Halloween, Spaz attack and other random thoughts

Water heater is fine. New one installed, seemed pretty painless other than the friggin money ona shiny new object nobody can see because it's hidden in the nether regions of the basement.
Halloween was a rousing success folks. Matthew gets it, of course now he wants to go out every night. I need to send this costume back to new Cera so he can't keep asking to put it on and go get more candy. He did fantastic, said trick or trick, to infinity and beyond (he was Buzz Lightyear) and thank you at every house with only minimal prompting.
and now for my spaz attack. Yesterday during a quite frustrating baby won't stop crying moment, I am starting dinner, turn on the burner to boil water, put the pot on and go upstairs to try and put baby down for a nap or at least get him out of ear shot, attempt a solo pee break for a change and I come back down to a burning smell and see black smoke on the stove, I had turned on the wrong burner and my ceramic spoon rest was sitting on the burner I had turned on and was red hot and smoking. I turned it off, waited a minute, then went to move the spoon thingy using something of course, well, mistake, it exploded. Didn't hit me at least. OMG I screamed though, scary stuff.
Big weekend coming up for you Courtney, hey, we won't blame you if you run away from home right now, it's a big plunge baby. Marriage changes everything, kinda like baby changes everything.
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