
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What a PITA Barb! Hope you got everything squared away today.

Hope everyone had a safe, fun Halloween! Kylie only went to 3 houses and they trick or treated at school and her pumpkin was full. Like we need more candy in this house. ;)
I think next year we may just plan a bonfire/weiner roast at our house and invite a bunch of people over so we don't have to get out until she gets older. kwim?

Barb, you want those Ark plans now?

Jeez! What an absolute pain! I feel so bad for you Barb. We have been through the same. Believe it or not a hot water heater is not that hard to change. All you need is a (semi) handy husband and a friend (to help carry it downstairs and get it into place) and it's straight forward from there. Alas, from the comments I've seen you may not have the most handy husband in the group so you may be better off paying a plumber an arm and a leg. But...on the bright side it truely should not take more than their one hour charge.

Jenna, I do hope the Bug feels better soon. I know how bad that can be too. When Robby was sick for that month and they had no clue it was so scary. The West Nile Virus Diagnosis was really a blessing. I hope you are not the only one in PJ's tomorrow but yes, at least you will be comfy!

We have Trick or Treat tomorrow night which should be fun. I spent a good portion of the afternoon altering Robby's cheap Walmart costume so he could actually fit in it. Hard to believe it is a 4-6 costume and parts of it were way too small. I'd hate to see some of those kids who are really a size 6 tryin to get into it. ACK!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Water water everywhere

Glad you had a good trip Courtney. Hey how much you guys wanna bet Kylie and Kennedy end up with a blog together as teenage girls and the boys won't want to have anything to do with one another. LOL

Well, disturbing news tonight, went to give the boys a bath and could not get any hot water...darling hubby went down to the basement and found water spewing from the hot water heater, it was over an inch deep all over where we have EVERYTHING down there since we cleared out most of the basement for the contractor to finish the room, which is another story all together. Anywho, after much mopping, we are holding out till tomorrow to not have to pay the insane emergency fees.

Wish us luck.

Welcome Back Courtney!

Hope you had a good trip! LOL @ Kay! How are those tub jets treating you? ;)

OMG! I don't know what they put in the med they gave KylieBug today but for about 1.5 hours she has been bouncing off the walls. She's still stuffy, slightly better but obviously it's at least made her 'feel' better. Well between that, her late 2.5 hour nap, and some chocolate ice cream she had after supper, she's wild!!! If she's like that tomorrow her teacher is in for it, especially with all the junk food they'll be eating at their Halloween party. LOL!

I remembered at oh, around 4:30 that I'm supposed to bring spinach dip and Hawaiian bread for our Halloween party at work and Kylie's supposed to bring chips to hers. Crap, that meant a trip to the damn store during rush hour traffic time. GRRR. Still waiting on the spinach to unthaw...
We decided last week that we were going to dress up slumber party style for Halloween. If I get there tomorrow and I'm the only one in my pj's I may have to hurt someone. LOL! Although...I would be more comfortable eating all day with jammies on. ;)

Question for you: Is Halloween considered All Hallows Eve or would that be tonight? Or is tonight All Hallows Eve Eve? Hmmm....

Hope you guys have a

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm Baaaaaack!!

Hey girls nice to be back. The trip was long, but fun. We would have never made it through the long drive without the DVD player. We made 6 stops down there and 3 on the way back.

I got a disturbing phone call from work on Friday. I can not get away no matter how far away I go LOL. Needless to say I am not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow. I emailed you guys, which you will get Monday sorry I do not want to post it here.

Kelly ummm yeah Kay already talks non-stop. She has never met a stanger and talks to everyone. I jokingly told someone at the wedding this weekend she is really shy all they could do is laugh at me. We have no secrets when Kay is around haha. I remember my mom saying the same thing about me, but I am not admitting to being a motor mouth LMAO!

I better go the bathtub is calling my name after being cooped up in the car all day...

Another weekend draws to a close...

Nothing much going on here. Finishing up on laundry and going to get out of the house later while MIL watches The Bug for us. It's supposed to be a nice day but with her being sick, I don't want to drag her all over town. kwim?
Poor girl is so stuffy she can't breathe, has dark circles under her bloodshot eyes where she can't rest. The cold meds aren't helping her be any less stuffy. I'm not sure if I should take her to the PED or not. It's been about 6 days and while she hasn't had a fever or got any worse, she hasn't got any better either.

When is Courtney supposed to be home? Today? Or Tomorrow?

And just an FYI Kelly, we're already in trouble. Courtney says Kennedy is the same. Our girls TALK from sun up to sundown. I honestly don't know where she gets it from. Stop laughing! I'm serious, Todd & I are quiet until we get to know you but she just talks, talks, talks! I can imagine what teenage years are going to bring. yikes!

Well I guess it would be more of a miniature horse than a pony. Something she can't really ride but she can learn how to act around horses and get used to taking care of one before she moves on to the real thing. And yes she has her bratty moments too. And we're not even sure if we can find one so she maybe just getting her little computer and some stocking stuffers instead.

We have determined that our cat has some excellent survival instinct even though she's a lazy part time house cat. I've been letting her come in at night since it's cooler. Well the past two nights she's come home with a freaking dead mouse. Friday night she had it laying on the door step, waiting to get in! WTH? You're not bringing that nasty ass thing in my house!!!!

TTYL chickadees!!


I jsut wrote up a post and it messed up? ACK! And here I was trying to be good and finally post something...oh well.

It's Been a While!

I've been slacking again...heehee. It sounds like you girls have been having so much fun without me!

It's officially 7:00 a.m. but by internal clock it is 8:00 and Robby JUST woke up. Robert is still sleeping. lol. We had a fun night watching the daycare lady's two daughters last night and we had a blast. They are 12 and 5 so they weren't any trouble and the 5 year old is great with Robby. They played until they were ready to drop. The 12 year old? That girl can TALK! Jenna and Courtney, if this is any indication of your futures with girls you might want to invest in ear plugs. I had a major headache by the time they left!

The best part is we now know someone in the area we can trust to watch Robby when ever we need it. That is fantastic!

As for Christmas presents I think Kylie will take the prize this year if she gets that pony. How lucky is she!!! Robby is getting a bag of plastic Army men. Hopefully he can keep them out of his mouth long enough to play with them. lol. Yes, he is still into putting things in his mouth. Obsessed I tell you! I thought that was supposed to be a phase they grew out of? I can't blame him really...I still bite my fingernails as nasty as that is. So I guess he comes by it naturally...heehee.

All is well here on this sunny day. It is supposed to be beautiful which is such a change. It has been so rainy lately I've been ready to dig out those plans for the Ark! Yesterday was sunny but the wind must have been at hurricane status. We tried taking Robby outside but he kept closing his eyes to keep the wind away and well, he's already a bit clutzy. Imagine him walking blindly into every obstacle because he refuses to unclench his eye lids. Poor guy is going to be a bruise from head to toe!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

It's raining it's pouring, the old man...well you know.

JujuBee is walking already??? Wow Cera, he MUST be a genius baby!!! I have to see the video. I have no desire for Eric to walk, he's already wreaking havoc on the house and not walking yet, I dread it, although I keep trying to get him to do it. I will be squealing with delight as well, and screaming in fear too. I look forward to the day I don't have to place the pack n play on the bottom landing of the stairs to prevent Eric from climbing up, even though, he can now, move it enough to squeeze by. There are toys literally scattered over every inch of this house right now and I had to rescue the wine bottles from being plucked from their cage, yes, they are in a cage, but apparently Eric can reach and open the door and pull them out. And this is more fun to play with than all the toys I keep tripping on.

It's pouring rain, a dreary Saturday, both kids are crying, not wanting to sleep. But both need sleep so I keep trying. A few tears won't kill them right?

A pony???? My kid is getting a Buzz Lightyear talking figure and Kylie is getting a pony? Somebody must have been REALLY good this year. Matthew is a brat so I suppose it fits. LOL

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hmmm, are female horses also called 'bitches?' Lol

Barb, how're your hands doing?? & I'm afraid to ask why it's on your chin as well.

Yup, definitely Kiddie Kold season. The bug just invades, wreaks havoc, finds a new host, morphs, and returns. Musical Germs, lovely crap.

I'm going to try like hell to get a video clip of The Beeb taking some shaky steps this weekend...Afterwards you'll hear me scream a little scream of glee because it's so exciting, every time. My Mother The Banshee. Of course, before long I'll be dreaming of the time I could set him down without having to pad each sharp corner. A padded room, every mother's dream.

Speaking of mental institutions, I'm off to gather more work! The days are flying by, ladies, in a lovely sort of fast forward. Ba du ba ba baaa...

Thursday, October 26, 2006


There's another acronym for you Sarah. Is It Fucking Friday Yet?

Wouldn't you know it, I found THE PERFECT horse for Kylie and the bitch is in flippin' Kentucky! I mean it's the perfect age, perfect size, perfect temperment, the whole she-bang! Of course a bit more than I want to spend but still, PERFECT!

Today was a lovely day at work. The BB (aka Big Bitch, Big Boss, etc) is out of town till Tues and we didn't do Jack Crap today other than what had to be done. We had fun, got our work done, and no one got their head bitten off, lovely I tell ya, just lovely! :)

Poor Kylie, she's sooo stuffy, she's either snorting like a bull dog or honking like a Canadian Goose. LOL! She's not coughing anymore which is good but she's got some major congestion going on, I mean zero air flow people. Poor girlie girl.

Ok, I'm cutting it short tonight. I'll talk to y'all tomorrow. Gotta get the evening crapola out of the way before Ugly Betty & Grey's Anatomy come on!

Haivng a bad day...

Same boat over here Cera, Eric won't eat anything with the slightest bit of texture, lumps, won't put anything that is food in his mouth, but everything else goes straight in. Ugh. We're pushing 11 months and he still wakes up 4-5 times a friggin night. I am so done with this.

I spilled some amonia on my hands in attempt to make my own cleaner which in retrospect was stupid, I am a buy it made kinda gal, why I thought this was a good idea I don't know. But, my skin feels funny now. It's probably psychological, but I smell it everwhere now and it didn't even really work well. Teach me to try and be frugal and crafty. I cannot find Cinch anywhere anymore and it's the only thing I was told I could use on the granite counters without having to buy some expensive stuff. Then I read about a safe cleaner for granite you can make yourself...well it doesn't do anything. Maybe I need to let it sit a bit. Hubby dearest will surely call me a spaz tonight when he sees the skin peeling off my hands and chin.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Oh, EXTREMELY cool that you are even considering a pony for Xmas, Jenna. You da mom!

Courtney, wow, you are a single lady for just a short while longer. How does it feel?

Today seems to be one of those days that there just isn't enough coffee in the world. I see another little bumpie next to Julian's bottom teeth, so it seems we are in for some more fun times! He gets so damn cranky. A whole lot of friggin' good they're doing him...He has absolutely no interest in anything even semi-solid. I'll be packing his lunches for grade school with little jars of pureed carrots & peas, I just know it.

Well, shoot...Just as I was sitting here contemplating a little nappy-poo this evening, it occurred to me that today is Tuesday, which means Nip to the Tuck to the Woot Woot Woot. I can't miss it. Maybe I'll get a Tivo for Xmas, LMAO! Hmmm, electronic, useful, completely devoid of emotional attachment...Sounds right up Nathaniel's alley! Jeez I'm a bitter bitch. Well, bitter bitches are made, not born.

All right, I'm off to go cook & shoot up some coffee grounds in the bathroom.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, Sunday...

Well that sucks about not getting to go to Jon's sister's. Can't wait to see your dress. Hope it fits so you don't have to find a new one at the last minute.

We went to the horse show last night. We were home by 8:30 though. I'm just not crazy about the padded show classes. I'd rather see the pleasure and speed classes because to me it's more natural since they are wearing regular shoes. The 'old timers' love those padded classes though.

My fave is the speed Racking class. Some of those horses go 25-30 mph and never break gait, stay smooth as silk. People are up yelling and screaming out the numbers they think should win to the judges. You know how those motorcycles that race go around the curves leaning to the side? That's how they are doing when they come around the arena. There's always a few hats flying off too. LOL! It's a blast to watch!
We stayed while Todd's brother Richard showed a 3yr old mare and placed 6th. Here's a pic I took for Jody of him leaving the arena after getting his ribbon. Crappy quality because of the lighting in there but oh well it'll do for a 4 x 6 print. The kids weren't there, Shelby showed her horse the night before so we came on home.

Wow Jenna that is cool. Kay asked to go ride her friend Logan's pony all the time I am just too lazy to take her all the way out there ;-)

Well my Sat night just sucked. I was going to go to Jon's sisters bonfire, but he could not get off work early because someone had called in sick, so they had to have enough staffing since it was the Universities homecoming. I understand since they were extremely busy, but still he always gets screwed when he is trying to leave early. I could not drive out there by myself because my glasses are missing. I have a hard enough time trying to drive in the dark, but add rain and my child no way would I dare attempt that one especially in my new car.

I get to go pick up my dress today! I can not wait to see if it fits b/c if it does not I only have a few weeks left to get another ordered LOL. I am just cranky and PMSing this weekend BLAH! I had cramps so bad last night I drank some wine and went to bed early.

Wow this has turned into a whiny post by me haha. I really am in good spirits today, but I have been cooped up in the house all weekend since it was rainy yesterday and I NEED TO GET OUT!!!! BTW it is Sun night and you know what that means DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES :-)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday is Horse Show Day in Tennessee!

And since this is probably one of the last of the season, I hope DH 'feels' like going. KylieBug loves it and her cousin, Shelby, is riding one of their friend's show horses. She rode in one of the Youth classes at the Walking Horse Celebration out in Shelbyville this year and she was so proud and excited, she wants us to go. Maybe I'll throw that up to DH when he gets home. Operation Deploy Guilt Trip is in full effect!!! :P
The Bug is dying to follow in her footsteps! She wants to hang out at the barn and she associates her uncle Richard with everything horse. Several times a day EVERY DAY, I hear "Uncle Wichard is going to wet me wide Shaker when I get bigger" We probably didn't help her obsession by taking her to a local horse show a few weeks ago, because she saw her Unkie Wichard who took her into the warm up ring and let her sit on one of the show horses. She was in heaven and still talks about it.

She even has her saddle suit picked out for her show ring debut. She wants a royal blue show outfit. I asked if she wanted the pink one (cause we all know how she is about pink) but NO, she wants the blue one just like a girl she saw on 'her' white horse at the show. LOL!

Shhhh! Don't tell her but we are on the look out for a taller mini-horse or a pony for Xmas to get her used to being around them before we start letting her officially ride. We know a guy who sells Minis and we drove by there a couple weeks ago and she had a fit because he has some out in the field beside his house. I just hope to hell he has a white one because she thinks that white one she saw at the show is hers.
She'll be so surprised because it hasn't even crossed her mind to ask for one for Christmas. ;)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Daycare is A-OK...

About 95% of her friends are there so everyone is adjusting really well. She runs to the play room every morning with her buddy Amanda. Barely notices when I tell her bye, so we're good to go. Now if I could just do something about that drive from work in the afternoons. I'm not crazy about the 25 minute drive in stop & go traffic. I think I ran two red lights yesterday. Well, not technically, they changed JUST as I got under them. ;)

I hear ya about Angelina Jolie. I'm not Bi either but I'd 'do' her given the chance. LMAO!

I ordered my business cards this weekend and unfortunately my logo is still a work in progress. LOL! I'm going to start giving biz cards outside the family & friends network. Nervous & excited about that. kwim?

I couldn't decide what Kylie was going to do for Halloween but I started thinking (scary, I know) and realized she has all the stuff to be a cowgirl, so there ya go, no extra $$$ on a costume! ;) Now if only we can find somewhere to take her trick-or-treating. Our neighborhood is new and only like 5 houses & they all had their lights off last year. May hit one of the big subdivisions about a 1/2 mile from here. gotta get a good stash of candy, right?

Dorothy is well Cera thanks for asking. If only I can remember to feed it now. Oops.

Thank you for feeling my pain Sara, I feel yours too.

I hear you on Angelina Jolie Cera, for me though it's Shania Twain. And yes, Micahel was also requested a viewing podium and it would be granted, I suppose. But he would want in, so I don't know.

I am not a fan of the mall either.

Hey guys, remember me? So solly, Cholly, did not mean to be in absentia quite this long!

Ok, catching up on old news so bear with me...

Barb, did Dorothy ever get over her startle response? And I'm laughing my arse off at Micahel's gag reflex when the baby threw up...Nathaniel can barely stand frigging snot; I think he'd give the kids up for adoption if he ever got puked on.

Courtney, your day is quickly approaching, can't wait! :)

Jenna, how is Kylie adjusting to a new daycare? Does she ever mention old friends?

Kelly, if you can knit a pair of leather underwear from yarn, I will file a patent for you immediately. What the hell, Robert? And dreams, I must share this gem from last weekend...I dreamed (dreamt?) I was playing a board game with a bunch of people I didn't know in a large unfamiliar room...When this chick next to me starts going Uuuunnnnnnhhhh....Uuuuuunnnnnhhhh...So I get up and walk into an adjoining room, where I got in line for a buffet...And this chick followed me! Louder and louder with the Uuuuuuuunnnnhhhh...UUUUUUNNNNHHHHH...WAAAAAHHHH...Then I woke up, and the baby was crying. LMAO

Oh, my 5, let's see...

1) Must agree with Kelly on Jeff Goldblum
2) Must agree with Jenna on Vin Diesel
3) Angelina Jolie (Nathaniel has politely requested to watch, which is fine)
--Note: I don't think I'm bi, per se, there's just something about that chick, Omg
4) Julian MacMahon (Nip/Tuck)
5) The Rock

I could go on. I don't think we should move to Hollywood anytime soon. And while we're on the subject, what the hell is up with Michael Douglas? Do any of you actually find him hot??

Well, my fair ladies, my 3rd day covering the front office is drawing to a close...I hope the receptionist shows up tomorrow! I came here to get AWAY from answering phones all damn day, ya KNOW?

I'm getting so pumped for Halloween! Did I tell you guys Spence outgrew his lion costume between the time I measured him & ordered it over Ebay, and the time it arrived? Crazy. So I had to lop the damn thing's head off and turn a hem on both ends so the head wouldn't pull the suit part up his crotch. So much for our Wizard of Oz theme next year. And the baby would have made such a splendid Toto. :(

Oy. Some days there just isn't enough coffee in the world, can I get a witness??

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I know it's been a long while since I've posted. Life gets busy and chaotic and everything in between.

We have another volleyball game tonight. Let's all pray that Sara is able to maintain composure and keep it under control tonight. I'm really half-ass scared going into it tonight. The team we're playing really isn't that great, but let's face it, neither are we. Our guys are surprisingly our weak force and us girls are who carry us through...and I'm not just saying that because I'm one of the's true.......

Anyway, Barb, I can totally sympathize with your restaurant problems. Friday evening, in Branson, mom & dad wanted steak for dinner so we went to Ruby Tuesdays. I asked on more than one occassion if they were absolutely, positively, 200% certain they wanted to attempt a sit down, nice meal, good restaurant...they looked at me like I had done lost my mind but I knew what was in store and Connor isn't one to disappoint his mama. He threw probably his biggest tantrum I've ever seen him throw and one that consisted of my mom actually leaving the restaurant with him soon after our food was served because it was so disturbing to everyone around us. Hunter? He was good as gold, but it's the youngest toddler giving us, and everyone around us, absolute HELL. I ordered me a beer with my meal, downed that sucker, swallowed my food in no time flat so I could relieve mom of her toddler-tantrum duties so she could try and enjoy her (now) cold meal. It didn't take them long to figure out we should've ordered pizza to be delivered to the hotel room! LOL. Grandparents. I think they learned a life-long lesson that night.

Nothing new here...the puppy is doing wonderfully. I had a mid-day report from hubby and she's continuing to go potty outside. YAY puppy!!!

Oooh - the Cardinals/Mets game comes on tonight. Everyone keep your fingers & toes crossed that the Cards pull out another win :)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Finger Licking Good.

Ahh, I dare say the days of going out to restaurants which had only just recently become possible again has now come to a screeching halt. Finally, Matthew was at a good point where he could sit, and eat and color or something and pretty much behave through a dinner. Eric just sat or slept or played quietly in the high chair or car seat. It's officially over. We went out last night and although it went ok, I had to hold Eric most of the time because he would whine and try to climb out of that silly thing restaurants call a high chair where the strap does nothing to hold the child in. So then he was pulling my hair, smacking me, trying to get on the floor, then crawling away, sticking his hands into my dish. Matthew behaved outstandingly, but now Eric is too old to behave for at least another year right? Maybe when he's two and can be occupied by food and coloring and toys, and his brother's example? Lovely Crap.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

WHAT?!??!?! Someone Hates the Mall????

My dear sweet Jenna...WTH is wrong with you? I did not know there was a woman alive who hated the mall. The only time I hate the mall is the day after Thanksgiving no way in h3ll will you catch me at the mall that day. Jon would actually love it if I have mallphobia LOL

My excitement for the weekend? I got my ring back after 3 weeks!!!! My jeweler has had my ring designing the "perfect" band. I called after 2 weeks b/c he told me it would be done after 3 days. After the last time when I got a new diamond and he jokingly asked Jon if he could get a restraining order against me for calling to check on the progress of my beloved gem. I swore to him and Jon I was not calling. Anyways when he called he said do you know what I am holding and I said well I hope it is my ring and he said no two rings hey I am getting ready to close up shop for the day can you run over to get it??? Ummmm no I am at least 20 mins away with company due at my house anytime now. Guess what he brought it to me!!!!! I am so excited to have my engagement ring back and my new band, which BTW is so much better than I had anticipated. It was definately worth the wait...Now the 5 week wait starts until I actually get to wear the band LOL

Yes, I am crazy, as a matter of fact!

I did something today I hate to do! I went shopping at the mall and even worse, during a sale!Yikes! WTH was I thinking? LOL! I'd normally rather take a beating than do that but I knew I needed a few fall/winter shirts. I came home with 2 pairs of pants and 5 shirts. So other than finding some trouser socks to match, I'm set! It's not that often that I can even go shopping and find things to fit much less on sale. kwim?

And Kylie was good the whole time. Her payoff for being good was going to the pet store. And OMG when we walked in, there in the second display cage was freaking Cavalier King Charles Spaniel! It was about 12 weeks old and he was a cutie patootie! I was good and didn't even ask how much he was. I KNOW if you have to ask you can't afford, right? One day, I will own one...

Off to see how much longer on the steaks that are on the grill. Yummy for my tummy! :)

p.s. Remind me to THANK my mother in law for buying Kylie a dancing Rudolph at Kohl's.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I am Baaaaaaaaaaack!!

Geez I feel like I have been gone forever LOL. After I got sick then the kid and you know how that goes it is like having a sick man you get nothing done. I think Kennedy is on her way to well now the fever is gone, but we still have the cough/cold symptoms that I can deal with.

Lets see here the question is what yummy men would I want to $#@^&% with?

1.) Ryne Sandberg (old Cubs 2nd baseman)
2.) Matthew McConaughey
3.) Michael Douglas
4.) Kevin Costner
Was it four or five???? Oh well these are the tops for sure. Ok girls the week is coming to a close. I need to log off my computer and go pick the child up.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

My 5…Sort Of

I really don’t have 5 that I can think of but here are the ones who do it for me. Lol

Steven Tyler (Aerosmith ROCKS!)
Nicholas Cage
Jeff Goldbloom (the early years)
Heath Ledger
Orlando Bloom

Ok, so I did have 5. Shoot me!

I didn’t get the chance to watch all the shows tonight since Robby had an “incident” but I did get to catch parts. That’s a heck of a lot of money, that’s for sure. I’m betting she gives it away too. She has no student loans so it’s not like she really needs the money. I can’t wait to rewind the scene with Addison and Meredith. I could see it but couldn’t hear it. I kind of got the gist but it doesn’t do justice getting to hear bits.

In other news we had our first snow of the season today. There really should be a law that there can be no snow before Halloween. Another law should be no Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. But I digress. That issue will come up soon enough.

The incident Robby had was he insists on bonking his head right before bedtime. Which means he gets to stay up for an extra hour. He has done this three times now. He had a nice bump right about his eyebrow from banging into the footboard of the bed. He likes to jump and fall on the bed even with many warnings. Maybe now he will listen? I am doubting it.

Holy Crap!!!!!!

$8.7 million!!!!! Can you believe that shit? I knew it was going to be money but wasn't thinking in the millions. LOL!
How much you wanna bet, after seeing the previews, that Burke talks Izzy into coming back and she donates the money to some heart wing of the hospital in Denny's name?

And Dr Bailey just rawks as usual, right? :)

I love Thursday nights!!

Always have! All the good shows always come on Thursday nights. Friends, Will & Grace, and now Grey's Anatomy. I'm kinda liking that show Ugly Betty too. Can't put my finger on what I like about it yet but its growing on me.

Well, I'm ready for primetime tv. It's a cloudy, cool, windy day, I got off work early, the kiddo has her flu shot, paid our fees at the new daycare, pizza is ordered, laundry in the washer, and we're ready to watch tv all night. :)

So I see on the previews that McSteamy gets a job at the hospital. Can't wait to see how that plays out. And wonder what the heck they are going to do since Isaiah and Patrick got in the fight & production was shut down on the show? Give them a few days to cool off, I guess. Men and their stupid ass egos. ;P

Can I brag on my little-big girl for a sec. She didn't even cry when she got her flu shot. Oh her face got all red and I thought she was going to for a minute but no, she sat straight up, looked at her Snoopy Band-aid and asked the nurse "Can I get my sticker and sucker?" LMAO!

My Top Five!

Good one Barb and oh so easy to answer. ;)

1) George Clooney (nuff said)
2) Ty Pennington (sexy & goofy-a dangerous combo)

3) Vin Diesel (yummy)
4) Mark aka McSteamy (from Grey's Anatomy for those who've been living under a rock)
5) Pierce Brosnan (in his 007 days)

Question of the Week

Ok I have one, been watching too much tv lately and this commercial got me thinking...

Who are in your 5 list? You know the list of people you and hubby have who you could, you know, if the opportunity presented itself, but of course it never will. Mine changes a lot but right now:

1. Chris O'Donnell
2. Jude Law
3. Matthew McConnoughy ( I know I am spelling that wrong but it is 6am)
4. Patrick Dempsey (right now becauses I am all into McDreamy)
5. McSteamy, can't think of his name right now, but he on for now.


Hum, dreams huh Kelly, or nightmares. Honestly, I have never been a big dreamer, although they say we all do all the time, but I never really remember them, rarely. Not that I would have time either being up several times a night with the baby who won't sleep through the night. We now have about 3 maybe 4 teeth coming in all at once. Lovely crap. Darling Hubby is a dreamer and he had a nightmare the other night he said, something about a creature going after kids, but he said it was not our kids. Ok then. He's had a few about our kids though in the past. I did have a recurring bad dream all through childhood and a few times in the past few years, it's how I know I have a fever, I only have this dream when I have a high fever. I'm just falling and falling in this black hole and never land, which I suppose is a good thing?

I do think it is normal you are probably just more sensitive so you remember it all better.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bad Dreams

I have no idea how I ever have time to dream with Robby getting up so darned early everyday and up several times during the night but I do. I have always been prone to nightmares so it shouldn’t be any surprise that I’d have them about Robby too but these are getting old fast.

In the last week and a half I’ve had 3 dreams where something bad happens to my boy. Twice he wandered off into the woods not to be found. The one last night he was stolen from my shopping cart while someone tried to steal my wallet. Talk about frightening!

My mother says it’s because the boy is growing up and I am reluctant to let go. I can see that and I prefer it over the explanations my warped mind comes up with. I get into this paranoid state and think it’s an omen of what’s to come. I am already over protective and this certainly isn’t going to help!

So girls, any of you have dreams about the kids? Help me feel a little bit more normal here???

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Why? Why? Why?

Why do pre-schoolers whine? Why can't they talk in a normal voice? And why do they insist on talking in baby talk? The goo-goo, ga-ga crap is getting really old, just tell me what the hell you want so we can go back to doing our thing!!!!

Another lovely weekend in the L household! It's getting to the point where I dread weekends because Kylie drives me batty. I can't get my housework done for picking up or cleaning up whatever she's done after I've told her 10,000 times not too. And hearing that whiney voice "heyyyyy mommmmmmma" is like fingernails on a chalkboard when you hear it from sun up to sunrise.

I feel like such a horrible mother sometimes. I feel like the only thing I've accomplished today besides the 10 loads of laundry is yell at my child. I try to stop what I'm doing, getting down on her level, and all that jazz but all I get it the whine. I know the yelling doesn't help but in the heat of the moment its out before I realize. Of course I feel bad but I have ZERO patience lately. Between working full time, trying to keep the house 1/2 way decent, trying to get my photography up & running, I'm flat out exhausted and don't know how to deal with it so the yelling comes out. I just hope that deep down I'm not scarring her or something. I swore I would never be like that but maybe I'm the one who is scarred and I'm repeating the cycle. who knows?
I've thought so many times the past few weekends about putting my photography on the back burner until she gets older but it's something I love and even though its frustrating trying to fit it in to our daily lives, I don't want to give it up. I may put the business aspect of it on hold for a while and concentrate on getting out & enjoying the moment.

That's going to by my goal for tomorrow while Laura & I are out with the kids. Enjoy the moment and if we get some good pics, great, if not then we still had a good time. Maybe I need a happy pill before I go, just in case! ;)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Rude Awakenings

What a lovely morning I experienced on this gorgeous Saturday in October. Eric was up at his normal unGODly hour of 6am. I went in to see if I could convince him to allow me another half hour or so of laying in bed, but no cigar, he was standing in his crib whining already. I pick him up to deter him from getting louder and waking up Matthew. When I come out of his room, darling hubby is there, and offers to take him. Yippee, this does not happen a lot, he's usually off to work or golf in the early am. I oblige. Back to the warm covers I head, except I cannot really fall back asleep. Just as I am falling back to sleep, it's almost 7am now and I hear the definate sounds of a man in baby hell. "Oh no, Eric, oh GOD, UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I start getting up, and no sooner am I swinging my legs over the side of the bed is he not up the stairs flinging said baby at me saying, "he threw up on me, you have to take him, you know I cannot deal wtih this." Throw up baby is plunged onto me as he goes off to gag and throw up himself in the bathroom. Lovely crap. I take him down, there was hardly anything really, it was more like a really big spit up, anywho it did manage to completely cover darling hubby's most prized possesion and I don't know what to do about that now. I tried my best to clean it up but it still smells like sour milk and I can't be too careless with the water since it is the remote control. If only it wasn't ON him at all time it would not have been in the direct path of vomitting Eric. The select button doesn't work and the number 1 is giving me trouble. Do we need those???

Let's just say not a pleasant morning, I got up suddenly at 7am and by 7:48 we were at the Home Depot, all of us. We won't even discuss why that happened, it was not planned. I did not get my coffee. Lovely crap.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Courtney, I really hope you get to feeling better soon! I had a round of that crap not too long ago and it last 2 weeks. It was hell, so I totally feel for you.

As far as Grey's, you know we're all huge fans so if you can't "get it", you know where to get the answers! LOL. I actually turned into one of "them" over the Summer when they aired last season's shows. I couldn't pull away from the television on Sunday evenings, and I'm hooked like a bee to honey. Love that show.

When Will It End?

Here I sit day 9 of being sick. I have added to my symptoms BLAH! I have not been sick in over 3 years and instead of getting some little ol' cold I get it all at once.

Well I got Jon all whipped into shape. Did not take long haha. He can be so much of a man sometimes I just got to give him a good kick in the backside and he gets his head out LOL. I do not know why I was so down about it actually yes I do AF finally made her appearance.

Have I mentioned how much I love fall? The cold crisp evenings and the red, orange and yellow leaves oh my. I am ready to turn on my fireplace and put on my sweats and just cover up in a blanket on the couch and watch my favorite fall/winter shows. I have to book it home from Kennedy's swim lessons tonight, so I can watch Grey's. This is my first year of watching it, so I am trying to figure it all out.

$2.59 still for gas? Dang, girl. It's been below $2.00 here for a few weeks now, thank god! I think I saw today it was down to $1.96. Sure you don't want to move to SE Missouri? We'd love to have ya ;) LOL

Our volleyball league play began Tuesday evening and although we didn't win, no one died so that's a good thing. I did walk away with a huge bruise on my wrist (no clue how that happened) and the best part about it - I'm not even sore! GO ME!!!! Next week's game is at 8:30 p.m. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us.

Hunter and Connor had their pictures taken at school today. Can't wait to hear about how that went. I wanted one of them together and not individual so I hope they got that right. I told about 6 different people so hopefully between them, they can remember what it was I wanted. Saturday we go to JcPenney's, along with my niece, Caitlin and have their pictures taken together for mom. She wanted a "Fall" picture of the 3 grandkids. She asks and we do. Can't wait to see how that goes! LOL. It'll make for a fun and interesting time.

It's Thursday girlies! That means two things! Grey's Anatomy comes on tonight and one more day until the end of this work week! WOOT WOOT!!!

Reality Show Pitch

I just had a brilliant idea for a reality show...ok I hate reality shows, don't watch them, but here is my pitch. Drop all the CEO's from all the big oil companies off on an abandoned oil rig in the middle of the ocean in the direct path of an oncoming hurricane. Oh the fun times they would have, oh the fun moments caught on those cameras before they are all flung into the raging ocean. Cheney could be the host, if he comes out of the bunker that is. If anyone survives, they get all the profits from all the companies for 5 years! Come on, greedy bastards, it's worth the risk isn't it?

Ok what brought this on, I noticed that gas prices are dropping rather quickly here lately, on Tuesday it was $2.65 when I left to bring Matthew to school. When I left to go pick him up, it's was $2.63, today I leave to go bring him and it's $2.59. I do hope it drops a bit more before I need to fill up in a few days. I mean it's good they are dropping, but they should never have been that friggin high to begin with. Blame Katrina and then rake in the most profits ever in history. Thieves.


Questionable Part 2

(Walking down the aisle on the way to the yarn)

“Here we go again…spending more of my hard earned money on yarn”
“YOUR money? I should make you pay me for all the things I do!”
(Incredulous look)
“Ok, so my cooking and cleaning skills don’t count. But I watch the boy full time. That should merit at least some new yarn!”
“You, my dear, are a cheap date.”

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Tonight I told Robert that I needed to go to the store to pick up some more yarn. He is understandably concerned because I am addicted to yarn. I can not go into Walmart or Michaels or any place that has yarn without at least feeling it all. It’s sooooo soft!

Anyway, he asks why I could possibly need any more yarn when I have 14 boxes (he is only slightly exaggerating) stashed around the house already. I tell him it’s for a special order. Jenna wants me to do a Christmas hat and I need another skein of red.

He says “I want a special order too”. When I ask what that could possibly be he replies he wants me to crochet him a pair of leather underwear. ACK! I am sure he is mocking my yarn fetish. At least I hope he is…..

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Daycare plus my Past. LOL

You might want to let the rest of the world on in what happened with dayare in the first place. LOL But I am THRILLED for you!

As for my past. Let me just say I was a little wild, a little reckless and a whole lot stupid. LOL. I really wish I could go into more detail here but since someday my family may read this I think it best to err on the side of discretion. LOL Especially since my bro is a politician and I would hate to be the reason he didn't get elected for something. LOL

Monday, October 02, 2006

Daycare Crisis Averted...

For now...
I talked to Cheryl, Kylie's teacher from the nursery who is a friend of my mom's. She said she was looking for some kids to keep since she'll be out of a job but she lives too far out for most people to drive. So I told her if she'd keep Kylie and Krista's baby, she could keep them at my house, so she said she would and one more. So my spare bedroom is now going to be a playroom!
Krista kept asking me "Are you sure you want people in your house?" and I'm like "hey, I trust Cheryl more than I'd trust some of my family so that's not an issue and well, with everyone else, I'll just have to get used to it. I'm going to have people in my house anyway if I set up a studio" Cheryl & I both agreed that if either one of us feels the situation isn't working out, then no hard feeling, etc as long as we give the others notice. And we also agreed that the other kid has to be one of 'her kids' that Kylie has gone to school with and that we know. kwim? In fact it may be her friend Amanda or my friend Tracy's Braydon. Tracy has been wanting to get him in somewhere 2-3 days a week but most places won't do part time so she said that would be great. He loves Cheryl too and he knows Kylie.
So for the time being, we're doing the best we can. All the daycare centers have waiting lists and they are going to get longer with almost 90 kids out of her center being without daycare. I told Krista when she kept asking if I was ok with it "Hey, our kids have a place to go with someone we both trust completely. They are safe and sound. That's the best we can do at this point" I just feel bad for the others & the workers being out of jobs this close to the holidays.
Krista said "What happens if you or Todd or Kylie is sick, or worse, Cheryl is sick?" and I said 'hey we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. what else are we going to do?'
I'm out of ideas and options, so what else could we do?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday afternoon...

Still go the sniffles over here too. Luckily Kylie has been at the IL's on & off all weekend so I've taken it pretty easy. She actually had her first sleepover at the IL's last night. She & Bailey both spent the night. They didn't go to bed until 11pm and Kylie woke them up at 7am this morning. LMAO!

Dunno what to do/say about Jon. Could it be pre-wedding jitters for him? You know, the one last chance to do whatever he wants, when he wants. You know how warped guys minds are he probably doesn't even realize he's doing any thing out of the ordinary. Just remember there's no such thing as a perfect marriage, it's something that you BOTH have to work on constantly. I'm with ya though, sometimes it would be so much easier to throw in the towel but for some reason I can't just make that final step of leaving. Good luck though! Hopefully after you talk to him, he'll change his tune!