Sunday, July 29, 2007
Where did summer go? I can't believe it's almost Aug and school starts back in a few weeks. Although, that will mean less traffic around here until the Leaf Lookers start coming into town.

We bought ourselves a couple of bikes last weekend and we've been riding around the neighborhood in the evenings, trying to encourage Kyliebug to ride hers. She gets scared when she goes down an incline and picks up speed. She's DONE with her bike at that point. LOL. Biking is good exercise, we've been working up a sweat. We're averaging 30-45min per day, which is alot when you're out of shape and haven't been on a bike in about 15 years. :P
I finally talked Kylie into letting me snap a couple of pix of her the other night. I try to get some of her a couple of times a year. It's only taken 6mos to get some of her. Amazing what a PEZ candy dispenser on top of your camera can do. mu-hahahahhaha. Here's one that I got of her and had printed on a canvas. I've never done a canvas print before so didn't know what to expect but I think it turned out nice.

It Has Been Awhile
Geez where has time gone. I have not been on here in like forever.
Time has just slipped away from me. In between Kay and getting ready for this new little girl, I feel like I have no time. I am almost 35 weeks now, so I am pretty much ready to meet this new young lady. DH & I have to finish decorating her room, but the bed, bookcase and dresser are in place. Target has been having a wonderful sale on baby food, so I have stocked up. This child will eat well for quite sometime. DH can not complain b/c I have used over $100 in coupons and only spent a third of that on the food :-). I still have more coupons to use, so I am not quite done just yet ;-)
I can not believe summer is almost over. Where did the time go?? It has not even felt like summer, which is totally unusual for here. I do not think our temps have gotten over 90 this summer. I am not complaining, but it is usually 100 here pretty consistently by now. It is nice to look out at my yard and see green grass.
DH birthday is today, so we are going out to TGIFridays for dinner YUMMY. Kay and I made him a birthday cake last night and finished icing and decorating and putting 36 candles on it this morning. He went to the cardinals baseball game last night, so he will be surprised when he gets home.
Well I do believe that is it from here for now LOL. I am off to go straighten up the house before he gets home...
Time has just slipped away from me. In between Kay and getting ready for this new little girl, I feel like I have no time. I am almost 35 weeks now, so I am pretty much ready to meet this new young lady. DH & I have to finish decorating her room, but the bed, bookcase and dresser are in place. Target has been having a wonderful sale on baby food, so I have stocked up. This child will eat well for quite sometime. DH can not complain b/c I have used over $100 in coupons and only spent a third of that on the food :-). I still have more coupons to use, so I am not quite done just yet ;-)
I can not believe summer is almost over. Where did the time go?? It has not even felt like summer, which is totally unusual for here. I do not think our temps have gotten over 90 this summer. I am not complaining, but it is usually 100 here pretty consistently by now. It is nice to look out at my yard and see green grass.
DH birthday is today, so we are going out to TGIFridays for dinner YUMMY. Kay and I made him a birthday cake last night and finished icing and decorating and putting 36 candles on it this morning. He went to the cardinals baseball game last night, so he will be surprised when he gets home.
Well I do believe that is it from here for now LOL. I am off to go straighten up the house before he gets home...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Missing the boy...sort of
The boy is staying at the grandparents house. He is having a fabulous time because Grandma takes him EVERYWHERE. But I miss him. At nights. When I normally would be tucking him in or checking on him he isn't here. No hugs and kisses and "love you most". However...........I am greatly enjoying the free time! It is amazing how quiet it is without him here. And Robert and I? Not a cross word to be heard. We have not had any disagreements since the boy left. That is scary.
But the boy will be back Thursday and all will be back to routine. I don't mind routine. I actually look forward to it. Those women who say a baby won't change them are living in a fantasy world. lol
But the boy will be back Thursday and all will be back to routine. I don't mind routine. I actually look forward to it. Those women who say a baby won't change them are living in a fantasy world. lol
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
ahhhh Kelly, you know we feel your pain. We didn't coin the phrase "MIS" for nothin' :P
Well, mom is supposed to go for a stress test just as a precaution but otherwise, she's doing fine now.
Nothing new on the home front. Still going back and forth on what to do about the photography thing. I get really into it for a while then slack off for a while. I think I'm just going through one of those "blah, nothing pleases me" stages. kwim? I seem to get those quite a bit, now that I think about it. It's like I'm always searching for 'something' but can never seem to find 'it'.
Speaking of, hey Barb, can you take my link off the blog since I took my site down? Thanks. :)
I keep checking the local paper for the local dance school's sign up announcement. They start their new classes in August and I think I'm going to sign Kylie up. I think she would really like it the way she sings & dances around. Hey, maybe if she's the next Christina Augilera, she can support me and I won't have to work. haha!
Well I'm off to drag the wild child out of the pool. Hope you guys have fun at Spence's game tonight Cera.
Well, mom is supposed to go for a stress test just as a precaution but otherwise, she's doing fine now.
Nothing new on the home front. Still going back and forth on what to do about the photography thing. I get really into it for a while then slack off for a while. I think I'm just going through one of those "blah, nothing pleases me" stages. kwim? I seem to get those quite a bit, now that I think about it. It's like I'm always searching for 'something' but can never seem to find 'it'.
Speaking of, hey Barb, can you take my link off the blog since I took my site down? Thanks. :)
I keep checking the local paper for the local dance school's sign up announcement. They start their new classes in August and I think I'm going to sign Kylie up. I think she would really like it the way she sings & dances around. Hey, maybe if she's the next Christina Augilera, she can support me and I won't have to work. haha!
Well I'm off to drag the wild child out of the pool. Hope you guys have fun at Spence's game tonight Cera.
LMAO! Oh Kelly. You're hilarious. This is why I love you, & I'd think it was a lot funnier if I didn't know EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN. Silly, silly men. At least yours understands the concept of the word, 'priority.'
Jenna, how's your mom? Anything new to report on her medical front?
We are indeed neglecting this little blog, but I can't biyotch because I'm horrible as well. I haven't even written in my own blog for almost a month. I know you guys see this one coming...Whoops a daisy!
Well I'm off to Spencer's tee-ball (t-ball?) game tonight, Go Phillies! We've been practicing the hell out of some base-running, so hopefully today he has a better idea of where to go & when, which I think was the biggest frustration last time. Did I mention Go Phillies.
Was Courtney just complaining about rain? We finally got some this morning, & a good cooling-off w/it, so life outdoors is finally tolerable again. Yay!
Which means, dearest Barbie, that I shall be working out this evening/tomorrow morning so get ready to be tagged!
Have lovely evenings, all!
Jenna, how's your mom? Anything new to report on her medical front?
We are indeed neglecting this little blog, but I can't biyotch because I'm horrible as well. I haven't even written in my own blog for almost a month. I know you guys see this one coming...Whoops a daisy!
Well I'm off to Spencer's tee-ball (t-ball?) game tonight, Go Phillies! We've been practicing the hell out of some base-running, so hopefully today he has a better idea of where to go & when, which I think was the biggest frustration last time. Did I mention Go Phillies.
Was Courtney just complaining about rain? We finally got some this morning, & a good cooling-off w/it, so life outdoors is finally tolerable again. Yay!
Which means, dearest Barbie, that I shall be working out this evening/tomorrow morning so get ready to be tagged!
Have lovely evenings, all!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Why I drink
DH: I think I'll work on the last raised bed for the garden this weekend since we don't have any plans.
Me: Well, I'd rather you redo the light in the laundry room since it doesn't want to work anymore. Plus we won't be planting anything new this season so it would just sit there. I'd like the light to take priority.
DH: Well...my priority is a boat. Does that suit you?
(sorry I've been gone so long. No excuses!)
Me: Well, I'd rather you redo the light in the laundry room since it doesn't want to work anymore. Plus we won't be planting anything new this season so it would just sit there. I'd like the light to take priority.
DH: Well...my priority is a boat. Does that suit you?
(sorry I've been gone so long. No excuses!)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
It's the weekend and I haven't accomplished hardly anything I set out to do. oh well, we all need some R&R occasionally, eh? My mom is off next weekend and we're going to give her the bed in our spare room and turn that room into The Bug's toy room and my prop storage room. So I have a feeling next weekend won't be so relaxing. hehe. And someone needs to clean this house. My floors need to be vacuumed and mopped desperately. But seeing as how DH is out cleaning the pool for us to swim later, I don't see it getting done today either.
Barb, hope you had a good time at the lake. Looking forward to seeing pics. Hope the arsebabies were well behaved. lol
Come out from hiding chickadees. The old LIPS blog is feeling neglected lately. :P
Barb, hope you had a good time at the lake. Looking forward to seeing pics. Hope the arsebabies were well behaved. lol
Come out from hiding chickadees. The old LIPS blog is feeling neglected lately. :P
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I'm back!!! Online that is...
Our phone and internet has been out for 4+ days now. I called the phone company on Friday and they just got it fixed today. Seems they don't bury their lines very deep so when the contractor building a house across the street moved some dirt, it cut the lines. So after calling for 3 days to get it fixed, I finally got someone last night who apoligized for the delay, credited my account for those 4 days with no service and sent someone out this morning to fix it.
Yes, mom seems to be doing better. Her doc is supposed to call her today with her appt for the stress test. I think they are just doing that as a precaution because all the tests on Friday point to it not being her heart. I told her she may have pinched a nerve or something to cause her arm to be numb. They do alot of physical work at her job so she could have done something to make it go numb/tingle.
I just get her all better and now Kylie has a sinus infection and possible strep throat. When it rains it pours, eh?
Yes, mom seems to be doing better. Her doc is supposed to call her today with her appt for the stress test. I think they are just doing that as a precaution because all the tests on Friday point to it not being her heart. I told her she may have pinched a nerve or something to cause her arm to be numb. They do alot of physical work at her job so she could have done something to make it go numb/tingle.
I just get her all better and now Kylie has a sinus infection and possible strep throat. When it rains it pours, eh?