Ah...but does it involve TV?
Seriously Jenna, it wouldn't matter what it was. lol. I think that some things are just inevitable where the men are concerned. Unless it involves the remote or their vehicles they are oblivious! Oh, and maybe noogie too. That will get their attention...heehee.
I've seen a man around town the last couple of weeks pan handling. (I think that's what it's called). This guy has been standing by the McDonald's and Wendy's parking lots holding up a sign saying "Have kids, need cash". It really irked me at first. How dare this guy stand in front of the always hiring fast food joints begging for money? Then it dawned on me. Working for those places you'd be doing well to make $7.00 an hour. And that is before taxes. If just 7 people an hour gave him a dollar he'd be making out better than the employees. But somehow I'm betting that more than 7 people gave him cash. I am betting quite a few people give him at least their change they got back from the drivethrough. This guy probably brings in $20 to $30 an hour (rush hour) without taxes! So he can go to a regular job during the day and bring in a ton of extra cash from his part time job. If he only made $20 a day, an hour a day, 5 days a week for a month he would have an extra $400 for Christmas. Imagine what you could do with that kind of cash?
I remember reading about some beggars in DC I think it was. One guy would go to his "job" sitting who knows where during the day and at night he would go home to his nice house with his nice car parked in his nice garage and eat his nice meal with his nice family. Back then (and it was yeeeeaaars ago) he was bringing in $60,000 a year doing this. Surreal I tell you.
But am I saying no one needs a handout? That they are all just conning us? Nope. I totally believe in social services for those in need. And since I am in no positionto say who is in need I give to lots of charities. I leave it to them to weed out the riff raff.
I've seen a man around town the last couple of weeks pan handling. (I think that's what it's called). This guy has been standing by the McDonald's and Wendy's parking lots holding up a sign saying "Have kids, need cash". It really irked me at first. How dare this guy stand in front of the always hiring fast food joints begging for money? Then it dawned on me. Working for those places you'd be doing well to make $7.00 an hour. And that is before taxes. If just 7 people an hour gave him a dollar he'd be making out better than the employees. But somehow I'm betting that more than 7 people gave him cash. I am betting quite a few people give him at least their change they got back from the drivethrough. This guy probably brings in $20 to $30 an hour (rush hour) without taxes! So he can go to a regular job during the day and bring in a ton of extra cash from his part time job. If he only made $20 a day, an hour a day, 5 days a week for a month he would have an extra $400 for Christmas. Imagine what you could do with that kind of cash?
I remember reading about some beggars in DC I think it was. One guy would go to his "job" sitting who knows where during the day and at night he would go home to his nice house with his nice car parked in his nice garage and eat his nice meal with his nice family. Back then (and it was yeeeeaaars ago) he was bringing in $60,000 a year doing this. Surreal I tell you.
But am I saying no one needs a handout? That they are all just conning us? Nope. I totally believe in social services for those in need. And since I am in no positionto say who is in need I give to lots of charities. I leave it to them to weed out the riff raff.
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