
Monday, April 30, 2007

Man, what a weekend

Sara, I am so sorry about your Cards guy getting killed. Very sad. I'll leave it at that. No sense in trying to decide why it happened.

I also am so sorry you have such a nasty neighbor. But they exist in every neighborhood. Steer the kids clear and hope for the best is the only advice I can give. I can relate to being not so kid friendly (being kidless for so long) but I never was nasty about them coming around in my friggin yard. That's a bit overboard. The only time we ever had a problem with one of the neighbor kids was when the Hubby ran over one of their bikes in the drive. He wasn't used to looking and we even went and hunted down the parents offering to pay. They were very wise and told us it was their child's fault for leaving the bike in our drive and it was their fault. I only hope I am so wise when the time comes.

Jenna, she is tooooooo cute and far too old for her own good! How in the world did the girls in our group end up looking years older than the boys?

Courtney, if you have a boy or a girl you will love it unconditionally. It doesn't matter. I know how we expect one thing and we can be disappointed if it doesn't happen. When I got pregnant I hoped endlessly for a boy but hubby wanted a girl. He has since decided that a girl would have royally screwed him. lol. So either way I think you guys are safe. Crying about the gender is fine though. You have to grieve before you can love.

Nothing else new going on over in this neck of the woods. Spring storms have hit and we are expecting another tonight. ugh. I've had 3 hours sleep the past two night if I'm lucky and I really need sleep. Robby has this thing about wind and it wakes him. Not the rain or the thunder or lightning. It's the wind. Can't blame him. I was caught in this massive hale storm when I was a wee child and it sticks with me still. The boy was caught in a hurricane at age 3 months. Talk about some serious wind! What I do find hard to believe is that our kids are now of an age where they might actually remember some things. I might have to clean up the way I live soon! ACK!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Countdown Begins!

Well in just 4 days I will know what this baby is. I am excited, but nervous at the same time. I want a boy so gosh darned bad and I know this is the last one, so if it is a girl there is no more tries LOL. I know I can be happy with either, but you know everyone wants one of each.

Sara I have to LMAO b/c my whole purpose here was to come on to ask if you have seen the past 2 cubs/cardinals games. I remember reading a post a couple back and I just had to come to well ok rub it in heehee. Love you girl and GO CUBBIES!!!!!! I try to remain calm and collected everytime I hear did you see the game from my eldest brother, so I call him last night to see if he caught the game, b/c honestly we were out to dinner and missed the end. Of course how convenient he is in Kansas hunting Prairie Dogs. I will have to e-mail him the scores for the past two games evil I tell you.

Jenna Kylie looks so grownup in that pic! I can not believe how big our little ones are getting. I just know this last one is going to grow up so quickly also. :-( Kennedy told me last night mommy I will always be your little girl if only that was true...

Well girls I am off to pick up the house a bit then we are heading to MIL, so DH can mow her lawn then on the way home we are stopping for mulch and potting soil and coming back home b/c I have 2 boxes of stuff to plant and I have a tree to dig up and mulch to spread. Sounds like a bath night to me ;-)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

What a day!

It's only 8:00 p.m. and I'm wiped out. We spent the majority of the day outside. With it being Hunter's birthday, he wanted McDonald's so we had that for dinner. My sister and her boyfriend, along with my niece came over for a little bit this evening. It's just been a looong day. The kids woke up early and have been going nonstop ever since.

I had a bit of a "run-in" with a neighbor, two doors down. Apparently, he thinks my TWO and FOUR year old are peeping Toms. He said yesterday while his girlfriend was getting dressed, both boys were standing in the window, watching her. Ok, back up here a minute. First off, I try my hardest to make sure that they are up near me and not in anyone's personal business (in the most literal sense, I suppose) and even if they were looking in, they are TWO and FOUR. It's not like they really know what the hell they are looking at and doing it on purpose, KWIM? So, it really kind of hit me the wrong way. I told him that (1) they ARE TWO and FOUR, that if they were doing that, they didn't really realize what the heck they were doing and (2) if she had such a problem with it, she could have closed the friggin blinds. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. WTF? I apologized and grabbed Connor in my arms, and pulled Hunter by his hands to get the hell out of their driveway. Needless to say, we're going to avoid those neighbors AND their driveway (oh yeah, he doesn't want them in their driveway). I think they have a thing against kids.

Don't even get me started on the Cards-Cubs series going on in St. Louis. They lost again today, 8-1. Bleck. 'Nuff said.

Off to give the kids a much needed bath. I hope everyone is having just as wonderful weather as we are in Missouri and that you're able to get out and enjoy it!!!!

Have a good rest of the weekend...and Jenna, good luck on Monday! We're behind you 200% girl! Wuv woo!!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

We usually jump from winter to summer down here. I'm thinking we're on the way to hot, humid summertime as we speak. At least my fried, lobster legs say we are. You can't possibly get that kind of sunburn in the spring, right? As I slather on the aloe gel, I keep thinking it must be July already. ;)
Nothing new on the homefront here either. Start the new job on Monday. Looking forward to that, as much as you can look forward to a JOB. LMAO!
Took the Bug out for a Girl's Day Out today since it'll be a while before I get a vacation. Went to one of those little touristy go-kart, bumper boat places that has a Kiddie Country section with a few rides. Hey, for $9 it kept her busy for over an hour and I didn't have to listen to the usual whining I get at home.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I do miss those Indians season tickets we used to come into every now & again through the old job. Oh well. Not worth it.

Courtney, nicely put on your truth statement there.

Well now that my heart rate has returned to normal, I'll say, Welcome back Sara! Where you been all my life, girrrl? So glad to hear you're doing well!! You sound WONDERFUL, more like your old happy self, whom I've missed terribly by the way. Don't be a stranger now, ya heah?!

Nothing radically new & different to report on my end. Baby still follows me around whining about his pitiful life, when he's not busy trying to crawl up Spencer's butt. Spence has been very good about the clinginess, however, & even seems to enjoy the company. You can tell when he's had enough, though, when you start hearing, "Joo-li-YAN!" And Julian comes crying to me...the cycle continues. Since the nicely warming weather, I will say it's been wonderful to be able to send them outside playing. The baby soon forgets that he's upset at the world & starts actually playing. It's been nice.

All righty, ladies, that's it for this session of Postcards From the Edge.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well girls, I hate to admit it but I am a Reds fan. Growing up Southern (sort of) Ohio confirmed that. Cera would be an Indians fan if she were into sports...heehee. For us the Indians were a non-team growing up but they have come into their own. Or is it the Reds have fallen so far behind? lol

You know what I hate to admit the most? That the teams I like are influenced by the men in my life. The Reds are what I grew up with. The Steelers (football) are what an ex liked. Hockey followed Pittsburgh with the Penguins. Basketball was a sport only my mother watched. She was way into the Dayton Flyers back when. I don't even know what teams are around now.

Maybe I don't follow the basketball because I know my mother will always love me yet the men are suspect? Lord, I hope not! I would hate to think that the sports hubby likes is what I will always be drawn to? I don't want to watch Nascar till I'm old! ACK! lol

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thanks, guys! uhem, GIRLS!

Thanks again for your support. You girls are awesome!

I went out to mom and dad's this afternoon. They got a Cocker-Spaniel puppy today. The boys haven't seen her yet but she is adorable. Black and white, full-blooded. Sooo cute. Hopefully, I'll be able to take the kids out tomorrow afternoon and let them play with her. They will LOVE it. I think they mostly got her for the grandkids, although mom would NEVER say that ;) LOL.

Well, Courtney...your Cubbies beat my Cards today, 6-0. BLECK! That was a hard game to watch. I still don't understand how someone who lives 2 hours from St. Louis is a Cubbies fan, but whatever. They play again tomorrow afternoon and then St. Louis hosts them next weekend.

Thanks for the warm "welcome back." I didn't realize it, but I've kind of missed posting on here. I think maybe this will be a good place for me to vent :)

I love you girls! Have a wonderful evening.

Sara's Back!!

Sara I am not going to say I fainted LOL that you are back, but it is a happy surprised :-) We have missed you. It is great to see you so yourself and happy lately this change has been great for you.

As far as the cell phone bill goes. I agree with Jenna it would be a lot easier on the boys with all this change to just cooperate and get along trust me in that one I tell Jon that everyday. Unfortunately not everyone is mature enough to realize that and they think (like Jon's ex) that putting the child(ren) in the middle is going to help and that only causes problems down the line. If he really wants to be childish about the whole thing though you can just call your cell phone company I believe it is *611 from your cell phone or stop by and request a printed copy of all the phone numbers, so you can pay your part. There are ways to try to cover up secrets and deceit, but the truth will never go away.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} I wuv woo :-)

Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy!

Sara is back! Or as Cera would say "in the heezzy" Good thing I was sitting down, when I saw your post I started feeling light headed. :P Just kidding, it's good to see ya around here. You KNOW we are always here for ya! We're family now and that's what family is for! We may not physically be there for support but we can be here for you to talk to whenever you need us.

Soooo glad you and the boys are getting settled in and they seem to be doing good with the new place and new routine. I think it'll make for a happier family in the long run with you guys getting along for the boy's sake, whether you are together as a couple or not. They don't need that kind of crap and neither do you guys. Life's too short to spend it unhappy. So here's hoping you're on the path to new found happiness! Love ya girlie!

I know what you guys mean about the kiddos melting your heart at times. I had one of those moments this morning. After her being p*ssy and emotional all week, she woke up in the best mood this morning. As DH & I were getting ready to go to Lowe's this morning, she hopped up on my lap, snuggled in and said "Momma, I want you to hold me for a wittle while before you go, ok?" AWWWW!!!!!!!!! And now where is she? At the inlaw's house. LOL! She saw Bailey up there and forgot all about Momma & Daddy. Darn Fickle Kids!

Well we went this morning and got the lumber to finsh the floor part of the deck so as soon as d-ckhead gets finished trying out (aka humping, drooling over) his boss's new big expensive, zero-turn radios, commercial yada-yada, blah-blah lawn mower that he brought home with him, we'll get to work on that. (insert rolling eyes here) Men and their toys!!!!

Have a good weekend chickadees and get out and enjoy the freakin' awesome weather! :)

Happy Saturday!

I hope my posting doesn't through anyone into cardiac arrest. I know I'm the worst at posting, but you guys know the reason why.

Courtney, you watch it out there doing your yard work tomorrow. Don't overdo it. I hope Kay gets to feeling better soon. Enjoy the sunshine today. It's a beautiful day down here, too!

Jenna, WHY would I say anything about you having a light-bulb moment?! LOL. You crack me up. Seriously, girl. You're on a countdown to the new job. I'm so excited for you! You'll have to keep us posted when you can and when it's safe for you to do so.

Kelly, those moments are too precious. I had one last night with Hunter, too. They seem to know when you need to hear it the most and they know exactly what to say to melt your heart. Precious kids.

Dh just came by and got the boys not too long ago. He actually fixed my shower thingy that was jammed but he refuses to give me his password or father's middle name to access the cell phone bill so I can pay my part of it online. Soooo, we went back and forth on that and I tore up the bill and told him he could pay the whole damn thing. This obviously leads me to believe he has something to hide and you know what? I honestly don't care, and that feeling leads to me to believe that I DID make the right decision on moving out for a while. The trust issue is obviously still very real, especially when, if he says he has nothing to hide, he's hiding the password from me. Doesn't make much sense, does it? I'm ready to move on from this silliness.

I know I've said it quite a bit here lately, but THANK YOU girls for everything you've done to help me over the past few weeks. You've helped in so many ways and I appreciate all the support. Wuv woo!

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the wonderful weather!!!

Saturday :-)

Woohoo for the weekend. Although mine got off to an unexpectedly early start. Child was sick, which means mommy stays home. Really though the break was nice and what better way to spend the day than with a child who is sick and looks at you like you are their hero. Kelly I know what you mean. Day in and day out while punishing them and molding them into these perfect little adults we think all they think we can do is yell. It just melts my heart when Kay looks at me with her big blue eyes and says mommy I love you, that could start my water works instantly (although partially due to hormones right now)

Jenna I am so proud of you. Taking the huge step of leaving a company you are so comfortable with to start new again. It is tough, but you are a strong person you will do well. You better get your arse in there and get started, so you can get back on the list. Enjoy your couple of days off it is well deserved.

As for us this weekend. It is just Kay and I (like usual) today. Jon just left to work an off-duty gig and he has another after work this evening. Oh well not much I can say about him not being here when he brings home cash LOL. I think Kay and I will hang out at home and play outside on her swing set and her bike and then we are to meet my family for dinner tonight. Tomorrow Jon is off, so it is yard work galore. I am so sick of looking at the outside of my house. I am ready to see progress. He can mow the lawn and I want to weed and dig up that plant (OK well he will dig up the plant) and the landscaping stones need a hole dug, so they will sit in the ground not lay on the ground. I placed them out there last year just to see if they looked nice and oops they have not moved since. OK I am off to go shower and get dressed, so we can start the day.

Have a great weekend ladies :-) This is for Sara GO CUBBIES :-) Love you girl ...

Friday, April 20, 2007

Tears of Joy

Tonight while putting Robby to bed he says to me that he has two best friends. I ask who? He then says "Momma, it's you and Daddy!" I melted instantly. No matter how awful they are at this age at least they still think of us parents as their world. I will miss that when it is gone....

Jenna, congrats again! Nothing like scoring a few days off!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

And the days dwindle...

I had a light bulb moment this afternoon (Shaddup Sara, it happens occasionally) and just realized that we are 4 months into the year. I have vacation days built up at work!! why not take them before I leave? So I checked with HR and I have 3.5 days that I can use. So instead of next Friday being my last day at the old place, it's now mid-day Tuesday. Yeeha!!!
That will be awesome since it would be 6mos before I'm eligible for a vacation at the new job. So I now have a 5 day weekend to look forward to :) I may even let the Bug stay home with me 1-2 of those days so we can get out and do something together.

Unfortunately I'll be off The LIPS List for a bit when I start the new job because I don't want to start off with 50,000 emails per day. LMAO! I promise to check in with you guys in the evening from my new Yahoo email.

Have a good weekend girlies, the weather is supposed to be freakin' awesome!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Humpity Hump Day

Well ladies I feel like I have been neglecting the blog lately. I just feel overwhelmed with stuff to do and not enough hours in the day. I get home and I am so exhuasted all I can do is lay on the couch and pray 8:30 comes soon, so I can put Kay to bed and go to bed myself.

I know Cera will get a kick out of this one though. I had Kay's b-day party last weekend well my mom calls Sunday (the day of the party) and says is Kay's party today? Jon said yes and she said ok well what time is it at I was never told Oops that would be my doing. I never sent out invites I am so bad about that. I swear I am starting to work on my x-mas cards now I promise you all will get cards this year and before Valentines too LOL

We actually got Kay's swingset and it is more than halfway completed. You know how it goes with men it will probably sit out back for the next two years without the glider or the tarp that covers the the tower, but hey she can use the slide and swings. I asked DH Mon night if it was going to turn out like the backsplash in the kitchen, which is still only halfway done LOL. He kinda got pissy and went and got his socket wrench and hung the swings woohoo. Next week I will bug him about the backsplash and maybe it will get done well that is after he finishes the swingset.

Thank you, Thank you!!!

I'd like to thank the little people... just kidding!

I know exactly what you mean about emotional kiddos. Just last night we had one of those episodes. I had JUST told The Bug to hold her drink with both hands and what happens? You guessed it, drink on the carpet. I yelled her name, told her to go get a towel and clean it up. You would've thought that I had reached into her chest, pulled out her heart and broke it in half. After she wiped it up, she got up on my lap, crying, saying "I'm sorry momma. I'm sorry momma." It wasn't that 'cry to get out of trouble' type whine either. I didn't want to let her think she was getting away with anything so I hugged her but gave her a "do what mommy asks" type speech in the best stern voice I could manage. I'm normally not a pushover but she looked so sad. LOL! I know, put the big SUCKER sticker on my forehead.

I can't wait till this weekend either. Weather is supposed to be 75-80 so I hope DH can get at least the floor part of the deck finished. He can work on the railing a little each weekend but I really want the floor & steps done so we can use it.

Well I'm off to at least give the appearance that I'm working. ;)

Congrat-u-freaking-lations, Jenna, great news!! Exactly, a change of pace is sometimes all you need to open your eyes a bit & improve your whole outlook. Lord knows it worked for me. I haven't had a single seriously depressive episode since I started here. Love what I do.

Just be careful! Remember, that's exactly what my old LB told me, the old "I'll be retiring soon, & you'll move up rank" bit. So just be careful. But it sounds promising as hell!

Kelly, I am totally feeling your pain over here, girl. But have you seen the forecast for this weekend (you're close enough that our forecasts are usually similar, right?)? Omg, blue skies, sunshine, & 60+ degrees all weekend long. I saw that & said, Boys, we are going to the park! Then Spence said, Ooweh ooweh, that's what you say, right Mommy? LOL! Yes indeedy, my dear boy, that is exactly what you say when the weather finally breaks.

Well ladies, not a whole lot new to report on my end. The Bee is back to his usual self, a bit whiny but not intolerable. The antibiotics for his ears + molars finally cutting through = everyone can relax. Present crisis drawing to a close. Phew!

Oh, & Spence seems to be a little (extra) emotional these days. Anyone else going through this? He'll throw attitude around like there's no tomorrow, then cry like his heart is breaking if he pushes too far & has to do some corner time. I can't keep up with the mood swings!!

All right, I'm off! Have wonderful days, ladies!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Woot Woot Jenna! And so begins the next adventure in your life...heehee.

And while we are here how about a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kennedy! Time is flying by way too fast.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

New Job for Me! Yay!

Well it has been confirmed, the job is mine. I turned in the 2WN yesterday. Went pretty much how I thought, big boss was a biyotch as usual and little boss pretended that she didn't care. That's ok, I just have to put up with them for 2 more weeks. Although, if big boss continues with her usual bitchiness, I may cut that two weeks short and go ahead and leave. kwim? :)

know what you mean Kelly, I had 3-4 people tell me yesterday how happy I already looked. It's not like its a big dream job or anything but I think a change of scenery and pace is just what the doctor ordered. I'll technically be a receptionist for the time being but they are bringing payroll in-house so I'll be cross-training on some of that. My new Little Boss (LB) is the office manager and she's planning on retiring soon & she wants the get the 2nd person trained on her stuff, me on the the #2 position and when she retires, we'll all move up and they'll hire another receptionist. The two owners are laid back relaxed type of guys and seemed genuinely pleased to have me coming on to the staff. It's a small company, only 21 employees, been in biz for decades though so I feel comfortable with having job security. New LB said "I hope you don't find the work here mundane after working in a fast paced office" and I reassured her "a change of pace is actually what I was looking for" Before I left with my paperwork on Thursday she practically jumped around my neck and hugged me. LOL! I'm sure she saw her retirement getting closer and closer by the second. hehe!

Sounds like Kelly has the winter blues. I know what you mean even though its not as cold here as it is up there, it's still about 20 degrees colder than it should be this time of year and rainy so we're getting a bit of cabin fever here too. We only got the deck 1/2 way finished because the weather turned cold & rainy. Hopefully we'll get to start on it again next weekend if the warmer weather they promised holds out. Fingers crossed for us all that spring shows up again soon!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday at last!

Everyone bow down to the weekend Gods! Like weekends mean a thing to me any more. lol One thing about staying at home is you lose all sense of time. The only thing different about weekends is you girls aren't at work to email so I get bored very quick.

Jenna, congrats on the interview and job! Just ask Cera how wonderful a job change can be!

I need to get out of my funk and get out of the house I think. I am so sad that our spring lasted a whole week and we are back to winter again. Bring on the warm days please!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Humpity Hump Day!!!

Can I get a woot woot? We made it over the hump! :)

Cera, glad to hear that everyone loves the kitty and the feeling is mutual for Raphael. You should post some pics on here for everyone to see the new member of the family.

News on the home front: I had an interview Monday for a new job. It was a bit of a surpise to me too. Hadn't really planned on looking for another job. I mean, yeah, I always keep my eye open for a good opportunity just like anyone else but never looked seriously. I scanned the help wanted ads one Sunday and low & behold there was an interesting one. So I fax my resume in, whammo, have an interview Monday morning. It was my first one in about 8+ years. Yikes, was I ever nervous. For no reason, it turns out, because the two ladies I talked with were super nice. The company is 2 miles from my house and about 3 blocks from the Primary school that Kylie will go to next year. They have great benefits. They loved me, I loved them so it's all down to whether we can meet in the middle money-wise. I know after 13 yrs at my current job, I'll have to take a bit of a pay cut and I'm ok with that. DH just got a promotion & his first raise as a supervisor is due this month so we should be ok. I found out today they called my references to check them. That's a good sign, right?
I'm chomping at the bit, wanting to know one way or the other. The verdict should be in by the end of the week but I may need a Valium before then. Have I mentioned that its been YEARS since I've gone through this nerve-racking/exciting crap? I've fantasized all week about how I wish I could turn in my resignation. I won't go into it here because, well, lets just say, it ain't pretty. A girl can dream, right?
So stay tuned folks to see if Operation Take This Job & Shove It goes into full effect...

Lol @ the DH shower story, Jenna! Definitely a Kodak moment.

Glad everyone's Easter went well! Ours was...Snowy. I'm so friggin OVER winter. I'm over it. I feel like I'm losing my mind after we had that little tease week before last, and now back to mounds of the white crap everywhere. I could just cry. Moving on...

Operation Kitty went swimmingly! Spencer, & even Julian, will play w/him all evening long, I love it. And the kitty's doing great w/them as well. Kitty has been crowned "Raphael" by young master Spence. In a way, I'm getting my baby fix, as Raphael is still small & needy. My furbaby. :)

Sara, I just want to say YOU DA BOMB. 'Nuff said.

Nothing else new to report! Have great days, ladies, we're almost over the hump!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Evening

Not to be confused with the Eve of Easter. lol. We went to the folks for the holiday. As usual. Poor Robby does not get to spend a single holiday here with us by ourselves....EVER. This year we disrupted the weekend and asked to have Easter dinner on Saturday so we could be home at a decent hour Sunday. You'd have thought Jesus never was resurrected in the eyes of my Lutheran and Catholic relatives!

Well, it worked out for the best in spite of the reservations of everyone but Hubby and I. Robby got to play the entire evening with the nephews and it was a blast. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard. However we were grilled a few times on why we couldn't do dinner on Sunday. Well JEEZ guys, we do live almost 5 hours away! It might be a little hard for hubby to get some rest before work on Monday??? Which leads me to think we will not be doing Easter there next year. It would be nice to have one holiday to ourselves.

AS for weather? No friggin doubt, this has to be one of the colder days. I do remember when I was a wee lass it being cold but snow? OMG! I have pictures to prove it...heehee. It has been sputtering since Thursday and I am more than ready for spring. ARGH!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!!

Wow I can say this is the latest I have been up in sometime LOL. I am waiting on DH to get home from work, so we can hide the eggs for Kay and then I am ready to hit the sack of course after I take care of my poor deprived DH. Tommorrow morning we are headed to my bros to eat brunch and then we are coming home and MIL is bringing by a basket for Kay and then it is rest time. Jon's nephew is having a get together tomorrow afternoon/evening and since Jon did not feel the need to take off of work I am not driving all the way out there myself. MIL is not going and neither is my SIL, so why should I?? Horrible I know. I hate holidays have I ever mentioned that. I get sick and tired of all the running around.

It is so freakin cold here I could scream. WTH happened to spring anyways? It was 31 this morning when I made a Wally World run Brrrrrrr.

Happy b-day Spence and Kylie. I can not believe it was 4 years ago they were just these helpless humans. Wow how time flies. We have now decided on a Barbie b-day. I think we have been through every other thing. I can handle Barbie. She still has a week to change her mind though ;-). I have everyone arranged next Sun (her b-day party) Jon , his BIL and my bro are going to put together her new swingset. She will just die when she sees it. I am planning on keeping her out of the house while these 3 guys try to put together this swingset that says for 2 guys it takes 3 hours. I am thinking I may need to be gone 5 hours LOL. I just hope it warms up before next Sun. I know she will want to go out and try it out, but brrrr in 30 degree temps I think not o' child of mine. If I keep the blinds closed surely she will not see it before it is time.

Oh well I guess I better go do something else ot try to stay awake. I am seriously about to crash. Night girls...

Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter Weekend...

Hope all you Lovely Ladies & kiddos have a wonderful Easter. No big plans that I know of around here. My mom and MIL usually cool lunch that day and the kids get out and have an egg hunt afterward.

Well I did it, I know I said I was going to try to make it 2 more years here at work but too many things have been not sitting well with me lately. So I sent out my resume the other day. I got a call this morning wanting me to call them Monday to schedule an interview. I haven’t had an interview in 8-10 yrs so I know I’ll be nervous as hell! I’m going to try not to get my hopes up, easier said than done, but this place is about 2 miles from my house. Basically, in between my house and DD’s daycare and about 3-4 blocks from the Primary school where she will be going next fall. It’s in the same complex as my doctor’s office too. I would be out of the tourist-y traffic, which is one thing I hate about my current job. The tourist season is gearing up and a normal 7-10 min drive to daycare in the afternoon takes 25 minutes in stop & go traffic. Road rage doesn’t even describe how you feel by the time you get there.

So that’s all the news in my life right now. Wish me luck & have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

another 4yr old among us

Happy Birthday Spence!
Hope you have a wonderful day. Can’t wait to hear how Operation Kitty Introduction goes. The Bug has wanted a little kitty since before Christmas. I’m sure we’ll be able to find any shape, size, or color in a few weeks at the animal shelters so I’m holding out on getting one till then.

Nothing new around these parts. Just enjoying the week with Big Boss out of the office. It’s nice not having to tip toe around and try to avoid her. Everyone has been down right pleasant this week. ;) With the exception of the Office Snitch wearing a path in the carpet while walking back & forth to see what everyone is doing, it’s gone off without a hitch. I guess that’s better than the time she sat near the end of our cubes with a legal pad, taking notes on what everyone was or wasn’t doing. I kid you not, she is in fact, that childish and more. My theory is this, if she has time to make a hundred trips around the office per day, she needs more work to do. Right?

I have to share a funny from the other night. Miss Priss is hung up on being daddy’s girl since he’s been riding her around on the 4 wheeler. You know how kids get something in their head and it’s the be all and end all? So she decides she doesn’t want me to give her the nightly bath. She wants to take a shower with daddy. I can count on one hand how many times he’s given her a bath in the past 4 years so this should be interesting, right? I went about the nightly routine of getting her pjs, lotion, etc ready and pass by my bathroom. There they are, in the shower, DH standing in his swim trunks, washing her hair. LMAO! Everything about it screamed Kodak Moment.

Well, we’ve almost made it over the hump chickadees. I guess I better get my work finished because The Bug has her 4 yr check up today and I'm leaving in a couple of hours. TTFN!

Well today's his royal majesty's big day! May I just say, sniff, boo-hoo, & Omg, I can't believe he's the big 0-4! Four years ago today I was pacing the halls of the hospital, cradling my belly & wishing I could keep him safe within me just a little while longer. How the time does fly.

LOVE Stephen King books, Kelly. Right on. I always say, whenever I do get around to writing my novel, I'm sending him the first copy for approval. I'm sure he won't read it, or respond, but just think if he did!! My literary idol. Where's that reality show?

Lol @ Todd deeming your kitty his, Jenna. Nathaniel was the same way about our old kitty, Stomper. He still thinks I had something to do w/his disappearance. Damn it, man, how cold of a biyotch do you think I am?? Our theory is that he somehow got out of an upstairs window that was left open. & The drop from there to the neighbor's yard is a doozy, not to mention the hungry Alaskan husky that's waiting below. Alas, dear Stomper, we miss thee so.

Well ladies, it's time for the Birthday Lunch, at that magical of all places, McDonald's. Burger King would have a more appropriate crown, but a simple peasant such as myself would never imagine arguing said point w/his royal highness.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Well, I'll Be!

I never even realized I'd picked all "K" names. Seriously, I'd travelled several rows...heehee.

Kitty's are the best! We definitely want pictures.

And CONGRATS to Barb on her new venture! We can say we knew you when, right? lol

As for "Diary of a Mad Housewife" I must say I liked it. It is one of those books that you don't realize you like until well after you finish it. I seem to find things in each of the main characters that I relate to. Not just the housewife. I did not like the ending, it was too obvious. Almost like Steven King books where the ending is always rushed.

I have 3 new books you all might have to suffer through...heehee.

Monday, April 02, 2007

You say its your Birthday...

It's my girl's B-day too! Happy 4th to my baby girl!!! Sniff-sniff! Where did the time go?

Can't wait to see kitty pics Cera. I bet Spence will love him. Kylie has wanted a new kitty since before Xmas. Obviously our current cat isn't enough for her. Guess it's a good thing I'm a cat lover too because I have a feeling I'll be the one taking care of it. Which is ok with me because DH thinks Jypsy is his and has her brainwashed into thinking the same.
Kitty cats all around, I say! Nothing like curling up with the little fuzzy, purring bundles of fur to relax you.

LMAO @ Kelly spinning around in the library to find a book. eeny-meeny-miney-moe! :P

Nice, Jenna, real nice. Sounds like something Nathaniel would have done, back in the days before Al beat the whole concept of practical jokes to death. & Continues beating it.

Happy Birthday, Robby & Kylie!!!! Still hard to believe our little ones are hardly babies anymore. Hard to believe they'll be in school soon, real school! I'm not ready.

Kelly, I'm thinking you walked into the library, closed your eyes, spun around, & landed on the 'K' section? LOL. Glad you're enjoying yourself reading! One of the many things on my list of what to do if I ever should find a free moment. I'm still patiently waiting for one.

Well our news is we're getting a kitten! I'm so excited...It's been a while since we had a little furball in the house. We're going to clean him up (from the rescue center), slap a big bow on him, & surprise Spence for his birthday. No better gift than a brand-new friend, am I right? Shoot, that reminds me to call that lady. Does anyone else have a running to-do list going like ticker-tape across their brains? So much to friggin remember & do, I'm tired just thinking about it.

I'd like to send a big WOOT WOOT out to dear Barb on the launch of her new magazine!! We're very proud, Barb, keep up the great work! :)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ahhh, Barbie...

wherefore art thou? Just consider that my April Fool's Joke. LMAO!

Just waiting on my dad & his wife to get here before we open gifts. And waiting on it to quit raining. These two girls are driving me bonkers. I'm soooo ready to send them outside! I think they are making up for being so good last night. They have done nothing but bicker all day. arggh!

Went to Wallyworld to pick up the cake and I forgot to get my Tools of Revenge while I was there. DH thought he would be a wise ass this morning and poured cold water on me while I was in the shower. So I had planned on picking up some Silly String and a Super Soaker wtaer gun while I was there & got sidetracked by the Easter aisle. :(

Love the new site. Looks great!

ahh nice to be needed

Isn't nice to be needed. I fixed the template. The Lovely Ladies have returned!

I'm been MIA in a horrible way I know, but it's just been crazy busy with the collages lately not to mention the new site which goes live today. Busy Busy Busy!