
Friday, November 24, 2006

Crazy Commercials

Ok so I analyze commericals, sue me. I heard one the other day I had to share, I was in complete disbelief it could be real. It was for a radar detector or something. Super Ultra blah blah blah something crazy, but the commercial, it was on the radio, starts with a woman telling her honey to slow down and he says no, he has this (insert brand here) radar detector and so he can speed. Goes on to describe how it can disable a radar gun from 2 miles away, etc...they were totally encouraging speeding. I mean, hello we all speed, but seriously, encouraging it like that cannot be right, but it got worse, then they go on to say that if you do get caught while using this thing, THEY will pay the speeding ticket for you. That's how sure they are you won't get caught using it. OMG.

I thought it was in poor taste.


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