What a lovely night it was too. Robby finally fell asleep around 10:00 last night. I’ve got a nasty cold so I took a bunch of cold meds and went to bed at 11:00. This was a bad mistake. I knew better than to take drugs and try to sleep. They affect me opposite than they should. When I broke my nose many moons ago they gave me two shots to put me to sleep. I was wide awake and goofy, playing with the prongs they had sticking out of my nose. When I had the hysterectomy a few months ago I got morphine. I was out wandering the halls bugging the nurses all hours of the night. Lol
11:00 to 2:30 Tried to sleep but tossed and turned the whole time. Brief moments of strange dream sequences. Gave up and came out to the computer.
3:00 Robby comes out to sleep on the couch.
3:30 Carry Robby back to bed and try to sleep again
3:45 Robby up wanting water and needs another shot of cough syrup.
4:00 Robby up wanting his blankets fixed and his music back on
4:45 Robby up wanting who knows what. He was standing by my head with his chin in his hands just staring at me.
5:15 Robby needs his blanket fixed again
5:30 Robby is up for good but I make him go back in his room until his music is done. (an hour) I head to the couch.
6:45 Robby is up and yelling at me not to look at him. The looks I want to give would burn holes in his little Robmonster head!
It is my own fault though. Robby also has the cold and I gave him medicine. Little bugger has my same reaction to medicine it seems. Poor guy. The things he inherited from me were not the best. He got my big feet and knobby knees and now my drug crap. Fingers crossed he doesn’t have my drug allergies!
How much you guys want to bet Robert tries to make me feel guilty for going back to bed when/if he ever wakes up? And why is it I thought the sleep deprivation would ever end?
Cera, how absolutely funny the babe did that to Spence! One of those moments you don't know whether to punish or laugh hysterically!
Jenna, right there with you on the old thing. It sneaks up on you fast and before you know it you are holding your knees to walk up the stairs! Aches and pains will be in parts of your body you didn't know you had...heehee.