
Sunday, December 31, 2006

I Am Still Here! Happy New Years Eve!!

I have gotten out of bed long enough to wish you girls a happy and safe New Years Eve. I swear this pregnancy is kicking my butt with fatigue. I do nto remember beig this tired with Kennedy. Maybe it is I am 4 years older or that I am also chasing around a 3yr old, but whatever it is I am spending more of my time sleeping than not.

Yesterday for example. I took a 1 hour nap then I layed down for bed at 8 pm (yes you read that right) and could not roll out of bed until 8 am today. Luckily Jon is being very helpful since he has been off the past 3 nights, but he goes back to work tonight, so I have no idea what I will do when 8 pm rolls around and I need toothpicks to keep my eyelids from drooping and Kay is running circles around me screaming ughhhh.

Kelly you appliance queen. Hey as we get older those are the presents we appreciate the most huh??? So, funny how our wants and needs change with each passing birthday.

Jenna girl I am glad you are feeling like making a trip to the liquor store my kinda girl LOL. Please have a drink or two for me since I will be skipping out this year. Too bad about Kylie wanting to spend the night with IL's that will help with you resting and feeling better. BTW you package should arrive Tuesday let me know if you do not get it. I have a tracking number somewhere, so I will have to locate that just in case.

Well girls I am off to play Dora Candy Land hmmmm the nap will not come soon enough LOL

Last Day of the Year

Yes, I've been bad about posting. I am one of those anti-holiday people and really just wanted to hide out for the last month. lol

Jenna I am glad your surgery went well even if you are in more pain than you though you would be. Heck girl, they took an organ out of you! I think you are doing fantastic for all that.

We had a good Christmas in spite of my being a grinch. Robby was in awe of everything. So far the big hit present is a marble game my mother got him. You build a contraption made of slides and jumps and drop marbles down it and watch. (man, that was a lot of "ands")

I had an appliance year. I got a new toaster that fits bagels (yeah!), a waffle iron and a cookie press. I've tried out the waffle iron so far (need to pace myself, lol) and love it. We had far more fun than was meant I am sure.

Robby and I still have this darned cold and I am sick of having clogged ears. It has been just about 2 months but there really isn't a thing they can do besides decongestants and I am over those. Also battling a UTI now. Why is it you always get those over long weekends??? I am so thankful our Wallyworld opened one of those Doc-in-a-box clinics. $57 later and I can feel more human. I thought that was pretty cheap!

So off to a new year. I don't do resolutions but I do try to make some goals for the coming year. I did pretty good with last years goals, only blowing off one. Maybe I'll cut down on the number this year. lol Mine will be eating better and adding a little exercise to my day. I'm such a slacker. Oh, and getting the house in shape. I have been awful about keeping up on the little things around here.

Tonight we will sit at home like any other night and relax. We are too old for bar hopping and have no real life friends to hang out with. lol Tomorrow we will eat pork and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes. That is something we always did growing up. When we lived in the south they ate black eyed peas on New Years and no way was I gonna do that! Ick!

So how about the rest of you? Any goals/resolutions? Any traditions for the holiday?

Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Years Eve Eve!

Am I the only freakin' one of us blogging? LOL!

Just got back from a trip to the liquor store. God, it hurt to put on real pants adn ride in the car. ouch-a-ma-goucha! Got some of that Cuervo Golden Margarita stuff. It's Cuervo, lime, and Grand Marnier already mixed. Excellent! Yummy! Goes well with Percocet! :P

Kylie just had to spend the nigth at the IL's again. That makes twice in one week. But it does give me a break cause I'm still sore as hell. Maybe I was deluding myself into thinking laprascopic surgery wasn't going to be as bad but d-mn, I feel like I've been hit in the stomach with a baseball bat. Hope like h-ll it's better before Tuesday or I may have to slip a little Cuervo into work with me. ;)

Guess I'll end my babbling since it seems I'm only talking to myself here. LOL

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Day After...

The tree is down, the decorations put away, the bags & bags of torn wrapping paper and empty boxes are gone so it must be the day after Christmas. The only thing we didn't get done was taking the icicle lights off the house because it was raining & cold all day. So that will be DH's job tomorrow.

I really need to clean house but with a 3.5 yr old and husband at home all week, I think it would be kind of pointless. Oh well, it sounds like a good enough excuse not to clean. :P

Sarah, did you get anything sparkly for Christmas? Congrats on the BFP Courtney! Can't wait to hear how Jon reacts to the news. Kelly, hope you had a nice, safe trip to the folk's house and back. Barb, Sara hope you guys had a great Christmas. Can't wait to hear everyone's stories.

Don't know how much I'll be around tomorrow or the next couple of days, I need to run to Wallyworld and going to spend some time with Kylie while I can. She is spending the night with the IL's tomorrow night so I don't have to get her up so early Thursday morning. I have to be at the hospital at 7am so there's no sense in getting her up for that. Although, the best revenge would be to get her up at 6:30, feed her a bunch of chocolate and then drop her off at the IL's. LMAO!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve!!!

Morning guys! Hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend. We have 2 family visits down and 2 to go, one tonight and one tomorrow. Oh to be able to sit back and relax in your own home in your jammies. Sigh! lol!

I just started my baking, which is going good so far. Got all my last minute UPS/Fed Ex deliveries yesterday. My gift from Todd came and it's still sitting by the fireplace. Guess I'm going to have to wrap it too. D-head!!

Kylie is starting to get excited. FIL gave the girls their gift yesterday. And this morning we told her tonight was the night that Santa comes & brings her presents.
FIL usually buys one big gift for the girls to share, like last year was the Barbie Jeep. This year its a Pink Polaris 4 wheeler. Not one of those little ones like her Dora from Little Tykes, an actual 4 wheeler. Yes folks, he's an idiot, he bought a 3.5 yr, 4 yr, 5 yr and 8 yr old a REAL 4 wheeler!! Shelby is really the only one that can ride by herself. Todd & Richard had to ride on back with the other girls. I thought they looked stunning on the hot pink & white 4 wheeler myself. Even got a pic of Todd on there. Can we say blackmail? LMAO!

Hope everyone has a very M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

X-mas is Almost Here!

I am not even ready yet! Arghhhh. Ok you prompt people getting your card sout you suck! LOL. I bought the cards, but have yet to address or anything more with them. If it were not for Kennedy I would not even have a tree. I am so not in the x-mas spirit this year BAH-HUMBUG! So, in the madness of rushing to get everything done for x-mas I called my brother today and guess what I planned x-mas with Jon's family & my family at the same time WTF? I am so out of it this year. I called his family tonight and said sorry we have to rearrange the whole plans. Thank goodness they are nice and like me I guess, but I think we are going to get together x-mas eve instead.

I am not sure exactly why I am so blah right now I do not think I am depressed I am just out of sorts for some odd reason. Maybe it is getting back from Jamaica and back to real life (ok I had all last week, but I can still blame it on vacation right). Well I guess happy holidays and you girls may not get your cards until Feb, but you will get x-mas cards ;-)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Finally able to post!

I haven't been able to log in this week. :(

Nothing new here. Same old, same old. Getting ready for the fat guy in the red suit! It just doesn't feel like Christmas since it's been in the mid 60s and today it was 71. That's not right! Finally have all my shopping done. Wrapping, however, is a different story. LOL

Well I sold my studio light tonight. I posted it on the Buy/Sell Forum on my Photography board and it sold within 15 minutes. Not bad! I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks and decided to get an external flash and diffuser for on location work. I just wasn't 'feeling' the studio stuff. I like more natural, candid portraits. I figure I can use the time cooped up in the house this winter to practice with it.

Kylie has her Xmas party at school tomorrow so I need to run by the grocery store in the morning and get chips and dip. Which reminds me I need to lay/lie (LOL) her present out so we don't forget it.

TTYL Chickadees!

Santa Visit

We are slackers on the posting lately aren't we, 6 of us and we can't even post everyday. LOL I'm the worst one, lol

So the Santa visit went well for the first year ever! Matthew actually got on his lap, although he buried his head and would not say anything, then Santa put him down and standing there next to him he did tell him what he wanted and would not leave. LOL It was a xmas party at hubby's golf club. We did a carriage ride, since there was no snow. The kids enjoyed it anyways, you bring a wrapped gift there beforehand and then they call out the kids names and they go sit on Santa's lap and he gives them the gift. The had an ice cream sundae bar, etc..Good Times.

We even saw Santa before we left riding the town firetruck and he came out and gave the boys a gift each. Pretty cool.

I feel your pain Cera. I have one of those endlessly attached to my hip or he's whining/crying boys. I swear, there is something to be said for daycare, Matthew was never like this. Eric even refused to allow daddy to feed him last night, only mommy can do it, lovely crap.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Welcome back, Courtney! And congratulations, btw!

I'm CERTAINLY going to use the busy holiday season as my excuse for not having been on here, thank you, whoever mentioned that.

Happy birthday, Eric! Big boy! I remember when you were just a glimmer in Micahel's eye...

Kelly, I totally remember that pan-handler story. Makes you want to park your butt on the corner, doesn't it?

I'm so sorry guys...It really has been busy around here lately. And I'm such a procrastinator, so today I'm doing the things I should have gotten done, like, last week...It never ends. Anyways...

We are doing well...Even the baby has been in a good mood yesterday & this morning, and it's been FOREVER since that, so...big sighs of relief, all around. It really puts the whole family on edge to hear nothing but constant whining, unless the Bee's on my hip, kwim? So we're all glad he's leveled out again. I am SO looking forward to Christmas and new toys to occupy him. He's very into putting things away right now (boy after my own heart) towel gets taken off the oven door & put in a cupboard, diapers get carried for a lap around the room & then put back in the basket...I'm thinking Spence should take notes.

As for Spencer, I'm hoping to find some time to blog on Vivacity about his story-telling lately. He's very into sound effects, lots of hand motions...All of which must be watched, of course, or he'll have to start over. And you wonder why I'm exhausted these days??

Alden seems to never have any homework, which is going to catch him a grounding come next report card, I can feel it. Nothing new there.

Who else is looking forward to sitting back & finally relaxing come Christmas morning? Show of hands. But then there's always Christmas dinner to cook. My God, it never ends.

Well...So sorry to have been away so long, you lovely ladies, I hope to blog more often soon.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


OMG girls we had an absolute blast this last week. Although Jon and I swore we were going to bed early last night since our bus was picking us up from the resort at 7:15 am. Well we met this couple from Omaha and 3 shots and 5 drinks later it was 1:30 am and we were just going to bed. Needless to say when I woke up this am I was not feeling 100% LOL. That 2 hour bus ride to the airport was well long. We finally pulled into the driveway around 7:15 pm. It took us 2 freakin hours at the St Louis airport going through customs and security 2 times and having to get our suitcases twice and being sniffed by the drug dogs a couple times too. Short of wiping my ass I think they know everything else about me. LOL.

Seriously though it is definately something we will do again. Although it will probably be a couple years. We are taking Kennedy to Disney in 2 years we decided. We also stopped all BC this last week and will see what happens (Jons idea I am still freakin out). I know I am due to o' tomorrow and Tuesday and Jon is off until Thursday, so I am pretty sure I will get a BFP by the end of the month, but we shall see.

X-mas shopping ughhhhh Kennedy is more than done. I can not believe how much I bought her!!! All the packages came while we were gone. I guess I kinda forgot and my shopping got out of hand. Now that Jon & I are back to the real world we must get the rest of our shopping done must I mention the x-mas decorations??!!?!??! I have not even put my tree up yet BAD MOMMY :-).

Ohhh well it is 10 pm and I am working on just a couple hours of sleep and have to be up for work in the a.m. Not to fear I already called LB tonight and told her not to expect too much out of me tomorrow haha. I am so happy to be back home and in a routine although those 12 hours of sleep a night are gone :-(

We're here and fine :)

Crap, I guess I forgot to tell you guys that I was going to St. Louis on Friday. My mom, sister and I went up for the day, hit a couple malls and we were back in town by 6:00. I had to get the kids from daycare since Doug was working at the PD this weekend.

Speaking of him working, I think next weekend is the first weekend he'll have had off in about 2 months. Needless to say, I'm going INSANE here with the kids and that damn dog. I'm feeling just a little bit overwhelmed today. MIL came by this morning, thought Hunter should go to Bible School, so I got him dressed and out the door with her, at which time, the damn dog escaped from the confinments of the house. She, apparently, has overcome her fears of going down the steps of the patio and off she went. I chased her all around our neighborhood, finally getting her in the backyard of a neighbor's house, about 5 doors down. I was livid. Who wants a Yorkie? I'm seriously ready for a drink and it's not even noon yet.

I can't remember the last time I posted on here. I check it almost daily, but never seem to find the time to be able to sit down and write out what's going on our our busy and chaotic lives. Sorry guys.

When was Courtney coming back home? Today??? I hope you all had a wonderful honeymoon, girl! Maybe you'll have a little surprise 'souvenior' from the trip? heehee....

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend girls. I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Shopping Bites!

We aren't nearly done yet with shopping. We still have to get something for my folks which is always a pain. They have everything and want nothing. The shopping for Robby is more than done. We could entertain a small munchkin army with the stuff he is getting. ACK! Wrapping? Not even started. Baking cookies? Not even started. So much to do and so little time.

Courtney, we can't wait to hear all the news from the honeymoon! Well, maybe not all the details...heehee.

Robby has been in rare form lately. He is being so demanding and stubborn. The poor guy is getting punishment after punishment and it has yet to sink in that he is causing it all himself. I can't wait till this stage is over. Oh, and the absolute worst thing he is doing now? Aiming for the toilet seat instead of the toilet. He even hits the wall, the cabinet and the shower curtain! I am sooooo sick of cleaning the bathroom! Who said boys were easier than girls?

Are we a bunch of slackers or what?

No posts on here since Tues? Of course we could use the excuse that the holidays are keeping us busy. Speaking of which, I got my last minute stuff done. Ordered the last two online gifts too. My shopping is done. Wrapping? Well that's a whole different story. ;) I mean how can I get my wrapping done when I'm sitting here, right? LOL! Actually, I'm saving all that for the Friday before Xmas. I'm off that day and Kylie is going to school so Santa can wrap presents and get everything ready.

How's the weekend treating everyone? I'm sitting here enjoying a few minutes of peace & quiet. Kylie's mouth has being going 90mph since her feet hit the floor this morning. Todd took her with him to take the trash off and they're going to swing by the barn and check on the calves and horses. So I'm good for an hour or two! :)
I really need to clean house but after going to Walmart with my mom and Kylie, putting the groceries up, 2 loads of laundry I think I deserve a few minutes to sit at the puter!

Courtney, hope you made it back from sunny Jamaica ok. Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!

Sara, hope you and the boys are ok and not sick or something. We missed you yesterday!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ah...but does it involve TV?

Seriously Jenna, it wouldn't matter what it was. lol. I think that some things are just inevitable where the men are concerned. Unless it involves the remote or their vehicles they are oblivious! Oh, and maybe noogie too. That will get their attention...heehee.

I've seen a man around town the last couple of weeks pan handling. (I think that's what it's called). This guy has been standing by the McDonald's and Wendy's parking lots holding up a sign saying "Have kids, need cash". It really irked me at first. How dare this guy stand in front of the always hiring fast food joints begging for money? Then it dawned on me. Working for those places you'd be doing well to make $7.00 an hour. And that is before taxes. If just 7 people an hour gave him a dollar he'd be making out better than the employees. But somehow I'm betting that more than 7 people gave him cash. I am betting quite a few people give him at least their change they got back from the drivethrough. This guy probably brings in $20 to $30 an hour (rush hour) without taxes! So he can go to a regular job during the day and bring in a ton of extra cash from his part time job. If he only made $20 a day, an hour a day, 5 days a week for a month he would have an extra $400 for Christmas. Imagine what you could do with that kind of cash?

I remember reading about some beggars in DC I think it was. One guy would go to his "job" sitting who knows where during the day and at night he would go home to his nice house with his nice car parked in his nice garage and eat his nice meal with his nice family. Back then (and it was yeeeeaaars ago) he was bringing in $60,000 a year doing this. Surreal I tell you.

But am I saying no one needs a handout? That they are all just conning us? Nope. I totally believe in social services for those in need. And since I am in no positionto say who is in need I give to lots of charities. I leave it to them to weed out the riff raff.

WTH is wrong with men?!??!?!

Can someone out there tell me that please? Seriously!

Get this: I've been telling DH for about a month that we have this insurance meeting coming up and I need him to check with his work to see if Kylie's insurance would be cheaper. Mine is going up $80/month for her. I've reminded him at least once a week, yesterday AND this morning. I need to know by TODAY. The meeting is tomorrow! So I ask him tonight what they quoted him for his insurance. His eyes get big and he said "oops! Sorry, I forgot"


I don't get it. I'll be the first to admit that I forget things but how can you forget something that important when someone has been on your ass about it for weeks? Are they really that stupid? I can see ignoring our nagging about taking out the f-ing trash or something trivial but GD-it this is important. I swear they only deal with what they want to, if it's not something that they even remotely find interesting they tune it out!!!! :( :( :( I am beyond pissed right now!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Snow? What's this snow we speak of?

LOL! So how much snow did everyone get? And can someone help a winter-deprived girl out and send me some pics? ;)

Courtney, I hope you're on a plane to warm, sunny Jamaica right about now! Can't wait to see pics!

How's the weekend treating everyone? OK here, getting ready to run out and do some Xmas shopping. We made our appearance at the office party last night, ate dinner, chatted with a few people, got my bonus voucher and we headed out with little boss and couple other people. Oh and just our luck, as we're walking out the door, who appears out of the restroom? CFO!!!! Of all people! Steph & I looked at each other and cracked up. lol! oh well, we weren't the first ones to leave so we're good! :)
Kylie loved the parade. It was alot bigger this year than in past years. It took an hour to pass us where normally, if you blink you miss it. LOL! We all had pockets full of candy when it was over, she got to sit on someone's horse so all in all, I guess it was a good time!

Wish me luck, I'm starting my hormone cream today and have touse it for 15 days. Or better yet, wish the DH good luck! :P