
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Love the names, Courtney! Can't wait to find out the sex. The last time I was this excited about sex...Oh I'll spare you. :P

Speaking of sick kiddos, mine are definitely in that club at present. They've gleefully inducted me, quite the unwilling member, by the way. I went down kicking and screaming, but I am definitely down for the count. Mommies, though, as you all know, do not get "days off," so I'm thinking I'll get more rest in my cubie than with the Munchkins hanging off me. I trust Daddy Daycare is running smoothly on the homefront...I may get irritated at his slow season, but it's a definite bonus come cold & flu season. I'll be sure to reward Mr. Mom when I'm feeling better (see above paragraph).

I'm horribly sorry I've neglected this blog, but there honestly hasn't been too much going on in my own personal Chronicles of Chaos. There is, of course, the happy news that my brother(s) got an apartment and will be moving out on March 1st. A little extra elbow room around the house will be nice, but I can sincerely say it's been nice having them stay over. They're not quite the same immature geek-a-zoids I had once labeled them. They're actually much, much worse. :P

I must now sign off, as my body melts into a puddle of gooey warmth on the floor. Nothing beats Campbell's chicken noodle when you're feeling under the weather.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Home with a sick child today

Here I am, home with a sick kiddo, bored out of my mind. I did all my housework this weekend expecting to go back to work today but the Bug woke me up at 4am with fever/chills saying that her tummy hurts. I just knew it was the beginning of the stomach bug that seems to be going around. So far so good, just has her sinus crap going on. I've been rotating the Tylenol & Motrin every 3 hours on the dot and the fever has gone down. Hopefully it'll stay that way so she can go back to school tomorrow.

I have the big weigh in with the nurse today @ 2pm. By my scales, I've lost 20 lbs since Dec. Of course I wish it could be more but I didn't put it on overnight so it's not just going to fall off, right? I'll take what I can get at this point. I'm actually getting used to this way of eating. I've basically cut out flour, sugar, pasta, and starchy veggies. If I want something sweet, I eat a fruit or Sugar Free Jello. I actually had enough calories and carbs left in my daily totals on Friday to have a small cupcake. The good news is, it tasted like crap! It was too gritty and sugary for me. Never thought I'd hear my self say (type) that. ;)

Courtney, hope the OB visit goes well today. Keep us updated. Hopefully we can drag some of the other girls out of hiding so they'll post too. ;)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday the 25th

Hey Court! I like the name Lucas. Can't wait to find out what you're having. I'm sorry but I really hope its another girl. We need some more estrogen in our group of rugrats. 7 boys and 2 girls isn't right, we need some more girls. Unless Sara, Barb, or Cera want to give it another shot! :P mu-hahahaha! It's up to you guys because that shop is closed for Kelly and I.

OMG! Speaking of having babies. While we were waiting on Kylie's doc to come in the other day, she was spinning around on his stool, looked up & said "Momma, you got a baby in your belly?" WHAT?!?!?!?! Then she said "I mean, you got a boo-boo on your belly?" Whew! She was thinking of my surgery scar but said baby. I was thinking "who the h-ll has told her that?" But all of her friends at school have new baby bros & sisters or one on the way so maybe that's where she got it. Thankfully, we didn't stay on that subject very long.

Yep, Kylie went to a belt booster back in the fall. A little early but she had outgrown the straps on her convertable seat and I didn't want to spend $100+ on a seat for her to use a few months. She fit the height & weight on the belt booster anyways so we just got that. A pink one of course!

If I counted right, it's only 5 weeks till Kylie's b-day. yikes! I still haven't decided what to get her. I think we're doing the same. A small get together at the house for immediate family, with cake and ice cream. I'll take cupcakes and stuff to school so she can have a party there. That's where her friends are anyway. I'm with you, I want to enjoy the simple b-days while we can. In 2-3 years we'll have to start going all out with everyone from school. That's when I'm going to really wish we had a Chuck E Cheese around here. ;)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Rainy Saturday

So, I guess we are not doing anything this weekend. It is supposed to rain all day and tonight rain/snow mixed. We are even supposed to have some *gasp* severe storms. How funny is that must be springtime right around the corner. After the huge storm last year that did all the damage to my house I do not like thunderstorms as much as I used to.

Jon made it home last night he ended up missing his flight out and paying extra for a direct flight, but ended up getting in about 2 hours earlier than he would have I guess it was worth the extra $250 ughhhh. He got caught in traffic and got to the sirport with 30 mins till his flight. He gave himself 6 hours to drive 4 hours and just got caught in a horrible traffic jam, so really not totally his fault I guess. I told him I am making his next flight reservations and there were no arguments I think he is sick of having issues everytime he flies. He is book smart, but just not common sense smart like most men.

Names hmmmmmm well I have some boys names picked out and I am not sure Jon likes any of them, but its like he said I will end up getting my way anyways ;-). I only have boys names picked out go figure, so I am sure it will be a girl. For boys I really like Lucas (that is my number 1 choice) then I also like Seth & Mason. My absolute favorite name for a little boy is Sam, but that is Jon's nephews name, so that will not be used. Girls names I have nothing, so if there is a cheeseburger in there well then I guess I will have to pull out the baby name book. I just asked Kennedy and she said baby Annabell haha she has a baby doll named that. She said mommy I want a boy baby I already have a baby girl doll LMAO.

I went out a bought Kennedy a new booster seat last night arghhhhhh we are graduating to boosters I can not believe how big they are getting :-(. Kennedy says she wants an Ariel b-day oh no wait mom I want Fox & Hound???? I have no idea she will change her mind by next week. The lady who used to make her cakes stopped making them, so now I have to find somewhere to get a cake. We are just doing a small family b-day party and maybe taking cupcakes to the sitters. Got to enjoy these years before they start school and want their whole class over...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Say it isn't so!!!!!!!!!

NO, NO, NO!!!
Addison is leaving Grey's Anatomy!!

She's my favorite character! D*mmit! Why do they have to ruin a perfectly good show?!?

Hump Day!!!

Woo Hoo! The week is 1/2 over! :)

So Courtney, have we thought of any names yet? You gotta have a boy & girl name picked out ya know, just in case. I bet we know someone who can help you if you get stuck. ;)

I don't know about you guys but I can NOT believe it's almost March. That means ONE month until the kiddos' 4th b-day. Yikes! How the heck did that happen? What 'theme' are you doing this year? First Kylie wanted Tinkerbell and now its Princess so who knows what it'll be by the time her b-day actually rolls around.

Ok, I can give you the scoop on doing the other girl's work this week. LB asked me yesterday why I was doing it and I said "like you don't know" and she looked at me kinda funny and said "what are you talking about?" It seems LB & BB didn't say they wanted me to do the job. BB found out about it today and was furious. So they are going to say something to her when she comes back. LB said "So you're doing her work while Shirley is out there jumping from cube to cube socializing?" yeah, pretty much! She said "why didn't you say something to me about it?" and I just point blank told her "Because that's how things work around here. Someone whines, cries, biyotches about doing a job they don't want to do and they get out of doing it. Why would I think this would be any different?" Lovely office politics crap!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Welcome Back Courtney!

Glad the morning sickness has eased up a bit. Hopefully it'll pass in a few weeks.

Well I just dropped the Bug off at daycare. Boy they sure know how to work it don't they? She never cries at drop off but this morning she latched on to my neck with a death grip and started crying. I kept telling her I'd pick her up early and I finally had to just put her down. She was ok when I left, sad but ok. LOL! I have an appt for a haircut this morning or I would've kept her home with me. But I get so few days to do anything for myself that I took her so she can play with her friends. She would just get pissy anyways if she had to run errands with me instead of doing what she wanted to do.

So Barb went to her parent's house, eh? I admire your bravery, Barb, for going on a 4 hour car trip with two young ones by yourself. Wait, is that brave or crazy? Or maybe both?

Cera, how'd the weekend treat ya? Kelly, Sara come out and play! ;)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I Can Post I Can Post!!!!

Wow I am back and can post now YIPEEE!!!!

Jenna looks like you guys had fun. I am glad Kyliebug did so well on the car ride. Whenever we anticipate it being horrible it is always the other way around.

I am doing a little better. Some of the m/s has eased up, but only a little bit. I think I did a little too much yesterday cleaning b/c by evening time I was just miserable. I have another ultrasound in Tuesday. This time it is to check for Down's markers. My OB made it very clear it is too early to determine the sex, but I still am holding out hope they will see a big ol wee wee LOL. If not I will just have to wait another 6 weeks or so until I have my next one. I will at least be able to talk about my son for a little longer just in case it is a cheeseburger. Kennedy will be the one upset b/c she is determined she is going to have a little brother. Oh well I will then have 20 weeks to convince her how wonderful it will be to have another sister.

I think our snow may finally melt this week. It snowed another 2-3 inches fri-sat. We went to dinner at Outback fri night (yes I got my way) and when we came out it was snowing so hard you could barely see. When I woke up yesterday it was snowing again. The snowplow actually made it down our cul-de-sac, but I think he left all the cinders on our street ughhhhhhh. I told Jon could he not have just plowed it and skipped the cinder part. Our garage and mud room is going to be black now I just hate it. Well I think we are off to take Kennedy to the germ factory for a little bit today. Jon thinks she needs to get out and I agree, but to an indoor place place that is just screaming viruses and bacteria. Oh well I will be armed with my germ-x the minute she gets out and I have already told her no touching her face LOL.

Well Jenna and Sara have a great day off tomorrow you all stink!!!!!

we have snow, finally!

ok, I know it's not measured in feet like what you northerners get but hey, we'll take what we can get down here in the South. An inch to us is like a foot of snow to you guys.
We've been waiting all winter for more than a few flurries here & there. I just hope the wind calms down so we can go out to play later. The wind chill is too cold right now for DD to go out since she's getting a case of the sniffles.
She was looking out the window this morning and said "I wish I could go play in the snow. I could throw a snowball at your head & butt!"
hmmm, seems she's got a little of her father in her afterall. ;)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our first road trip since DD was born...

ok, so the 11 hour road trip wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. For those reader(s) that may or may not exist, we drove 5+ hours each way to Lousville, KY for a farm machinery show.
My DD & I just went along for the ride, just happy to go some where and get out of our daily routine/rut. We didn't care about seeing farm stuff, well I didn't, but she did. She defintitely gets the farm-girl gene from DH & FIL. So the hubster, myself, DD, and the inlaws loaded up for a road trip. I know, that sounds crazier than my normal posts but it actually wasn't bad. Hey, the things a girl will do to get out of working!

I really loved the area between Lexington & Louisville. I'm a horse nut, you see and being in thoroughbred racing country was heaven to me. I can't wait to go back in the spring when everything is green instead of dead and brown and all the mares are out with frolicking babies. If I ever win the lottery, you know where to find me. I'll be in the middle of KY horse country, in a barn the size of most mansions, and just as luxurious, probably nuzzling the velvet noses of my herd...(sigh) Off to buy some lottery tickets!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Oh my!!!!

Ok, so everyone that knows me knows how stubborn I am. Once I get something in my head, forget about it. So why can’t I get it in my head that I have to lay off the carbs? I’ve been point blank told by the doc that they are bad for me because of my insulin/hormone issues. I can’t lose weight even though I’m eating 50% less than normal. Why? Because I’m still eating carbs!!!! What more do I need? I smack across the head, I guess. LOL!

So after my visit at the doc’s today, I can not have any carbs for two weeks, must keep a journal of everything I eat, and bring it with me when I go back. I love cake and rolls, etc and that’s going to be hard enough, but no carb-y veggie, no-fruit, NADA. I hope to hell I don’t get PMS during this time. My poor family would take me to the middle of nowhere and leave me!


I know I know, I started this thing and I never post. It's just been crazy. I started another little project which hopefully will become something eventually and of course, the collages come in spurts, this week I have like 4-5 to do.

The baby is doing good, growing, finally walking now, it's been about 2 weeks. He is starting to eat real food, although only does well on his own with snacky things, not meals. I envy you Cera. My beebs do splash eachother in the tub, and Matthew sometimes plays well with Eric but rarely. Usually he does not want to share and tends to get annoyed and push him out of the way. Someday they will be friends right???

Chin up Jenna, it's all going to fall into place. It will, just be positive about it, think positive.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

come on out slackers...

where the heck is everyone? well since I'm the only one who's posted in ages, I'll just ramble to myself. :P
so where do I start? I do have a question that I'm almost afraid to ask. where do I fit in, in this crazy world? is it normal for a grown, married woman with a child to ask that? I never felt insecure and lost when I was a teenager/early 20s. That's when most people are unsure of themselves but back then I was confident, knew where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do.

Fast forward & here I am almost mid-30s, as happily married as the next person, have a child and feel like I'm going in circles, spinning my wheels. I'm trapped in a job that I used to love but now despise. And how did that happen? You know, they say that having kids changes you, and it does but not nearly as much as the people around you. Why do we have to choose, career or famliy? I've always been a major asset to my dept @ work. I'm the Go-To person when anyone has a problem or just needs guidance on how to handle a situation. So why do I feel like an outsider since having my daughter? Nevermind that I drop my daughter off at daycare the second the doors open at 7am so I can be at work by 7:30, I never take my breaks, etc but heaven forbid I leave at 5:00 to get to daycare before the late fees kick in. I hear about THAT constantly with snide remarks from my supervisor. I mean, I literaly see my daughter for about 3 hours a day. I hate it. Due to medical issues, she is our one and only, I want to be able to spend time with her because they are only little once. But no, I have to 'appear' to be dedicated to a company ran by drunken, swingers whose only concern is where the next party is and who is going to be there for them to 'do'.

I have a hobby (that I normally enjoy) but trying to make it into a business has zapped the fun right out of it. I need to figure out where I'm going with that because I wanted to quit my job when my DD starts kindergarten in about 18mos. Regardless of whether I have my biz up & running, I'm out of there! I'm a plan-a-head-er so I guess the unknown scares me a little.

Sorry if you've made it this far. I don't expect anyone to have the answers just need to put into writing what's been swirling in my head for a couple of months. Yes, I have issues, I know this. LOL!