmmm maybe after we get back.

Kelly cranium is an absolute blast. I love that game! Glad you are back safe and sound we have missed you :-)

Well I am feeling a bit better. I got up this morning feeling like total dog sh!t, but as the day wore on I have started feeling better. I opted against going in to gag myself, so we shall see what the morning brings. We ran to Best Buy and Target today to get a b-day present for my step-daughter WOW how weird that sounds LOL. I wrapped the gifts and got them ready to be mailed off tomorrow. I ordered a calling card tonight for my mom to call us while we are in Jamiaca and other than that I cleaned my arse off tonight. I cleaned out my closet and got rid of old clothes that I had realized I will not fit into again LOL I really did the heavy cleaning today, so I will not have much to worry about until we get back from vacation.

Wow hard to believe next week I will be gone. I will miss Kennedy even though she was a total brat today. As I was complaining tonight to my mom about her behavior she said do you remember when I said I would not babysit her from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 she said I HATE that age LOL oh well there are better times ahead right???

Deck the halls!!

This us just not right, it's 71 degrees and we're sweating our arses off while decorating for Christmas. :(
But the tree is up, the icicle lights are on the house, my mini spruce trees are covered in lights, so bring on the fat guy in the red suit! lol! Been a pretty good weekend here. No major blowups, Kylie was pretty good other than saying "dammit' all the way home yesterday. She had spent the night with the ILs on Friday and FIL doesn't watch what he says in front of the girls. After I told her that wasn't a nice word she kept saying "I sorry momma, I sorry momma" LOL! Then all night she'd say "I not say bad word momma, I'm a good girl" yeah right, tell that to someone who doesn't know you. :P

That's friggin' hilarious Kelly. I had some good visuals running through my head reading about the Cranium game. lol!

Courtney, hope you feel better soon? You leave this coming weekend right? Maybe if you get some antibiotics tomorrow you'll knock the majority of the virus out before you leave.

Barb, those pics are sooo good! Can't believe the little shit is 1 already. And OMG Matthew looks 5-6 in that one pic of him leaning against the presents.

Hi All!

Congrats Courtney! So sorry you are getting sick. It's no fun I am sure. And Jenna, how funny about the Easter eggs. The things their little minds come up with are frightening!

Barb, he can NOT be one! That means Julian's B-day is also coming up fast and Connor is going to be 2! ACK! This is all insane!

We made it to the folks and back with no major family incidents. It's a record! Food was excellent but it always is. I don't know what we will do when Mom can't cook the whole meal any more. It will be a sad, sad year. Mom has been cooking the holiday meals for as long as I can remember. My Dad's Mother used to try to help but coming from Cajun country her foods were a bit odd for us youngin's. lol

Anyway, Dad has been sick for a couple weeks with some weird bug and the doc gave him some anti-nausea pills. Well, if I ever need to sleep for an entire day I know what pills to take. Dad slept for 14 hours, woke up long enough to check his sugar levels and went right back to bed. When he woke up for that brief period he looked more stoned than if he were coming from a Grateful Dead concert! Mom banned him from those pills after that...heehee.

My sister, mom, Robert and I played a game called Cranium. You all must play this if you haven't already. It was so funny! In parts of the game you have to act out words. My mother had to act out "volcano". I thought she was having a hot flash! And imagine trying to hum the tune of "Billie Jean" to your's not pretty. But the best one of all was Robert (Mr. Creativity he is not) molding underwear out of clay. It was a site to see. The game is well worth the $15.00!

p.s. Mom and I won both games!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hiding Easter eggs for x-mas now there is a new tradition Jenna LMAO! I like Kylies thinking though.

Barb I agree commercials and their underlying messages are a bit much sometimes. I have seen that radar one I kinda found it weird that they offered to pay for the speeding ticket if you get one especially since in some states radar detectors are illegal.

Well I survived thanksgiving and will not step on the scale until the end of the week LOL. WTH was I thinking going to the beach 1 week after thanksgiving anyways?? I am almost scared to even see the damage I have done. Mashed potatoes are my major downfall.

Nothing like getting sick before I leave right? I think (actually almost positive) I have strep. It is going around horribly here and I usually do not pick up germs in fact I have not had strep in years. I am going to run by the office and swab myself and see *fingers crossed* that is not the case b/c I can totally see us all getting sick and Jon not until we are in Jamaica.

He did end up really sick on our last ski trip and we spent a lot of the time in the condo and I had to call one of the Drs at work to call him in an antibiotic hmmm wonder if there are normal pharmacies in Jamaica guess I better fill a Rx a head of time eh?

Well girlies hope your turkey day went well and Cera everything turned out for you cooking the whole meal for the first time. Not so bad I just hate the dishes and cleaning afterwards if it were up to me we would eat off of paper LOL

Friday, November 24, 2006

Crazy Commercials

Ok so I analyze commericals, sue me. I heard one the other day I had to share, I was in complete disbelief it could be real. It was for a radar detector or something. Super Ultra blah blah blah something crazy, but the commercial, it was on the radio, starts with a woman telling her honey to slow down and he says no, he has this (insert brand here) radar detector and so he can speed. Goes on to describe how it can disable a radar gun from 2 miles away, etc...they were totally encouraging speeding. I mean, hello we all speed, but seriously, encouraging it like that cannot be right, but it got worse, then they go on to say that if you do get caught while using this thing, THEY will pay the speeding ticket for you. That's how sure they are you won't get caught using it. OMG.

I thought it was in poor taste.

random thoughts

Oh that is funny Jenna, so Christmas ought to be cheap, just hide some more eggs and forget the gifts! LOL

Congrats to Courtney on making it legal, Cera you are next, you are for sure! Have a blast on the honeymoon, enjoy it, it will probably be your last vacation for awhile if you do decide to go for baby #2.

Hope everyone had a lovely Turkey Day, we cleaned and hung out mostly, we are celebrating with the family Saturday instead since we are all spread out in the state and some had to work today, we made it a weekend thing.

The big news, Eric is going to be ONE on Wedensday! OMG. We are having his birthday tomorrow along with Thanksgiving. Can you friggin believe it? ONE. Already, I cannot believe how fast this year flew by, insanity. My spoiled little mama's boy is going to be one.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Holiday Mix Up

at our house. Kylie got up this morning and DH told her it was Thanksgiving and we'd be going to the grandparent's to eat. So she got her Easter bucket and we had to hide eggs around the house for an hour and half this morning. LOL! Just had to share with you before I forgot! ;)

Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day! Gobble, Gobble!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I would just like to say a big ol' HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you lovely ladies. :)

And CONGRATULATIONS to Courtney, you married lady, or should I say my condolences. Kidding! You know I'm jealous. :)

Jekyll & Hyde, I think Jekyll is the Dr. which makes him the sane one, right? Don't really know. But I feel your pain! Spence is starting to get spotty reports from daycare, even. Yikes! That he's not listening, forgets the routine he's known forever, etc. Nothing too horribly bad, but still. Then he curls up with me on the couch and pets my cheek and tells me he still loves me. Angel boy.

Well ladies, have a terrific Turkey Day...Any & all diet plans are out the window, you realize. SaWEET! And don't forget, bucketloads of pics, pretty please. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

OMG Jekyll & Hyde we are there. I really hope it is just the age. So, you girls know Kennedy is taking swimming lessons. Tonight I resorted to bribery since she thinks this is all fun and games. No honey you are supposed to be learning something LOL. Here I am on the way home tonight Kennedy if you are a good girl and listen to Adam (her teacher must I mention HOT) you can have a piece of gum afterwards. Did she listen hell no. He had to ask her over and over again to sit on the red step. Oh yeah and my child was the one standing on the bottom step yelling "TEACHER TEACHER look at my Dora swimsuit" (hanging my head in embarrasment) Needless to say my child did not listen, so on the way home I am explaining to her why she can not have gum. She says to me mommy I do not like you. You are mean to me awwwwww (my heart is breaking). Daddy will give me gum she says LOL ok Kennedy.

Side tracked here!!!!!!!

OMG I am freaking out. As I am sitting here typing (watching the 10:00 news) I hear about Greensboro being blocked and a police emergency ok when Jon was home 1 hr ago he was dispatched (to this same street by himself) to a report of a man with a shotgun threatening his girlfriend and children in the house. The news says (I only caught the end of it) Greensboro is closed off and we will have more info at the 5:30 am news we have news crews on the scene WTH I am getting married this weekend??? I call Jon and thank god he answers otherwise I probably would have packed my child (asleep) in the car to make sure he was ok although I have no clue where this street is.

Anyways details are sketchy until Jon comes home and I get the whole story, but I guess the man tried to leave and there were 13 police men blocking the end of the street with guns drawn, so the guy shot himself. Whatever at least my soon-to-be husband is ok.

Well girls I am going to get off here and wait for Jon to get home safe I am kinda freaking out.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Jekyll & Hyde

Anyone else? I swear Matthew can be absolutely defiant, horrible, screaming, raging, unreasonable, brat on second and then at the snap of a finger because an angelic little boy. It's infuriating!!! I suppose he's 3 right. Ya I know, but man...

This evening he was so funny, made me forget about all the yelling I did today as he refused to listen to a word I said. He picked up a calculator, why I don't know, he has several phones, even a snazzy toy cell phone that looks real my mom got him in Italy. Anywho, he picks up this calculator and starts talking into it, "Hi Zio Ric, yup, yup, I'm watching the Dino movie, I can be there, I can meet you, well, wait, it's dark outside, I can't go out, ok, next week maybe." OMG hubby and I were laughing hysterically. He then called his other uncles, his aunt, Grandma, and several other people, all of whom he could not meet up with because it was already dark outside. He told his Grandma he wanted her to come over right now.

There was no sign of Hyde? Is Hyde the bad one? I can never remember, I can barely say it, for some reason everytime I try it comes out, Heckyll and Jyde.

Good night ladies...

Monday, November 13, 2006

I feel your pain!

Oh Cera I feel your pain darling, the other night babybeep screamed from 3am to 4am, it's was lovely crap. The next night after a full dose, he's up into the next dosing category, yippee, he slept all night, this was what, the 3rd or 4th time he's ever done that in 11 months. Heavenly. We're back to normal several wakings a night.

Sorry I have not been around much, been re-working my business blog and stuff... shameless plug yes.

Gotta run...

Well pull me up a rocking chair, I'm IN! I know the feeling Jenna...Especially tonight...I plan on handing the kiddos over to Nate Daddy Dawg & sleeping til the alarm goes off tomorrow. It could happen.

Kelly, sleep any better last night? Lol @ Robby's night schedule!

Last night/this morning drove me to the breaking point...I think we are definitely DONE having children. It was like a screaming contest with no winner, ever...Just on & on & on...Another baby would put me over the edge, I think. I'd like to retain what precious sanity I have left. NOT A WORD, you guys, not one word.

I'm still excited about writing for, but haven't heard back from Lisa...It'll be a week on Wednesday. Think I'll wait til then & email her back. Like, Whassup biyotch? You better recognize!

So that's me, in a dazed, zombie-like fog of an update...Barb & Kelly, I give you mucho credit-o. I would be quietly hanging myself right now if I had to put up with one more MINUTE of crankiness in stereo, I swear. You guys are DA MOM(s).

Have a good one guys!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Sorry Kelly that sounds yucky. Nothing worse than a cold. Jenna the milkshake sounds good. I am allergic to cows milk, so I have to have those in moderation and honestly I do not really like sweet stuff much. I know I am weird my mom told me so a long time ago. Chocolate no thanks, but give me a bag of greasy potato chips and I am in heaven.

BTW Jenna I think it is time to get the rocking chair out on your front porch LOL WTH no kid and you are going to bed early??? I love the nights when I can convince Kay to go to bed before 11 pm, so I can take advantage of Jon LOL Usually on happens on the weekends since the sitter makes her take a nap during the week and not to mention the fact that Jon does not get off until 11 pm the nights he has to work ughhhhh

I am going to get Jon up here in about 10 mins b/c we have to run to Wal-Mart to pick up some last minute things. I went to the mall shoe shopping for Kay & I yesterday and I found me a pair for $7.00 and nothing for Kay. I guess she would look a little funny walking down the aisle barefooted??? I am going to check out Payless today I have already been to Shoe Carnaval, Shoe Dept, Target, and JCPenney. Wish me luck. Tonight is Desperate Housewives night and Jon is off double WOOT WOOT I get to watch it in peace :-)

Poor Kell!

What a night! I think God knew what he was doing when He gave me a child that sleeps. The world does not want to encounter sleep deprived Jenn. lol! Hopefully Robert will step up and at least take Robby to Walmart or something to get out of your hair for an hour or so. Maybe you can think of something you just have to have from the store cause we all know how Robert looks for an excuse to go shopping. ;)

Hell Kelly, I already do all those things, what's it going to be like when I get your age? j/k! :P

Ok, I'm off to get a shower. My milkshake is calling my name. And I promised Kylie, I'd take her to Petsmart again. Too bad there isn't one closer than nearly an hour away!

My Night

What a lovely night it was too. Robby finally fell asleep around 10:00 last night. I’ve got a nasty cold so I took a bunch of cold meds and went to bed at 11:00. This was a bad mistake. I knew better than to take drugs and try to sleep. They affect me opposite than they should. When I broke my nose many moons ago they gave me two shots to put me to sleep. I was wide awake and goofy, playing with the prongs they had sticking out of my nose. When I had the hysterectomy a few months ago I got morphine. I was out wandering the halls bugging the nurses all hours of the night. Lol

11:00 to 2:30 Tried to sleep but tossed and turned the whole time. Brief moments of strange dream sequences. Gave up and came out to the computer.
3:00 Robby comes out to sleep on the couch.
3:30 Carry Robby back to bed and try to sleep again
3:45 Robby up wanting water and needs another shot of cough syrup.
4:00 Robby up wanting his blankets fixed and his music back on
4:45 Robby up wanting who knows what. He was standing by my head with his chin in his hands just staring at me.
5:15 Robby needs his blanket fixed again
5:30 Robby is up for good but I make him go back in his room until his music is done. (an hour) I head to the couch.
6:45 Robby is up and yelling at me not to look at him. The looks I want to give would burn holes in his little Robmonster head!

It is my own fault though. Robby also has the cold and I gave him medicine. Little bugger has my same reaction to medicine it seems. Poor guy. The things he inherited from me were not the best. He got my big feet and knobby knees and now my drug crap. Fingers crossed he doesn’t have my drug allergies!

How much you guys want to bet Robert tries to make me feel guilty for going back to bed when/if he ever wakes up? And why is it I thought the sleep deprivation would ever end?

Cera, how absolutely funny the babe did that to Spence! One of those moments you don't know whether to punish or laugh hysterically!

Jenna, right there with you on the old thing. It sneaks up on you fast and before you know it you are holding your knees to walk up the stairs! Aches and pains will be in parts of your body you didn't know you had...heehee.

Friday, November 10, 2006

When did I get so old?

WTF is wrong with me? Ok, don't answer that!!!

I have a child-free night, it's 8:50pm and all I want to do is go to bed. And not even for recreational activities. ;) Hey, it's not like I could get lucky if I wanted too. The DH is sprawled out on the couch snoring as we speak. I'm getting ready to go in there jab him in the ribs and tell him to bring it down to fog horn level and go to bed myself.

Before long we'll be heading out to the early bird specials at IHOP when we get rid of the kiddo for the night! :P

Have a good weekend girlies! I'm hoping mine is filled with White Chocolate milkshakes from Steak N' Shake. They have their holiday flavors out now and I've been dying for one all week. :)

Weekend Come On Already!

I am so ready for this freakin week to get over with (month actually LOL).

Jenna good suggestions Jon has been right on her about it I tell her no and push her back. You can tell she is female b/c she cocks her head at me and prances off LOL has the female attitude already. If anything else Jon has stopped talking about having another baby hey whatever works.

Sarah OMG Jon looked at me a couple days ago and said I do not think Kennedy has stopped talking for 2 days. She is like the energizer bunny I can not find the stop button or the batteries to remove them. Boy is her attitude raging now she screamed at Jon last night I am mad at you and I am never talking to you again. Of course while we were talking amongst ourselves and not paying attention to her she had to keep saying I am mad daddy. LOL oh what am I going to do with her when she turns into a hormonal teenager.

Oh well lunch is almost over I better go get this afternoon over with BLAHHHH

Ditto that! I didn't think I was a cat person til Nathaniel brought one home years ago & showed me how much fun it was to tie a sock around their middle & watch them flop over.

Kelly, used that babysitter yet? I'm considering asking my bro(s) to watch the boys after the baby's in bed tonight...I don't know. Makes me nervous. A friend of Tiff's (somewhat friend of mine) is having a birthday to-do tonight at some bar. What to do, what to do...

I should probably quit while I'm ahead, hey guys? I can't handle how much talking the boys do, I'd probably go stark raving mad if I had to listen to constant chit-chat from a girly girl. I give you guys a lot of credit!

Man, another long, crazy week drawing to a close, & I'm SO glad. Work here is crazy...Very deadline-driven. I don't mind it being fast-paced, in that I don't even notice the time fly by, but I do occasionally miss the opportunity to lazily Ebay for an hour or two! Oh well.

Well ladies, have a lovely, lovely weekend...Sorry I haven't been able to get on & blog much...See above paragraph, Lol. Especially with the baby walking at home, too, I am constantly on the run. Everyone's going nuts over him walking, but you know what? I would not mind having waited for this. Since I'm pretty sure he'll be THE baby of the family, I wouldn't mind him staying small & helpless as long as possible. :(

Oh, quickly...Speaking on the baby, this morning Spence had climbed into bed with me while I was serial snooze button-ing. Julian walked over, grabbed himself a fistful of Spence's hair, yanked his whole head up & back, then...I kid you not...Clamped his other hand over Spence's mouth to muffle his scream, LMAO. Genius baby indeed.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I was posting a reply and oops. lol. I was going to say that Courtney, you will grow to love the little one even if it is a cat! I miss mine so much it hurts. My puppy hurts more but that's another story.

You are going to grow to love this new little life that you won't believe you ever were not a cat person. lol Before long you will be worrying about whether it likes it's food and if the litter is too coarse. lol. It's ok. They get under your skin and in a good way!

Here kitty, kitty! LOL

Courtney, kittens nip alot. What I'd do is pick her up or push her back and tell her NO in a stern voice and ignore her. When she sees she's not getting the reaction she wants, she'll stop. Kinda like a kid. LOL! Be consistent though and if that doesn't work, get a squirty bottle of water and mist her in the face while telling her NO sternly. They hate that! LOL!

To post a pic, click on that little picture up in the formatting bar and you can search for your file on your puter and upload it from there. Super easy!

This coughing shit is getting on my nerves, btw!!!! :(

Everyone ready for Grey's tonight? I know I am. Gotta get Kylie in bed and the living room straightened up so I better get off here! TTYL!

A Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

A wonderful day to be neighbors..... Ok, enough Mr. Rogers. lol

It really is a beautiful day out. One that is hard to pass up knowing winter is around the corner. They are saying we might get some more flurries tomorrow night. 65 today and flurries tomorrow. Makes no sense!

Courtney, it is almost over. Before long you are going to be an old married lady. lol

Promise I'll do a decent post soon but this will have to do you'uns for now. lol

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Well I am down to the last couple days of being a "free woman" LOL. I am freaking out obviously as I have for the last week. Jon has been overly nice lately, which has me concerned. I am concerned if he is not nice and if he is overly nice hey the guy is not going to win no matter what. I booked my massage for the day before the wedding b/c honestly I do not know if I will make it that far. I have another gift certificate (funny how my close friend and mom know me so well), so I may have to go in before next friday also.

Jenna I would love to share a pic of Ella I first have to figure out how to post it LOL. She has been nipping tonight, which is worrying me I know she is just a kitty, but I was attacked by a cat a few years back, so I am paranoid. I just hope she is the sweet cat we think she is going to turn out to be. My boss just had to put her cat of many years down b/c it all of a sudden started attacking people. I admit I am a dog person not a cat person, but I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rain, Rain Go Away!!!

Same kind of day here too Sara. One of those days when you would love to be huddled on the couch in pj's vegging out in front of the TV all day. But alas, those of us in Working-Stiff-Ville aren't allowed to wear pj's or watch tv. sigh...

ok, BB is scaring me!!!She was way too nice today! LB, BB, and I went to a Mexican place for lunch today. BB bought our lunch on the bank's credit card. When we got up to pay she said "I've got it" and BB said "We didn't invite you along just to pay" and after she walked up to the register, we looked at each other and said "Yeah we did" Mu-hahahahahaha!

Since we've shared pics of our kiddos, why not the pets too? Especially since Courtney just got a new one. Sara, we need some more pics of Miss Cutie Patootie Emily. Barb, is Dorothy still alive & kicking, er swimming? LOL!

Here's my kitty Jypsy. She's a sweet cat but she's the first one that I have ever owned that seemed like just a pet. I've always been an animal lover and my pets always seem like part of the family but it's different with her. She's really independent, comes and goes as she pleases. Her name really fits her it seems. I guess I'm just used to a strictly indoor cat that depends on you for everything so we haven't made that bond yet. oh, I'd be sad if anything happened to her but I don't know, it's just different...

LOL, yes, Courtney. You called Jon when we got to the hotel. I know because you were on the phone with him when I got out of the shower. I had a great time, girl. Thank you for asking me to come up! You're friends are a hoot, too - especially Shannon. I promised her I'd send her those pictures of your ride on the back of Big Bird so if you didn't share those with her yesterday......I'll have to hunt her down :) Seriously, I'm glad you had a great time and don't worry about Kennedy. I'm use to having a 3 1/2 year old at home! She's a doll.

No volleyball game tonight girls. It's Election Day. I do have an American Cancer Society meeting though tonight. It seems like we just ended this year's Relay and we're already in the planning/meeting stages for next year's event. Holy crap.

It's rainy and nasty here. With the morning I had this morning, I want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over my head. It's that kind of a blah-day.

Monday, November 06, 2006

4 more days!!!

Until Big Boss flies the coop for a whole week! That's right folks, senior mgmt is going on yet ANOTHER trip to Cancun. I think we're up to 2 trips to Cancun now. One trip to Hawaii and one to Australia. Annnnndddd they just got back from NYC!!! Ya know, the more I think about it, I think we shoulda went for the private jet instead of the yacht. Seems the Powers That Be are more of the Jet Set crew than the laid back relax on a boat kind. Ya think?
I'm afraid to get my hopes up because she had marked on the calendar that she is taking a vacation the week of T-giving too. I'm sure she'll think the bank can't run without her big ass! btw, how do you get 3 weeks of personal vacation when you go globe trotting for about 5 weeks out of the year? Although, I guess I shouldn't knock it, she's out of the office & our hair. :P

Barb, I loved the pics from Italy. It would be so cool to have a family like that. We have such a small family, I wouldn't know how to act around that many people. LOL!

Not much longer now Courtney! ;)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Am Still Here LOL

Kelly valid points. I am happy with Jon & my relationship I just want all this to be over with. I wish we would have just eloped in the first place planning weddings are too much work.

As for this weekend well I just got out of bed a couple hours ago. I have pretty much been there all day. Those drinks last night kicked my butt Sara. I do not really remember calling Jon last night, but apparently I did. The piano bar is such a fun place to go. The only thing I really remember after the piano bar is this guy who liked me in high school was at the country bar we went too and all night long he kept saying I can not believe you are getting married are you sure this is what you really want I have loved you for 12 years now. Geez buddy get over it already you are married yourself. I told him you have a beautiful wife and son he said I will agree with you on the son part what an ass!

Well back to work tomorrow BLAH I know my honeymoon will be here before I know it, but I am ready for a vacation. Our new receptionist does not start for 2 weeks, so that means I have to help out again up front this week. I am more than ready for work to get back to normal again!

Sara I hope you had a good time this weekend sorry Kennedy would not leave you alone LOL. I really appreciate you coming up here it means alot :-)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Things Do Change…

No denying it. But it’s not all for the worse either Courtney. There is more sense of security that comes with marriage too. And even though it is harder for you to leave, it is harder for them to leave too…heehee.

So go on, get hitched! And then you can go off and enjoy that fabulous honeymoon you have planned!!!

I’m so glad the water heater issues are solved Barb! I know what you mean about all that money sitting in the basement not to be seen. We got a new water heater when we moved in here and a new water softener/conditioner that also collects dust down there. The only time I ever see it is when I have to go down and change the filter on the furnace. Lol

Just think. Our folks (or grandparents for you youngin’s) probably thought hot water was a luxury!

Halloween, Spaz attack and other random thoughts

Water heater is fine. New one installed, seemed pretty painless other than the friggin money ona shiny new object nobody can see because it's hidden in the nether regions of the basement.

Halloween was a rousing success folks. Matthew gets it, of course now he wants to go out every night. I need to send this costume back to new Cera so he can't keep asking to put it on and go get more candy. He did fantastic, said trick or trick, to infinity and beyond (he was Buzz Lightyear) and thank you at every house with only minimal prompting.

and now for my spaz attack. Yesterday during a quite frustrating baby won't stop crying moment, I am starting dinner, turn on the burner to boil water, put the pot on and go upstairs to try and put baby down for a nap or at least get him out of ear shot, attempt a solo pee break for a change and I come back down to a burning smell and see black smoke on the stove, I had turned on the wrong burner and my ceramic spoon rest was sitting on the burner I had turned on and was red hot and smoking. I turned it off, waited a minute, then went to move the spoon thingy using something of course, well, mistake, it exploded. Didn't hit me at least. OMG I screamed though, scary stuff.

Big weekend coming up for you Courtney, hey, we won't blame you if you run away from home right now, it's a big plunge baby. Marriage changes everything, kinda like baby changes everything.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Amazing what you can get for $50 bucks!

I had mom to pick up KylieBug's eyedrops yesterday because they were still red and goopy. She calls me in a panic on the way from the drugstore. They were $50 freakin' dollars because they don't come in a generic formula! Holy Hell Batman!!If we didn't have insurance, they would've cost $172, for what basically amounts to 2 thimble fulls of eye drops. As I was putting the drops in her eyes last night, DH said "Don't drop any of those, you'll be pouring $10 down the drain" No shit man!!!

Glad you got the hot water fixed Barb!

Sorry I wasn't on during that last hour of work. Big Boss had 3 of us in there giving us our projects to work on before the examiners get here in the next few days. We just had our exit with the first set and now we have more coming. I think from now till the end of the year we have them on & off. I can't wait, only 2.5 more weeks until Senior Mgmt goes to Cancun (again). Then BB is on vacation the next week so that'll be 2 glorious weeks without her! woot woot! :)