Ok so that there, Lovely Crap, is the term I am known for. Lovely Crap, my baby just climbed up the stairs. The ENTIRE staircase. He's 9 months old (as of yesterday) and JUST started crawling a few weeks ago, from that ridiculous alligator creep thing he was doing. He goes from barely being mobile to climbing, unassisted here people, the entire staircase. He did it twice today. And now I have to start closing the gates again because he is obcessed with going there. The child is brave, he may even be a genius, time will tell. He didn't even see me standing behind him, he took off down the hall at a speed crawl and went right up the landing and up the stairs, never looking back till the last step where he looks back, sees me, smiles a huge grin and climbs the last step. Lovely crap.
Yes, Sara and I befriended Sarah in the baby board chat room (she was cool) one day and a few months later Sara met Jenna and then she and Kelly were added. And yes Jenna, I neglected to explain the internet psychos part of the name, hello, baby brain over here obviously, the most important part. He still calls you all internet psychos but I think he's less opposed to us meeting now that he's been hearing about you for over 2 years. LOL