
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away!!

The rain can seriously stop whenever and I would be very happy. I think it is 3 days it has rained straight now. I love green grass and blooming flowers, but there comes a time especially when it is the weekend and you have a 4 yr old that you need a break. Poor Kay has to be locked inside another day. We actually ran out to my work this morning and to the pharmacy, so she could at least get out of the house for a bit. I guess I will clean this afternoon, so if it happens to be sunny and hot tomorrow we can go to the pool. It would have to warm up 20 degrees for that to happen. I am drained and just want to lay on the couch I hat ethe 3 rd tri tiredness. I guess I better get in all the sleep I can now b/c here in 9 weeks there will be no more sleeping.

Jenna, I hope your mom is feeling better. What a scare, good thing she had it checked out. Barb, hopefully you are not getting rained out and having fun at the lake.

I am off to go pick up before DH gets home with lunch, Taco Bell. I can blame this one on Kay since she requested it. I am more than ready to have my kitchen sink back, so we can make real food. How long can it take to get a part in anyways???? Hopef everyone is having a great weekend!!! ;-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

wow, it's been a month since I've posted!!!

Where has the time gone? Nothing new going on around here. Go to work, pick up the kiddo, go home, sleep a few hours and then start all over the next day. Tired as hell lately.

Work is fine & dandy. New kitty is fitting in well. The Bug is enjoying her new pool as are we. ;)

I know this is a first for me but I'm having a hard time thinking of something to post about. :P Have we all pretty much abandoned ship (aka the blog)? Are our lives that boring?

Sunday, June 17, 2007


You are right Sarah we have been slacking on here. I will try to be better...

Yesterday DH, Kay & I went to the Zoo. We had a blast even though it was 90 degrees and hot hot hot. It is pretty shaded though, so not too bad. We were going to go last weekend, but the rain kept us away. Today Kay & I just lounged at the pool. I was so exhausted from all the walking yesterday I thought today was a good day to lay around and do nothing! I should have put on a little sunscreen today b/c I got a little pink oops.

I am so not ready to start another week at work. Things there are kinda yucky right now. LB is very lazy and it is becoming more and more apparent. All her duties gets passed on to someone else to do and I made the mistake of telling her I was interested in taking on other duties. It will never happen going through her b/c for 1.) that would bequire her actually getting off her lazy arse and doing something and 2.) I think she would feel threatened. One of the front dest girls used to work for her at the University and said she was lazy there too and delegated all ehr job duties hmmmmm sounds like that is what she is good at. I think I will keep talking to one of the Drs who actually gives a sh!t and maybe some progress will get done. I dunno I just need to be patient. What I really want to do will take some commitment and time...

Friday, June 15, 2007

What does that mean, Kelly, melanoma but not cancer? It seems I've got to get hip to these terms as well...Still waiting on word about my mom's lumpectomy today.

We had so much fun meeting Kelly & Co.! Robby & Spencer were fast friends in about 30 seconds. Too darn cute. I hope we can meet up again someday! Hershey sounds marvelous, btw.

Awww, Courtney's making a widdow nest fow hew widdow beebee. Kennedy's going to make a great big sister!

This blog is dying a slow death...Where is everyone?? We'll never sell any t-shirts this way, Lol.

Well Raphael-son the Kitty is doing well, I'm happy to report...Nathaniel is busy again w/steady work, thank God...Julian has actually been in a decent mood lately, even w/those nasty baby vampire teeth descending...And Spence learned to TIE HIS SHOES!! I know I mentioned this to you guys, but what better way to brag to the world than by Psycho Society Blog. :)

That's us for the moment! Hoping all is well with all of you.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Oh My!

Been a bit I know. The vacation went well. Better and worse than expected. Worse was because I wrecked the van the day before vacation. Not fun. But the trip was well worth it meeting Sarah and her brood! I've already shown you all the pics and if I could figure out how to do that here I would. lol

We had a great time at the park and Hershey was great! The hotel was a bit confusing but before long I was directing other patrons to where they wished to go. Robby loves the water but still refuses to get his head under. Oh well. At least he loves swimming, right?

Beyond vacation we finally set up the pool in the backyard. The water is a bit green yet but hopefully will be fixed by the end of the weekend. Robert also set up a nice new lamp in the front yard and power to the shed out back. very nice and he didn't blow us up...heehee.

And that is about it. My mother's last biopsy was good and bad and I haven't said anything about this yet. The cancer cells are gone but the melanoma cells are still floating around. She has an appointment with the cancer doc soon so we will know more then. Ugh!