Speaking of sick kiddos, mine are definitely in that club at present. They've gleefully inducted me, quite the unwilling member, by the way. I went down kicking and screaming, but I am definitely down for the count. Mommies, though, as you all know, do not get "days off," so I'm thinking I'll get more rest in my cubie than with the Munchkins hanging off me. I trust Daddy Daycare is running smoothly on the homefront...I may get irritated at his slow season, but it's a definite bonus come cold & flu season. I'll be sure to reward Mr. Mom when I'm feeling better (see above paragraph).
I'm horribly sorry I've neglected this blog, but there honestly hasn't been too much going on in my own personal Chronicles of Chaos. There is, of course, the happy news that my brother(s) got an apartment and will be moving out on March 1st. A little extra elbow room around the house will be nice, but I can sincerely say it's been nice having them stay over. They're not quite the same immature geek-a-zoids I had once labeled them. They're actually much, much worse. :P
I must now sign off, as my body melts into a puddle of gooey warmth on the floor. Nothing beats Campbell's chicken noodle when you're feeling under the weather.