Sunday, December 09, 2007
Ok I will re-start the whole blog thingy LOL... Little Laney is 3 months old Ackkkk. My little baby is growing so big! I miss my little nuzzler. She is such a big girl wanting to sit and stand. I am so not ready for that yet. I was hoping my little baby would stay little forever lol. Wittle waney pwease stay wittle forwever. :-). Ok girls lets liven up and get back to our ol' blog...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
38 (almost 39) Weeks and 1 To Go!!
Jenna dear if I were any closer to you, I would staple your lips together with a stapler for that last comment LOL.
Yes, I am in the last stretch. This time next week I will be making my final preparations to prepare for this new little life. I have my stuff for the hospital on the bench in my room just in case I must make a mad dash out the door early, but I am doubting that will happen. I thought for sure Wednesday would be the day. I had such horrible contractions and even lost part of my mucous plug (sorry TMI). I worked a 12 hr day, so I figured being on my feet all day would help. The minute I got home it all stopped. I think hubby will get his wish and get a Sept baby after all...
These little girls are quite the divas are they not. I was laughing at Kay this morning with a hat on in front of the mirror posing and trying out different smiles LMAO. Unfortunately the child does not have a shy bone in her body. She will talk to the bum sitting on the corner if I would let her. We are going through quite a time with her right now. She almost made it a whole week sleeping all night in her bed, but ruined it last night. I had promised her the barbie doll she has been dying for. I had to break the sad news to her this morning that sorry you did not quite make it a week :-(. We will start all over again tonight. I have a different tactic this time. Every night she stays in her bed all night she gets $2.00 towards her barbie, then we do not have to start the week all over. She seemed satisfied with that.
Ok I am off to finish picking up around the house and then we are off to go buy a pizza. Mommy is not cooking tonight :-)
Yes, I am in the last stretch. This time next week I will be making my final preparations to prepare for this new little life. I have my stuff for the hospital on the bench in my room just in case I must make a mad dash out the door early, but I am doubting that will happen. I thought for sure Wednesday would be the day. I had such horrible contractions and even lost part of my mucous plug (sorry TMI). I worked a 12 hr day, so I figured being on my feet all day would help. The minute I got home it all stopped. I think hubby will get his wish and get a Sept baby after all...
These little girls are quite the divas are they not. I was laughing at Kay this morning with a hat on in front of the mirror posing and trying out different smiles LMAO. Unfortunately the child does not have a shy bone in her body. She will talk to the bum sitting on the corner if I would let her. We are going through quite a time with her right now. She almost made it a whole week sleeping all night in her bed, but ruined it last night. I had promised her the barbie doll she has been dying for. I had to break the sad news to her this morning that sorry you did not quite make it a week :-(. We will start all over again tonight. I have a different tactic this time. Every night she stays in her bed all night she gets $2.00 towards her barbie, then we do not have to start the week all over. She seemed satisfied with that.
Ok I am off to finish picking up around the house and then we are off to go buy a pizza. Mommy is not cooking tonight :-)
Go Courtney! You're in the home stretch now. Can't wait to meet the new little girl in our brood. Kelly, Barb, hope you guys have nice trips this weekend and stay safe!
Nothing new around here. Trying to get some projects done around the house since its so hot outside. I'm working on Kyliebug's bathroom right now. I'm doing it in a shopping theme. Kinda the 'ooh la la boutique' thing. Since it is our guest bathroom I didn't want anything too child-ish in there. kwim? I found some cute hatboxes that have the same theme on them. We're going to hang a shelf up and put those on it. I found a wall paper border with the same theme and I'm going to cut some of the pics out of it and frame them in black frames to hang on the opposite wall. I put each of these sections in a black frame that has a white mat:

Nothing new around here. Trying to get some projects done around the house since its so hot outside. I'm working on Kyliebug's bathroom right now. I'm doing it in a shopping theme. Kinda the 'ooh la la boutique' thing. Since it is our guest bathroom I didn't want anything too child-ish in there. kwim? I found some cute hatboxes that have the same theme on them. We're going to hang a shelf up and put those on it. I found a wall paper border with the same theme and I'm going to cut some of the pics out of it and frame them in black frames to hang on the opposite wall. I put each of these sections in a black frame that has a white mat:

OMG! I have created a monster. My husband rolls his eyes constantly because of it. My daughter is becoming Madonna-obsessed too just like her momma. She wants to watch her tour on DVD and listen to her music all the time in the car. She can sing 'Hung Up' and 'Like it or Not' from the Confessions album. She loves watching 'dat Madonna girl in the purple sparkly jacket and weotard'. LMAO! I promise I fastforward through the humping of the boombox in Hung Up. :P
She wants to go see her. In fact, just this morning she asked me if it was a long way off to see her. yeah baby it is! LOL! Momma's paying on the credit card already so she can make that trip next year. Hopefully Courtney won't be knocked up again so she can go with. hahahahahaha!!!!
She wants to go see her. In fact, just this morning she asked me if it was a long way off to see her. yeah baby it is! LOL! Momma's paying on the credit card already so she can make that trip next year. Hopefully Courtney won't be knocked up again so she can go with. hahahahahaha!!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Come on Baby!
Courtney, we are all waiting right along with you girl! Of course we get the easy part because we aren't going through contractions...heehee. I must say I do miss that excitment of knowing the babe would be here soon.
Jenna, dang. That's HOT! Love the pool. It's my new best friend even up here in the snow belt! Oh, and congrats on the birthday gift. You just keep losing those contacts, here me?
DH tried his first ever canning project today. He made and canned homemade tomato sauce! So far so good. The house sure smells good. And the best part? He didn't blow anything up! You should see how proud he is having grown the tomatoes and herbs himself and now canned them. He is He-Man Provider now. lol
This morning we went to donate blood and I was denied. Seems this rash/hives thing I have going on was a no no. DH almost passed out. He said he always does when he donates. It was funny watching all the techs run over to accomodate him. It's no wonder men expect us to cater to them!
After that we stopped at the farmer's market but didn't find anything exciting. And when we got home the chores began. I'm thinking a couple glasses
Jenna, dang. That's HOT! Love the pool. It's my new best friend even up here in the snow belt! Oh, and congrats on the birthday gift. You just keep losing those contacts, here me?
DH tried his first ever canning project today. He made and canned homemade tomato sauce! So far so good. The house sure smells good. And the best part? He didn't blow anything up! You should see how proud he is having grown the tomatoes and herbs himself and now canned them. He is He-Man Provider now. lol
This morning we went to donate blood and I was denied. Seems this rash/hives thing I have going on was a no no. DH almost passed out. He said he always does when he donates. It was funny watching all the techs run over to accomodate him. It's no wonder men expect us to cater to them!
After that we stopped at the farmer's market but didn't find anything exciting. And when we got home the chores began. I'm thinking a couple glasses
Yes, People I Have Hit Term
I am now officially 36 1/2 weeks. I know it is not actually term until 38 weeks, but I am considering myself done, stick a fork in me. I thought today might just be the day. I woke up to work my last Sat and I started having pretty bad contractions and then back pain. I thought woohoo I may have a baby today, anyways I went to work and they stopped :-(. How can they just come and go like that B.S. I am telling you. Messing with a pregnant woman like that is not nice LOL.
Jenna congrats on your *wink wink* b-day gift. Glad to hear DH was nice to you ;-). You def'y deserve it. I think DH owes me after carrying his child for the past 9 months. I am sure with as much as he has been deprived he will do about anything right now LOL.
Ughhh I am with you on this hot hot summer. I thought about going to the pool today, but honestly the thought of even going outdoors exhausts me. Luckily our pool is still ice cold, but you have to stay in it the entire time otherwise you feel like you are going to melt.
I am having a bad feeling here. My DD is quiet, in fact the whole house is quiet. Def'y not a good sign. I better go make sure the cat is still alive LOL. Have a good weekend and talk to you ladies later!!
Jenna congrats on your *wink wink* b-day gift. Glad to hear DH was nice to you ;-). You def'y deserve it. I think DH owes me after carrying his child for the past 9 months. I am sure with as much as he has been deprived he will do about anything right now LOL.
Ughhh I am with you on this hot hot summer. I thought about going to the pool today, but honestly the thought of even going outdoors exhausts me. Luckily our pool is still ice cold, but you have to stay in it the entire time otherwise you feel like you are going to melt.
I am having a bad feeling here. My DD is quiet, in fact the whole house is quiet. Def'y not a good sign. I better go make sure the cat is still alive LOL. Have a good weekend and talk to you ladies later!!