
Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's Sunday!

Barb, I'm thinking I would feel a bit out of place, too! I think we all realize that none of us are that way...I couldn't imagine.

Jenna, (((HUGS))) girl. I've been thinking about you lots this weekend!

Not much new to report here. It's been a pretty peaceful weekend. Doug is working 12 hour days at the PD. Yesterday, mom took Hunter back home with her and he spent the night out there. Connor and I went and bought some mums for the front of the house and did a little bit of shopping. Let's just say that Connor isn't a shopper. I did manage to find a couple pieces that I bought (for myself!!) But otherwise, he pretty much called the shots. Threw his lovely 19-month old, high-pitched screaming trantrum (being 19 months old must be a bitch...and then with the red hair, to top it off ya know...) So we headed back home. He wasn't sure how to act last night without his older brother around to hit him and abuse him.

Oh, something interesting did happen last night, or this morning actually around 3:00 a.m. My neighbors across the street woke me up...the windows were open in the house because it was a cool night. Around 3:00 a.m., I could hear them outside, carrying on and I could also hear Connor in his room becoming more and more restless. They were NOT going to wake him up damit. I laid there and listened to this nonesense for about 30 minutes before I got up off the couch and went outside. There were two cars parked in the STREET and then two cars in the driveway. I told them that if they did not quiet down, I would call the police and I would sign a complaint so that they ALL would be issued citations for peace disturbance, and if they REALLY wanted to see me get pissed, if they were to wake up my 19 month old...there would be hell to pay. Needless to say, the cars left and it was once again a peaceful night. My other neighbors across the street, next door to these people talked to me about it this morning. They must have been awaken by it, too.

The boys are here watching Bob the Builder. I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but we (the City) has a team in the "Corporate Games" that are going to be held the next 2 weeks. I'm on the volleyball team, which plays Tuesday evening and somehow, managed to be Captain of that. Lovely. So I had to go to the opening ceremony this afternoon. Blah.

Well, girls, I hope you all had a restful and uneventful weekend. Talk to you all tomorrow!!!


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